Friends Forever

I have a great family. I love them all to death. Why wouldn't I?

"Kristy...Kristy wake up....wake up wake up wake up!!!" Someone shouted jumping onto my bed.

Quickly, my eyes shot open, only to see it was Dakota. I got out from under her, and rolled onto my side. Only to be met by another body. I looked up to see Leanna passed out. It made me laugh.

"Kristy, mommy said you have to wake up. Now." She smiled.

"I don't wanna!! She should let me sleep in." I groaned, hiding my face in the pillow.

"Get your ass up Kristy!" Val shouted.

Damn that woman. Shes almost as bad Matt. Groaning, I rolled out of the bed. Waking Leanna up in the process. Dakota stood and moved towards the door.

"No newbie your staying. I gotta talk to you. Lee out!" I mumbled.

Jumping Jack nodded her head slowly and left the room, closing the door behind her. Dakota sat back down on the bed while I got up and began searching through my over night bag.

"Whats up?" She smiled.

First thing I noticed was the new cupcake necklace hanging around her neck.

"Whats up with you and Zackykins? Like are you together or something??' I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Umm, yeah I think we are. I mean I know I deffinately want to be." She shrugged.

"Awww I hope you two. I mean you two would be good for each other. And you look damn adorable whenever your even walking next to each other." I smiled, pulling out my outfit.

"Well what about you and Brian, are you gonna go public?" She smiled.

"Most likely." I nodded.

"Girls! Stop with the gossip and get dressed!" Val yelled through the wall.

"Yes mommy!!" I replied before dissapearing into the bathroom.

I quickly changed into my new outfit and ran a brush through my hair, along with fixing my make up and things along that line before going back into the room. Dakota was gone. In her place was Rosie Posie.

"Whats gotten into you today?" She laughed upon seeing me.

"What are you talking about?" My brows furrowed.

"Well for one your all smiley and shit, and another fact is that your wearing rainbows today." She giggled, pointing to me.

I rolled my eyes as I picked up my over night bag, and shoved all my things down in it.

"You and Brian bumped naughties didn't you?!?! EWWW!" She shouted jumping up from the bed.

Laughing, I picked up a pillow and threw it at her. It hit right in the center of her face.

"No! You really think we would do that.....With Leanna in the room??" I couldnt help but laugh.

"Yeah I do think you would! You would probably do it on top of her and maybe even let her join!" She laughed, leaning against the wall with her arms wrapped around herself.

"First off....ew. That would never happen you sick freak. And two. We're leaving girls, lets go." Leanna said from the doorway.

I smiled, throwing my bag over my shoulder and squeezing through the doorway, past Leanna and walked over to Val.

"Lets go." She smiled, putting one arm around my shoulder and the other around Dakotas.

I have a great family. I love them all to death. Why wouldn't I?
♠ ♠ ♠

Honestly? I have no clue what the fuck to put in this story anymore. Fuck my life writers block sucks so....

This could possibly be the very last chapter of Friends Forever. If it is, and if I'm able to come up with something who would like a sequel?