Status: Had some setbacks so I stopped writing for awhile, I'm picking it back up though.

Just an Ordinary Girl

July 8, 2008 8:26 p.m.

Today was pretty boring. Wait, I didn’t tell you! Jessie, Jessie, Jessie! This guy had to come over to fix the carpet at my grandmother’s cabin. Well, this guy had his son helping him! His son was extremely hot! Jessie has brown hair, brown eyes, very tan skin, and he was ripped. I was so tempted to take a picture of him and send it to all my friends but I chose not to. Then he left and I was so sad.

Other than seeing Jessie, we went boating. Then we went to an amusement park. I tried wakeboarding but I couldn’t stay up. So I just tubed. My papa stood upon his first try. I was so jealous. It took my brother longer, but he eventually stood up. I’m so tired.

The amusement park was fun. We went on tons of rollercoasters. Including one that goes upside down five times! We also went on a spinney ride. I guess it was pretty fun. We ate kettle corn and drank a strawberry and a peach smoothie. They are delicious!

When we got home we cooked dinner and ate at 9:45 p.m. Then we had smores. I’m headed to bed. I’ll write more tomorrow.

~Melissa Kinly
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