Friends Forever

"No! Jacoby wait! It's you baby only you!"

"Yo! Gates!" A familar, yet non familar voice shouted.

I kept my eyes closed, not really caring.

"Whats up?" Brian lifted his head, causing his shoulder to move.

I groaned, and readjusted myself on his shoulder. I heard him laugh at me before he made sure I wouldn't fall out of his arms.

"Shads is looking for you two." The person said.

"COBY!!!!!" I shouted, opening my eyes.

Quickly, I jumped out of Brian's arms and basically tackled Jacoby. He laughed, catching his balance as he quickly returned the hug.

"Kristy! I haven't seen you in forever." He smiled. "Brian you should quit hogging the child!"

"I don't hog her! She's just always with me." I saw Brian shrug from the cornor of my eye.

"You sir lie!" Coby laughed.

"No, no he's right. I'm either always with him or Jimmy now a days." I nodded.

"Well you need to come hang out with us for a bit!" He smiled, slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"But I'm always busy.Plus the Avenged Family is more fun than you guys." I smiled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Oh, now I see how it is Kris. I thought what we had was special!" He shouted, walking away from us.

"No! Jacoby wait!! It's you baby only you!!!" I shouted, not even looking at him.

My eyes were fixed on Brian.

"Will you carry me?" I pouted.

Without saying a word, he picked my up the same way he had before, and placed a small kiss on the top of my head before heading into the venue
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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Writers block should go suck a dick!