Status: Had some setbacks so I stopped writing for awhile, I'm picking it back up though.

Just an Ordinary Girl

August 17, 2009

Dear Journal,

First day jitters! I can’t wait! Today we have pictures, then freshman orientation. I hope I meet some new friends! I’ll fill you in on how it goes later.


It’s later! The first person I met was this really cool chic! She has dirty blond hair and the whitest smile I’ve ever seen. She has blue eyes. I didn’t catch her name, though. I had to go talk to my mom, in her office, before I could talk more with my new friend.

After I left my mom’s office, I got in line for pictures. I saw my friend Leah Kendle and went to stand with her. She had some girls with her. Their names were Anastasia Calveen (I know her from middle school), Lila Cantacle, Marika Gabro, and Leah Bones. They were all really nice and we became fast friends.

After pictures we were divided up and sent to our advisements. I found out that Leah B. is in my advisement. In advisement, we got our schedules for the semester.

The bell rang and we all scurried off to class. My first class is Character Skills. My teacher Mr. T has the most boring voice ever! He just drones on and on in a completely monotone voice. Honors Biology is my second period class. The teacher, Mrs. Fink, seems really nice. Next is CAD class. Mr. Howard, our CAD teacher is awesome! He is so cool! After CAD, I went to Honors Geometry. Mr. Evans is the teacher. He seems okay. Lunchtime is after Geometry. Our cafeteria is freezing cold!

Lunch is over and its time for P.E./Health. I have P.E. Mondays and Wednesdays. I have Health Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays it alternates. My favorite class is next, Honors English. The teacher Mr. Manker, I know I’ll either love him or hate him. For seventh period I’m taking Spanish I. Our teacher Mrs. Salandro is really nice and will be completely taken advantage of. Last, I have Honors Faith and Religion. I already hate this teacher. Her name is Mrs. Gent. Yes, she had s but never give her sympathy or she’ll bite you in the butt! She is pure evil!

Later on we met our Big Hawk. Mine does not have a brain and is really mean. After eating cookies (mmm), I went home.

I’ll write more later.

~Melissa Kinly
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