Status: Had some setbacks so I stopped writing for awhile, I'm picking it back up though.

Just an Ordinary Girl

Sophmore Year Fall 2010

Dear Diary,

Today was fabulous. At least it was until dinner. So, I bet your wondering why today is so fabulous, am I right. Well, I was in a good mood when I woke up this morning because I talked to Dominic last night! I think I like him, well maybe, I’m not sure yet. I might like James, though, or maybe I still like Jason. I really hope I don’t still like Jason; I’ve liked him for way too long.

Moving on, so I woke up in a good mood. I got up and did my usual morning routine: used the bathroom, brushed my retainer, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put my contacts in. That usually takes only ten minutes. Then, I went back to my room and got changed into my school uniform: black pants, black shirt with my schools logo, my black uniform approved hoodie with the school crest on it, I slipped on some white socks with red, mint green, and grey spots, and I slid on my favorite purple, black, white, and pink belt. I quickly brushed through my hair and brushed it back into to a neat ponytail. I took my red beret with a tiny red reindeer with black spots on it and clipped my bangs back. I put on some foundation then some powder stuff. I looked in the mirror and smiled, today was going to be a good day. I hurried downstairs, fed my cat Roxy, washed my hands, and grabbed my backpack, lunch bag, purse, and bowling bag. I hurried out the door after my mom. I set my stuff on the backseat and hopped in the front. I quickly buckled up as we pulled out of the garage. I looked at the temperature on the car, it read 35° F. Man is that cold. I turned up the heater as we drove on towards school, high school; what a crazy place to have to go and spend four years of your life.

My mom parked the car and we both grabbed our stuff and hurried out of the car. (By the way, I should probably mention that my mom works at my school.) We hurried into the school. I followed my mom into her office and hung my coat in her closet. I shoved my bowling bag under her desk and headed out to the commons. It wasn’t 7:30am yet, so I was able to sit and relax for a few minutes till the bell rang. When the bell rang, I stood up, shifted my backpack, and headed to my locker. I entered my easy combination and opened my locker. I, then, emptied my backpack into my locker in an organized fashion. History, CAD, and lit on the bottom, math, science, and Spanish in the middle, and religion on top next to my stack of books that we would be reading this year in lit class. I grabbed out my Honors World History book, folder, and composition notebook for my first class with Mrs. Lienz. I should warn you, she is crazy. After collecting my stuff, I shut my locker, and sat down by my friends in our corner of the hall; our morning meeting spot.

I smiled as I listened to them talk. I rarely added to the conversation. I stood up and hugged my closet friend Leah Kendle when she arrived. We talked for a few minutes then, I went back to listening to my other friends. Leah took out her headphones and ipod. She started listening to a song, and then laughed. I glanced over at her slightly confused. She took off her head phones and handed them to me, I slipped them on as she pressed the play button on her ipod. I burst out laughing; the song was “Nasty Little Perv” from one of the NCIS soundtracks. What a great way to start my day off, with a laugh. Leah tapped my shoulder and I looked up to see kids moving, I took off her headphones and handed them to her. I asked her if the bell had rung and she told me that it had. I grabbed my books and stood up while Leah put away her headphones. We both started off to our classes which were in the same hallway. About three fourths of the way down the hall; I said good-bye to her and took a left towards Mrs. Lienz classroom.

As I entered the class room, I saw Cameron K-J was already there. I smiled at her and took a seat beside her. Emma Osley and Andrea Smith took a seat behind us. The rest of the class sat on the opposite side of the room (I have no idea why). The desks in Mrs. Lienz’s class don’t usually face each other but she never bothered moving them back after we did our Greek and Roman festival. Personally, I like the way the desks face opposite each other. My friends Danielle Claze and Lila Kass sat on the opposite side of the room. Mrs. Lienz started talking to us about another project we would have to do using prezi. Honestly, is a good idea but a poorly executed one. The program, which is similar to PowerPoint except its free and online, annoys me to no anvil. The last project we had to do with it, it kept closing out on me. Luckily, we were allowed to choose our own groups. I automatically glanced at Cameron, Andrea, and Emma; they nodded at me and I looked back towards the front of the room. We would definitely be in a group together.

