Status: RIP Ryan Dunn

Barrowed Time - Completed

Awkward Positions

"Hey how ya feeling?" Novack asked as I walked into the room stretching.
"Ehh, I've been better." I told him as I sat cross legged on the couch then laid back.
"Doesn't that hurt?" Steve O asked coming into the room.
"Not at all, it's actually quite comfortable." I told him.
"Maybe for you." he laughed obviously making a reference to the face that he had a penis.
"Why don't you try it and find out?" I remarked a smirk forming on my face when he looked a little taken aback.
"She's my best friend for a reason." Bam laughed at Steve O as he walked into the room.
"I thought I was your best friend." Novack frowned.
"Your his life partner there's a difference. You get more special privileges." I told Novack which made him smile obviously feeling better about his place on our friend food chain.
"Like you're Ryan's life partner?" he asked causing my eyes to go wide as Ryan choked on his coffee.
"I'm not Ryan's life partner." I told him as calmly as possible.
"But -" Novack started.
"I'll explain it later Novack." BAM laughed as I glared daggers at his back.
"Eat shit Margera."
"Which one." Jess asked suddenly walking into the house.
"The stupid one." I replied.
"Which one?" Ryan laughed.
"Brandon." I said and he glared at me as I smiled innocently.
"Lexis." he said back.
"So my names cooler, I get a car." I beamed as everyone laughed.
"Fine, then maybe I'll just take a ride in you." Bam smirked as my mouth practically hit the floor ,and Ryan glared at him.
"Whoa there cowboy, we're close and all, but so not that close. And I don't think you've been tested." I told him.
"Why would I need to be tested?" Bam asked sincerely.
"Missy." I replied and Novacks beer came flying out of him mouth before he laughed.
"At least my last relationship wast with someone who had syphilis." Bam muttered.
"Good thing I'm a virgin then huh?" I replied.
"Can't you get syphilis from kissing someone?" Novack asked.
"I don't know, but I didn't kiss David either so either way I'm safe." I told him.
"Then how the hell did that relationship work?" Bam laughed.
"It really didn't. He was only dating me because of some bet." I told him.
"Fucker." I herd Ryan mumble under his breath.
"What was the bet?" Steve O asked.
"That he could get me to fall in love with him, problem is he really wasn't my type. I just didn't want to be rude and say no to the guy in front of all of his friends." I told him as I got up, and walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.
"Burn!" Johnny laughed at the thought of it.
"Pretty much." I agreed walking back to see Rabb had taken my seat, and Ryan had put his feet up on the couch.
"Is that suppose to prevent me from sitting on the couch?" I asked taking notice to how he was sprawled out there.
"Why wouldn't it?" Ryan asked.
"Because you always make the mistake of underestimating my comfort level around you guys." I smirked.
"Nope." Ryan disagreed.
"Yup." I said as I walked over and stretched out on the couch laying there with my head between his legs.
"See? Very comfy." I smirked at him as I squirmed around a bit pretending to get more comfortable.
"Aww how cute!" Jess mused.
"What are you talking about woman?" I inquired.
"You two are cute is all." Jess said motioning to me, and Ryan.
"I worry about you sometimes." I told him to which he just shook his head and chuckled as he walked off.
"Weirdo." I muttered.
"Ya know if you two didn't act like that he wouldn't make those kinds of comments?" Novack commented.
"They do act kind of coupleish." Johnny noted.
"Shut up Knoxville!" Ryan said a warning tone in his voice.
"Well you are always talking about how much you wish you could just tell -" Steve O started to say something when Ryan sent a death glare his way with bone chilling.
"Watch yourself." which made me move my head to look up at him.
"Am I missing something?" I asked.
"No." Ryan said quickly while everyone else nodded.
"Whatever." I sighed.
"So if David wasn't your first kiss then who was?" Bam asked suddenly.
"No one." I said.
"On come on." Johnny smiled.
"No really I've never been kissed." I said causing them all to look at me like I was on crack.
"What?! I'm weird okay leave me alone." I exclaimed my face turning a rosy pink from embarrassment as Bam smirked, and whispered something to Novack who then got up, and whispered something to Ryan who's face glowed the slightest pink as he glared at our friend and whispered back.
"SECRETS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS!" I yelled causing them to stop whispering.
"You'll find out soon enough." Bam smiled knowingly.
"I feel awkward now." I pouted.
"Why?" Steve O asked.
"Because Bam knows something I don't it's not a good feeling." I joked causing everyone to laugh.
"Like I said you'll figure it out eventually." Bam told me leaving me to wonder what everyone else seemed to know that I didn't.
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Thanks to all of the readers and to MrsBenjiMadden for commenting