Friends Forever

"No to *** a monkey, of course to get their attention dip shit!"

"Kristy!!!!" Jumping Jacks voice yelled as she ran at me.

"LEE!!!!" I giggled, hugging her.

Leanna...well Leanna's special. She's sorta like Pinkly, in a way. Well basically their the same minus the fact that Lee is not a little adorable puppy dog. But she's got the adorable part down great!!

"Hey, what about me? Do I not get any Kristy hugs?"

"Rosie Posie!!" I smiled, jumping over and pulling Lacey into the hug.

"Boy oh boy do we have a surprise for you birthday girl." Jumping Jack smiled with a wink.

"Can you tell me?"

"No. None of us can. It's a secret." Val said quickly.

"B-But mommy!!! Secrets are never fun!!!! Especially the ones that you can't tell nobody!! Dakota you know what I mean right?" I pouted.

Before she could even answer my question, Val grabbed my wrist and pulled me away.

"Anyway! We have a few more stops to make before going to the hotel to get ready. So lets go." She smiled.

"I'm not wearing a dress." I growled.

"You will wear a dress and you will like it little missy!!!" Lacey shouted from ahead of us.

"Come on you guys! You make me wear a frigging dress every year! It's my twenty ninth birthday! I'm almost thirty! Can I please not wear a dress this year? Thats all I ask!" I shouted, being dragged into the dress store.

"Hmmm I say!!! That since Kota here, has yet to see you in a dress with your adorableness, she can pick wiether or not your wearing one. Now Dakota if she wears one we all wear one. " Leanna chimmed in, looking at Dakota from over my shoulder.

"Then I think she should wear the dress." She smiled.

"Dakota you better sleep with your eyes open tonight." I growled, being dragged through the store.


"LEE!!! Stop it already!!!" I groaned, trying to move away from her.

Her and her make up of pure torture. I don't like being used a frigging dress up doll! No! I will not allow it!! NEVA!!!!!

"Kristy, be still and let her finish! The sooner she finishes the soon you get your surprise!!" Dakota shouted from the connecting bedroom.

Where she was with Lacey and Val. While I was trapped here in hell with Leanna.

"Aaaand your done." She smiled, moving out from in front of the mirror.

I stood and looked at myself. A purple dress covered my torso, while my face was littered with purple make up. It looked good yeah, I'll admit it.

"Like it?" She asked hope in her voice.

"Of course my little Jumping Jack!" I couldn't help but smile and laugh as I hugged her.

"Then ladies....It is time for us to leave." Val annouced.

With a well deserved groan, we all walked out of the room. Dakota in front of me, who was walking behind the happiest of the land....Jumping Jack. Then behind me is Mommy and then behind her is Rosie Posie.

"Where are we going now?" I pouted.

I felt Val's hands on my shoulders.

"Not far. Just down to the ballroom." She smiled.

Silently, I nodded and stepped onto the elevator with the other girls. What the hell? It was like they had made a freaking box around me. You couldn't even see me in the reflection of the side of the elevator! Oh dear lord what did they have up their sleeves?

Once we read GF, or ground floor, we slowly made our ways to the ball room place that they had spoken of. Whats behind the doors though? Aliens! I know it! They got me an alien! I've always wanted one! Mommy never agreed...Until now!

The doors opened, and I saw a big ass amount of people. A stage and a table stacked with food and a few boxes. Weither it be food or something for me, My stomach dropped. It wasn't bad. Everything was put together nicely. My eyes scanned across the room. I was frozen in place.

Until my eyes landed on a groupd of boys all dressed up in leather and war paint.

"Oh my fuck.....CC?" I shouted, running to them.

He looked up at me, and opened his arms, pulling me into a hug. I had met him when I was fifthteen, one day at the beach. He's been one of my best friends ever since. I hadn't seen him in about three or four years. I've missed him terribly.

"I've missed you so much!!!!" I smiled, looking up at him.

"Dear lord what did you do to your beautiful rainbow hair?" He gasped, running his warpaint covered hands through my hair.

"Do you like it? I got it done today." I smiled.

"Its amazing! Fits you well." He smiled, giving me another hug. "Now I'm sorry, little girl, but I have buisness to attend to. I shall see you in a few minutes. But until, I'm leaving you in the car of this lovely gentleman." He smiled, pointing to Brian.

"Bri-bear!" I smiled.

He wrapped his arms around as CC walked away.

"Happy birthday." He mumbled.

"Oh please don't remind me. It makes me feel old." I groaned, hitting my head against his chest.

