Friends Forever

"*** yo couch!" (part One)

"Kris? Kristy, wake up!!!" Johnny screamed, shakng my shoulder.

"What do you want shit fuck?" I groaned, barely opening my eyes.

Everyone was gone. The only person I could see, or even hear was Johnny. Mostly because he was standing right in front of me. Slowly, I sat up, and looked up at him. He looked like he had been sweat. And he was still trying to catch his breath. Well we can rule out him getting laid cause we all know that will never happen.

At least not while on tour. Lacey never comes with us....sadface. I love Lacey. She's pretty cool.

"Matt said you needed to wake up. We're about to do sound check, and if you sleep all day you'll be up all night, and we don't need that." He shrugged.

"Shut up shorty." I laughed, skipping off the bus.

I could hear his running foot steps behind me. God the poor little midget can't keep up!! Maybe I should slow up?

"Whoa, where you going little missy?" Jason laughed, throing me over his shoulder.

"Put me down JB!!!" I screamed, hitting his back with my fists.

"Not gonna happen." He laughed, heading for the stage.

He sat me down in front of the stage, where Matt was standing, trying to talk to Brian.

"Now be a good girl and stay here, until Matt gets you." He smiled, and walked away.

What am I a puppy? When I tried to move away, Zacky always shouted at me. What the hell?! Did I do something? Am I in trouble??

Thats when people started coming and forming a pit around me.

"JB!!!" I shouted.

I saw him standing over by the side of the stage, laughing at me. Bastard. He knows I don't like being surrounded by people I don't know!

"Fuck this." I grumbled.

Slowly, I placed my hands on the bars we weren't supposed to cross, and jumped over them. I would've been stopped by the secturity person, but I showed him my pass along with my ID prooving I was able to be back here. Quickly, I ran to the back, slapped JB upside the head, and ran to the guys room.

"There you are!" Jimmy screamed, pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah, Jason fucking put me in the pit! Like three hours ago, while y'all were doing sound check, and wouldn't let me leave till Matt came and got me." I pouted, sitting on the couch.

"ASSHOLES!!!" Brian shouted, somewhere in the hallway.

"What's that about?" I laughed.

Brian stormed into the room, Matt and JB behind him. Looking upset about something.

"Now tell her." He ordered.

"Sorry for making you stand there Kristy." JB sighed, looking down at the floor.

"Sorry for forgetting about you." Matt tried to hold back his laughed.

"Assholes." I pouted, looking away from them.

Jimmy pushed them out of the room, before coming and jumping on my lap.

"Will you get off my couch darling?" He smiled.

I looked around, near my ass, and all over the couch.

"You're couch? FUCK YO COUCH!" I laughed.

"Guys! Stage! Now!" Larry called, sticking his head in the door, and then leaving.

"FUCK YEAH!" Jimmy screamed, trhowing me over his shoulder, and ran out of the room.


"Opps!" He laughed, once out on the stage.

He ran back to the side, and dropped me on my ass before running out onto the stage, and going behind his drums.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well....part one of Fuck Yo Couch, has been brought to you by the letter Fuck and the number Yo Couch, Please comment and suscribe on your way out. Have a great day :D