Status: Active.



People stared as I, the ginger, walked down the hallway. The high school students parted like the Red Sea. I didn’t know exactly what it was about me that set them on edge. Maybe it was my fiery red hair and almost transparent blue eyes. Maybe it was because whenever I got angry my eyes turned blood and I almost seemed to be glowing.

I was the one on the outside. There was nothing particularly off about me other than my eyes. No, I was ‘normal.’ At least I appeared so.

Suddenly I felt someone run into me and was forced to look down. All I saw was a mop of jet-black hair before she looked up and I met the most piercing green eyes ever. I was a bit curious as to why she hadn’t avoided me like the plague as well, but it really didn’t matter. I wasn’t even angry that she’d walked into me, which was unusual seeing as I had a short temper. Maybe that’s why people stayed away…

“Sorry,” she mumbled, not seeming all that nervous but instead calm.

A cool tranquility seemed to pass over me as she pushed by me to get to her next class. It washed over me like a warm breeze when her shoulder brushed against mine.

During the few seconds we’d maintained contact it had felt like that rest of the world was frozen, and as soon as we lost it the play button was pushed.

I continued walking down the hall, not at all eager to get to my next class. I was still intrigued as to why that girl didn’t evade me. And I was also confused because my temper decided not to act up for once. What is up with that?
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Wow...that's extremely short...but anyway it was just an introduction. I don't know when my co-writer mekatmuse will be getting her chapter up, but it will be in Serena's POV. Hopefully the story will be moving soon.

Anywhooooo...comment and subscribe! :D