Friends Forever

"Kristy Amanda Koffin get your ass dressed right ***ing now!"

"Kristy...Kris....RAINBOW WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" Dakota screamed.

"Damn, Kota, I didn't know you could be so loud." I groaned, snuggling my head into what ever I was cuddling.

"Kris, get up, and stop cuddling with a pillow. Matt wants you." She smiled, pushing my arm lightly with her foot.

"I don't wanna wake up. We had a long day yesterday. I was dragged around a public place by you crazy people, I don't wanna wake up." I whined, clutching my eyes closed.

She simply sighed, and I heard her footsteps leave. YAY!

"Matt! She's not waking up." I heard her voice.

"I've got her!" Johnny called.

"NO! Johnny you leave me the fuck alone you fucking leprechaun!" I shouted.

"Alright, alright, I've got her, Matt." Zacky's voice laughed.

"Zacky you leave me alone too! I'm not getting up! This is the first time I've refused to wake up in years, am I not aloud to sleep in for just one fucking day?!" I groaned.

"No you're not! Now wake your ass up, get dressed and get your ass inside that building outside, before I come in there force you awake! I will change you myself if I have to young lady!" Matt's voice boomed.

"Fuck you daddy!" I screamed.

That's when I heard it. His footsteps. They were as loud as his voice had been, maybe even louder than that. It was actually kind of scary. The entire bus was shaking as he was walking towards me.

When he came into the room, he glared down at me, before putting his hands under my arms and picking me up.

"No, no, no! I don't wanna wake up!" I shouted, hitting his chest.

Why the hell am I almost as tall as Jimmy, yet still fucking shorter than everyone except Johnny?!

"Too bad. You're waking up." He sighed, taking me into the bunk room. "Now change."

"I don't wanna." I shook my head, and stomped my foot down

"Kristy Amanda Koffin get your ass dressed right fucking now!" There goes the boom!

I swear steam was coming out of his ears!

With a well deserved groan, I turned towards my things, and grabbed an outfit, and quickly dissapeared into the bathroom. First I changed into the outfit, and then fixed my hair and makeup. Then I went back into the bunkroom where Matt was still standing and I slipped my shoes on.

"There are you happy now?" I said, sarcasm dripping from my words like venom.

"Not until you get inside." He shook his head.

"Ugh! You said just to get up and dressed! Besides I'm too lazy to go in there!" I whined.

"Jimmy! Either you or Brian come get Kristy! I sure as hell am not carrying her!" Matt shouted.

"I got her Matt. Jimmy's already inside the venue screaming at JB for touching his drums again." Brian laughed.

"Oh good damn." Matt sighed.

Hopfully going to straighten out our hyper mess of a friend known as Jimmy. Brian looked at me for a minute before picking me up. Slowly, I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Why is he so fucking comfy?!

" I love you Bri." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

It both made sure that I wouldnt fall backwards, and it also aloowed me to hug him.

"I love you too Kris." He chuckled, placing a small kiss on my forehead as he stepped off the bus.

"Okay love birds, come on we've got a busy day." Matt shouted.

I didn't know where he was. Hell I didn't even have my fucking eyes open, but I honestly didn't care. Why should I? I'm at peace right now, just laying like this. It's so fucking comfortable. I don't see how though. I've never even laid on a bed thats ever been this fucking comfortable. Yet I'm laying on his shoulder, and its like heaven. No I think it is heaven.

Dear God, can I stay laying here forever?
♠ ♠ ♠

Short chapters all this weekend, cause I'm with family in...not my house so yeah get used to it.