After Mrs. Lienz stopped talking I turned to my group members to figure out what early civilization we would be doing. I looked at Cameron for a response and she automatically asked if we could do the Incas. I said sure and glanced at Andrea and Emma who agreed. The Incas would be simple because there is so much information on them. We quickly told the teacher the one that we would be doing before someone else stole it. Soon after, I had to leave to set up chairs for our class mass.

I walked with my second cousin, Anastasia Zallas, her friends and my friend Leah Sona. We dragged our feet down to the auxiliary gym to set up chairs. After I dragged a stack of chairs into the gym, I stood next to Leah S. and waited. Other sophomores started setting up chairs as we stayed out of their way. Mrs. Shemz asked us to go get the podium. Leah and I agreed and left the gym to go get the podium, glad to be out of the chaos. We talked a little on our way to the office. We quietly slipped in and walked to the nurse’s office, which is apparently where our school keeps the podium; weird, I know. Leah grabbed the podium as I held the door for her, directing her which way to go so as not to hit anything. We finally arrived back in the gym and put the podium at the front. I started over to sit with the choir but Mrs. Shemz stopped all of us and told us to go check in with our second period class. I rolled my eyes but left for my second period class. Cameron, who had come to practice in the choir, led the way to Mrs. Hay’s room. Both of us knew that this was stupid because they had clearly told us we didn’t have to check in with our second period class but whatever. We entered Mrs. Hay’s room and she stared at us confused. We told her what Mrs. Shemz had said and Mrs. Hay simply replied check and sent us on our way. We quickly walked back to the gym. I went and sat with the choir; Cameron went and sat in the front row because she had to read today.

After mass, the rest of the day went by fast. Soon, I was in eighth hour Spanish II-III with Mr. Mecina. That class is always funny because Mr. Mecina always says something inappropriate, most of the time he says it on accident. Soon that class flew by and it was time to go. I hurried out the door after being dismissed; I had to hike all the way to the other end of the school to get to my locker. I finally arrived at my locker and packed up my stuff. I rushed to my mom’s office and grabbed my coat and bowling bag. I then went outside to wait for Cameron’s older sister, Monica, to pick me up. Michaela, the foreign exchange student from Slovakia, joined me. She was on the bowling team too. We waited for about ten minutes before I texted Monica to ask where she was. She texted back and told me she was inside waiting for Cameron to finish her math hand ins. I frowned and told this to Michaela and we both hurried inside. We found Monica in the commons and I told her that we had been waiting outside and we all laughed and talked until Cam came over to us. We then started out side and hiked up the parking lot to Monica’s car. This sucked for me because I had a heavy backpack and a bowling bag with two bowling balls in it. We all climbed into the car, buckled up, and I adjusted my stuff so I could sit comfortably. Soon enough we were talking about random stuff and somehow got on the topic of alcohol. It soon became that we had a code word for alcohol, which was coffee. I’m not quite sure how that happened but, well, it did.
We arrived at the bowling alley and all pilled out of the car. We walked inside, and I slipped out of my school shoes and into my bowling shoes, I set my balls in the rack, and added my name to the bowling line up. We bowled three games and then we were done. Monica didn’t bowl because she had injured her back trying something Steven, one of our coaches, told her to do. While she sat out, she drew up a t-shirt design for us, on the front it had one pin leaning to the other saying who are those fine ladies and the other pin replied it’s the Rose Catholic bowling team, then on the back she drew a steaming cup of coffee, which we all laughed about knowing exactly what she was referring to.

After bowling was over, I put my stuff in my bag and walked outside to where my dad was waiting. I loaded my stuff into the car, climbed in, buckled up, and drove home after a quick conversation with my dad. We got home and I climbed out, unloaded my stuff, and walked inside. My dad and I had gotten into a minor argument in the car, ruining my good day. My mom came into sight and I asked her what was for dinner, she gestured to the stove and said pizza. Sure enough, there was pizza sitting on the stove. My mom left to grab something from upstairs and my dad came in and I asked him if he wanted to know my scores because he usually does but he said no with a snarky comment following directly after. I walked up to my room upset because I had made a new record for myself, a 159. I sat down and did my homework. Later, I went downstairs and ate. And now here I am writing to you about my stupid dad who drives me crazy.


Melissa Kinly
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