"And yet I'm already thirty? That makes me feel so young." He shouted.

Catching alot of peoples attention. Oh, he didn't shout like madly. He was laughing like a weird person when he did it, so we're all good on that part.

"Uhh, what the fuck am I supposed to say?"........"No to fuck a monkey, of course to get their attention dip shit!"........"Oh yeah I guess that could work".......

"Andy, you dumb fuck you're saying everything into a microphone!"

"What? DAMN IT! Ashley! You could've told me that before!"

Slowly, I looked up towards the stage and saw the Black Veil Brides boys come out.

"Ummm, we were called here tonight, as a special gift to the birthday girl. We heard alot about her from CC, and of course Valary Sanders, telling us things about how, her favorite band of all time is Black Veil Brides and yet shes with a Sevenfold member. But anyway back to my point. We've got this for the poor girl. So Kristy if you would please come get it." Andy smiled into the mic.

Slowly, I stepped away from Brian, and walked up to the side of the stage. Andy was sitting on his knees once I got there. He handed my what looked like a pillow. Slowly, I unfolded it to see the only BVB article of clothing I didn't have. He smiled and handed me something else. It was a ticket and such to one of their shows.

Look at little harder he mouthed. I looked down at it and saw three bands bames, Black veil Brides with Avenged Sevenfold and Papa Roach. I couldn't help it...I jumped and pulled Andy into a giant hug.

"Kristy! Can you come over here!" A voice shouted.

I turned to see Daddy waving me over towards him. Andy kissed my forehead before standing up and they began playing. I smiled, and walked over to Matt. It wasn't just him. It was him, Val, Zacky, who had his arm around Dakota oddly enough, Lacey, Johnny, Jimmy, Leanna, and Brian.

"Whats up guys?" I smiled.

"Here. We want you to open these." Val smiled, handing me something.

"Guys...why do you make me tell you think every year? You don't have to get me anything." I pouted.

"Well get over it and open it." Matt smiled showing off his dimples.

Slowly, I took the tissue paper our of the bag. Only to pull out a Hello Kitty messenger bag, that had a Hello Kitty necklace with it. It was amazing!

"Ohhh!!! Ours next." Jimmy screamed, shoving a small box at me.

"I think someones a little over excited." I giggled, pulling the lid off the box.

Inside sat, a pair of glasses, some new plugs, a bracelet and a bellybutton ring, all Hello Kitty. And finally sitting under all of those were a bunch of random colored lollipops. Oh my fuck their rainbow!! It was awesome!!!


"YAY!!!" Jimmy smiled.

"Here." Johnny smiled.

With a questionable look, I unwrapped the paper off of the box. There was an Ipod touch, with a Hello Kitty cover, along with a sticky note saying Whats with the sudden love for Hello Kitty?

It made me giggle.

"Aww yay your remembered that I kinda shattered my ipod on the wall at the last bbq." I smiled.

"Of cours." Lacey nodded.

"Here, Happy birthday Kid." Zacky smiled, plain out handing my soemthing.

It was a bag. But one I had previously owned. I looked at it to see a charm bracelet around the straps, and there was a little square indent. I looked in the bag to find a bellybutton ring. It was a coffin with bat wings.

"Aww thank you Zacky." I smiled.

"Oh Kristy." Dakota shrugged, handing me something.

Slowly, I took the paper off it. There sat the BVB messenger bag, I had been eyeing at Hot Topic earlier today. And upon it sat two different Necklaces.

Slowly, I stood and gave Dakota a hug. We had just met the girl and it seems like shes been here all our lives.

"One more Princess." Brian whispered in my ear.

I felt his arms go around my from behind, before I felt something cool on my neck. He then moved my hair, and I looked down at the pendant sitting on my upper chest. It was a silver outlining, with a purple heart in the center.

"Brian..." I breathed. "Its so fucking beautiful." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, and placing a small kiss on his lips.

"Excuse me everyone. I would like to ask if Kristy and Brian could come tothe center of the room." Andy's voice echoed.

With my brows furrowed together, Brian grabbed my hand, and began walking backwards unto the center of the room. Only stopping in what seemed to the dance floor of the ball room.

"I love you so fucking much Kristy." Brian smiled.

"I love you too Brian." I smiled, looking up at him.

"I open my lungs dear. I sing this song at funerals in no rush" Andy began singing.

This has got to be the best birthday ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
The girls (Val Leanna and Lacey

Hope you liked....-sigh- this is for all the people who wanted a LONG chapter. Here ya go