This Imperfect Cemetery Drive

Chapter One

Davey's POV

I went over the same song repeatedly in my head. It was our song, Endlessly, she said. It was one of the bands favorites off our first big album DECEMBERUNDERGROUND. Looking back on the moments makes me think back to when my life started, when I met them. No one would have guessed I'd be in a relationship, since forever I've been single in the music business. Her name is Lyannah, and we've been together for two and a half years. It started as those "love at first sight" feelings, but as I knew more and more of her interests and her mind, it became those "Dangerously Mad In Love" feelings, then after that those "I wanna fuck you feelings" and finally "I wanna make love to you".

We've thought about getting married, mostly me, but she feels like we should wait because she just got out of college and is in no hurry. So here we are...on tour with My Chemical Romance, on our way back through the states. All of us are tired...but Frank probably more than others, he ate 8 bags of skittles and ran around the tour bus 12 times. Ray, Jade, and Hunter are always sharing music, and gossiping like teenagers, Bob and Smith are always yelling and arguing with each other, Lyannah and Taryn pick on Mikey and his awesome glasses, Gerard and Adam talk, just talk, which gets me on another topic. I've never seen Gerard, it's weird huh? I've met his girlfriend of two years though, Tarren. I asked his little brother Mikey where he was always hiding but he just shrugs and says that he's either with Tarren or in his bunk...or in his bunk with Tarren. I decided to take a shot at meeting him.

I knocked on Gerard's bunk room door loudly. "Hello? Anybody in there?" I called. No answer, just silence. I stood there for a few moments. I smiled as I heard bumps, movements and curses inside the large bunk area.

"GODDAMNIT, YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Yelled a angered voice from inside the bus. The squeak of the bunk room door penetrated my thoughts, and I soon came face-to-face with a pale, milky, soft chest, the most beautiful nipples I'd ever seen, black boxers, and long white legs. I gulped as my cheeks caught fire, and my mouth slowly became dry from it hanging open.

My eyes slowly trailed up and connected with a pair of the most interesting Hazel eyes I'd ever seen, the cutest nose, his sweet pink lips and his midnight black silky hair that shined with light. I felt my curious brown eyes widen and my hands began to sweat at my sides. What the fuck is wrong with me? I was violently yanked out of my thoughts about him when his pale fingers snapped in front of my eyes.

"Hey dude, are you alright?" Gerard asked. I blinked my eyes multiple times. What was that all about, I rubbed my make-up free face with my hands and muttered a "Yeah, I'm OK" in embarrassment. Caught, red handed!

"H-Hi, I'm Davey Havok, of AFI." I said. I smiled and held out my hand, he nodded and yawned.

"Shit, I'm still sleepy." He yawned out. I took my hand back awkwardly and muttered "Y-yeah..well, I guess, I b-better go." I said. I nearly ran to my tour bus, what's with the stuttering? I never stuttered around someone after I met my wife. I stepped onto the bus, walking past everyone who was engaged in conversation or playing on their laptops, I stumbled into the bunk area to see Lyannah asleep in the bunk, hogging the covers and holding my pillow close against her again. I smiled, she looked so cute.

I pulled my shirt and pants off, leaving me in my boxers. I crawled into the bunk, laying down next to her under the covers. She cuddled closer to me at the contact. I was falling in love all over again.

"I love you Davey." She muttered out against my naked chest.

"I love you too Lyannah." I said and kissed her head gently.