Friends Forever

"Whatever. Lets just go meet Lee and and Lace now...Birthday girl."

"Kristy....Dakota....Will you two wake up already?!" Val screamed.

Like literally screamed. And man did I think it was scary when daddy screamed. Boy was I was way off. Quickly I jumped up. Looking around, to see that my surroundings would be he back room of the bus.

Val was standing over me, already dressed and looking at her phone. That's when I felt a weight on my stomach. I looked down to see Dakotas head laying on my stomach, her mouth slightly open, still sleeping. Slowly, I placed my hands on her shoulders, and pushed her off.

The sudden change in motion, made her open her eyes as she came in contact with the floor.

"Heyyy....what was that for?" She pouted.

Her words slurring slightly. It made me laugh as I stood up.

"Okay girls, get dressed and pack your overnight bags. We're having a few days to ourselves. Lacey and Lee are meeting up with us." Val smiled.

"Le gasp!! Lee??!?!?! My little jumping jack?! Really?!?" I smiled, grabbing her shoulders, and jumping up and down.

"Yeah, your little jumping jack. But she's not meeting us if you don't go pack and get ready." Val smiled.

"Le gasp!!! Run Rainbow RUN!!! Must get ready!!!!!" I screamed running into the bunk room.

I could hear her and Dakota start laughing. Well....they seem like great friends already!! Yay!!! I want Mommy and Cupcake to be friends. Hmmm hopefully Jumping Jack, (Leanna) and Rosie Posie (Lacey) felt the same about her once they meet her.

"KRISTY CHANGE ALREADY!" Dakota shouted.

Snapping out of my trance, I grabbed some clothes from my bag and quickly changed. I then slipped on my shoes, ran my brush through my hair, and suddenly stopped.

"Overnight bag!" Val shouted.

"Thank you mommy!!" I smiled, quickly running back to my things.

I shoved one of two outfits down into the bag along with things that I would wear with said outfits, before zipping up the bag and skipping out of the room. Literally....I was skipping.

"What's wrong with you?" Dakota giggled, walking past me.

"Nothing." I shrugged, sitting down on the couch.

It was silent for a minute. At least between my phone poking and Mommy's talking on a phone it was quiet.


My head snapped up, seeing Matt standing in the doorway. Instantly, I began moving away from them, but stopped when I felt Val's hand on my ankle.

"Kristy, just hear me out please." He said, coming and taking Vals place on the small couch.

"B-But, you-"

"I know. I did some messed up shit. And I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry Kristy. It's just that. When I look at you....I don't even see you. I just see the girl I met back in fourth grade. The girl who came running to me, wanting me to protect her from everything. When I look at you... I don't see no grown ass fucking woman. I still see a little girl that I want to protect from everything in the world." He spoke slowly.

I could actually feel the meaning behind his words. And it made me feel like I was about to cry. It slightly made me feel like a sixteen year old sitting in front of her father. I couldn't help myself when my body lurched forward and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

At first it was obvious he was shocked at my reaction. But after a minute or two he hugged me back.

"Kris- Matt?! Kristy?! You made up?? YAY!!!! Daddy and Little Rainbow made up!!!!" Jimmy squeeled before running and jumping on us.

"Jimmy!!! I can't breathe!!! Mommy!!! Get him off!!!!" I gasped.

My arms up high in the air. My fists closing every five seconds trying to grab the air.

"Boys! Get off the little girl! Can you not see that she can't breathe! She needs air or you're going to kill her!!!" It wasn't Val....YAY DAKOTA!

I saw Vals hand latch down on Jimmys shirt before he fell backwards into the floor. And I was asically hovering over Daddy. Quickly, I moved away from him and jumped to where Dakota was.

"I love you!!!! You're amazing! You saved my freaking life!!!" I screamed. "Wait! Where's your cupcake necklace?"

"HAH! Hell yes! Ima hero!!!" She shouted, jumping up and down in place after I had released her. "Oh...Jimmy kinda broke the chain last night when throwing me over his shoulder....So he's going to buy a new one..."

"Okay, well you two, my darling little ones, we need to go or else the girls will get mad, and ditch us." Val said placing an arm around each of us.

Or well both of us. There we go! Wait!!!

"Le gasp!!! Mommy!!! Did you adopteded Kota?!?!" I smiled.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I? I mean she is part of the Avenged family. I'm not gonna leave her out just because she's new." Val smiled.

"Awww! Yay!!! Thank you mommy!!!" I smiled, giving her a hug.

"Boys!!! Come say good-bye!!!" Val screamed.

Owwwie my ear. My smile turned into a pout at that point. GAHHH why does she have to be so loud???

My frown was quickly replaced with a smile when I saw Brian walking towards me. I perked up instantly and ran over to him.

"Bri bear!" I giggled, giving him a hug.

"Morning kid. I uh...Have a good time. I'm gonna miss no being able to hold you tonight like I usually am." He sighed.

"You'll see me soon enough. Don't worry. It's not like my love for you will fade over a girls night." I giggled.

"Dear lord I hope not. I'll see you soon." He laughed, kissing my cheek.

"Bye boys!!!" Val shouted, pulling me off the bus with them.


"DEAR LORD!!! VAL! LOOK! Kristy?! What the hell did you do?!" Dakota shouted.

The past three hours we've been at the mall. They went off doing their own thing while I went off on my own, leaving them with the words, I'm going to get my hair cut.

"D-Do you not like it?" I gasped, placing my hand up in my now short colored hair.

"Like it?? LIKE IT?!?!" Val screamed. "I fucking love it!!!" She smiled, running her fingers through it.

"Yay! I was afraid no one was going to like it." I chuckled.

"Why wouldn't we?? It looks freaking amazing! I love how the blue and purple mx!!" Dakota smiled.

"Plus we've got a surprise of our own." Val smiled, secretivly.

"Oh God. Dakota, learn that smile. Fear that smile!" I shouted, slightly hiding behind Dakota, and pointing towards Val.

"Whatever. Lets just go meet Lee and and Lace now....Birthday girl." She smiled, and began walking away.

My eyes went wide,and I froze. Oh. Dear. God....I forgot today was my birthday. I'm so screwed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kristy (includes new hair)
Dakota (The amazing Cupcake!)
Val (The kick ass mommy)

From one drama striaght into another!!! Any ideas for what should be happening for Kristy's birthday?? :p