Friends Forever

"Brian can you stop eating my bestfriends face?!"

Currently, myself and Dakota were sitting on the stage, watching everyone run around like chickens with their heads cut off. It was really funny actually.

"Kristy! I have to pee!!!" Daktoa laughed suddenly, falling backwards on the stage.

I looked down at where she was now laying. I was currently sitting ontop of an amp. It was pretty tall.

"Then go pee woman!" I shook my head.

"Will you come with me?" She continued laughing.

What's so funny about her having to pee?

"No! Sorry hun but that's kinda freaky." I laughed.

"But I don't know where the bathroom is in this place." She pouted.

"Yo! JB! Take Dakota to the bathroom." I shouted towards, who I was hoping was, JB.

He turned around to reveal it was Mattie and not Jason. I was close! Plus this is better. Mattie is better than Jason will ever be!

"Get it right Kristy! Youshould know the difference between us by now." Mattie laughed, pulling Dakota to her feet.

"I do know the difference! I just like doing that!" Lie.

"Whatever!" He scoffed as they walked away.

I rolled my eyes, and leaned backwards. I could see the tips of my hair touching the top of the amp every time I moved my hair. It made me smile.

But I nearly screamed bloody murder, when I felt hands clamp around my ankles. I jumped, and looked forward, and to see Brian.

"What you doing on my amp?" He smirked, knowing very well that he scared.

I moved and some how got a 'sexxy' position and smiled.

"Trying to get some from the roadies around here." I sighed, a very serious look on my face.

The look on his face, read plain as day, that he believed every word of that. It made me laugh so hard I couldn't breath.

"Brian, boy, I was kidding. I wouldn't touch those roadies with a ten foot pole." I giggled.

"Good. Can I have a kiss?" He smiled.

I nodded my head, and left a small kiss on his lips.

"Excuse me! Brian can you stop eating my bestfriends face?!" Jimmy screamed, dragging me off the amp.

Jimmy was the only one who actually knew that me and Brian kinda have a thing for each other, but barely admitted it. Jimmy some times takes it fine, and then other its like he hates Brian because of it. But that stage only last for a few seconds two minutes at the most.

"Guys! Off the stage, their leeting people in here a minute!" JB called from the side of the stage.

I took Jimmy's arm and linked it with mine.

"Come on Jimmy skip with me!" I smiled.

"YAY!" He shouted, and began skipping.

"Oh and Kristy!" JB shouted. "I heard your pole comment!"

"I love you Jason! Always and forever!!!" I laughed, skipping past him.

I saw him flip me the bird as I did so. Well everyone's just so loving today! What's gotten into them?

"CUPCAKE!!!" Jimmy screamed, running over to Daktoa, dragging me with him.

"Hi Jimmy!" She smiled, waving happily.

"Are you two friends yet? Best friends? Like you should be?" He spoke so fast.....please dear God I hope he didn't have any sugar.

"Yes." I nodded.

"YAY!!!! My little Cupcake and my Rainbow are friendss!!!!!" He shouted, pulling us both into hugs.

"Jimmy you're smothering them, let them go." Zacky's voice laughed from behind us.

Jimmy's grip remained around us, but it wasn't as least I could breathe better.
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It's not that funny. At all really but not all chapter are going to be funny. Some are gonna be lovable cause the whole Kristy and Brian thing,plus I've got plans for what's happening so don't worry :p comment please