Friends Forever

Jimmy The Rev Sullivan's rainbow haired bestfriend!

Still half asleep on Jimmy's back, I could feel his legs lift as he climbed onto the bus. Slowly, he layed my down on the small couch.

"Just wake her up!" Brian's voice laughed.

"No you fucktard! She was up most of the night!" Jimmy sighed.

I could tell that he was probably still crouched by the couch next to me. Slowly, I rolled onto my side, and opened my eyes fully. He was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"Morning!!!" He smiled.

"What time is it?" I groaned.

"Almost six in the morning. And we went to bed at what, two?" He slightly laughed.

He was right. Last night we got stone cold drunk, and I basically confessed everything to him. Did I love him? Very much. More than a brother? EW! No. I confessed everything that I've never told him. And ever since that day we met in kindergarden, we promised to never keep secrets from each other. And I had done exacticly that.

I kept basically half of my entire a secret from him. I thought he was going to hate me because I didn't tell him. Slowly, I brought my hand up, and my fingers wrapped around my deathbat necklace that say's Jimmy The Rev Sullivan's rainbow haired bestfriend!<3 on the back. He had given it to me on my last birthday.

I watched at his fingers wrapped around his necklace, which on the back said This tall beansalk is Kristy Koffin's bestie!!<3 I smiled as he did so.

"I love you Jimmers." I giggled, sitting up on the couch.

Instantly he tackled me, pushing me off the couch yelling, "I love you too Kristy!!!" While rolling us around on the floor.

"Can't. Breathe!!" I was literally sufficating.

That boy's got some grip. A fucking deadly one.

"JIMMY! Let her go!" Matt boomed.

I swear the bus shook from how loud his voice was. Jimmy jumped off me, and hit his head on the roof of the bus. Causing my to laugh, which took away even more of my breath. I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

"What the hell is she laughing about?" Johnny asked.

"Jimmy....Jimmy...hit his...head! On the...roof!" I said in between laughs.

"BREATHE WOMAN BREATHE!!!" Zacky was laughing as he pulled me to my feet.

"I thought you said she was tired as fuck?" Brian's eyebrow raised.

"Just because i'm sleepy doesn't mean I have to be asleep, or that I can't laughed, dumby!!!" I smiled, and sat down on Johnny's lap, "Hey there midget." I smiled.

"I'm not shorter than you! I'm actually taller than you damn it!" He pouted.

"Whatever Johnny, you know I love you!!!" I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Sadly when I pulled him into a hug, I pulled his face directicly into my chest....wonderful.

"Paws off shorty, she's mine!" Jimmy screamed, pulling me away from his friend and brother.

"JAMES SULLIVAN YOU ARE INVADING MY RAINBOW BUBBLE!!!!" I screamed, waving my arms all around me.

Suddenly, with one arm, he pinned my arms to my side, and poked the air a few inches away from my face.

"There! Now I have popped your bubble! You are invading my awesome stallion duck bubble!!!" He laughed.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go sit with daddy while he drives the bus." I smiled, skipping towards the front.

There sat M. Shadows in all his glory....driving a bus. I smiled, and sat down in the seat next to his.

"You know I'm surprised." I smiled, seeing that we had just entered Arizona.

"Why?" He sighed, looking at me a second before looking back at the road.

"Cause mommy didn't come with us on this hur tour! And mommy is y'alls freaking manager! I mean come on why didn't she come?! You can trust me! I won't tell anyone else!!" I smiled.

"I'll tell you once I'm sure of whats going on. Good use of misplacement in words." He laughed.

"Yupp! Cause I don't want my daddy mad at me!" I smiled, before kissing the top of his head and went back to the back where everyone else was.

I sat down between Zacky and Brian and leaned against Zacky. They were watching Jacob's Ladder.

"Why do you always lay on me?" Zacky chuckled.

Well the movie was still in commercials or else Jimmy would be freaking out telling everyone to shut the fuck up.

"Cause you're adorably chubby! Making you comfortable!!" I smiled, and snuggled up into him.
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Well I hope you like!!! Please tel me what you think! Trash or Keep?