This Imperfect Cemetery Drive

Chapter Two

Gerard's POV

After I was woken up by that guy I tried to go back to sleep as soon as the bus started moving, no such luck. After a half an hour of tossing and turning I got out of the bed and walked to the small window, I pulled back the curtains and was immediately welcomed by the sun, shining directly into my eyes. I growled and pulled the curtain shut again quickly. This time I opened it slowly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the light. We drove past a sign that read "Welcome to California". California again?

It's the middle of 2006 and we're on tour with AFI. I've never been on tour with them...or even heard of them for that matter. Frank said he met the lead singer before....David or something. From what Frank said he seemed nice.

I grabbed my pants off the dirty floor and slipped them on. I was worried, Taryn wasn't next to me when I woke up. She always was before. Once my pants were buttoned up I walked into the main area of the bus. I spotted Mikey talking to someone I didn't know...same with Frank, Ray and Bob.

"Hey Guys..." I greeted tiredly and walked into the small side room. Taryn was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in her hands, I smiled at the tired stare on her face. She was looking out the window, probably looking at the passing scenery. I walked over and kissed her cheek. She jumped, almost spilling the coffee all over. She turned around after she placed the steaming cup on the table and smiled. I pulled her up from the table and wrapped her arms around me.

"How are you babe?" I asked.

"Much better now." She mumbled against my neck. I wrapped my arms tighter around her, resting my chin on her head.

"HI GUYS!" Frank yelled as he ran into the small room. He slipped on a sock and fell on his back with a grunt.

"Nice way to ruin the moment Frank." I laughed. I grabbed Taryn's hand and lead her to our bunk. I closed the door and pulled her onto my lap. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest.

"Love you..." I said into her hair.

"Love you too." She replied.

"AWWW how cute!" Mikey squealed as he opened the door. I hate having thin doors. "Gee is in love!" He teased.

"Mikey, shut-up and get out." I said in the nicest way possible.

"But why? We don't spend enough time're always with Taryn." He whined.

"I've been with you all my life...isn't that enough time?" I asked him, laughing at the expression on his face.

"Plus, I thought you adored me!" Taryn said.

"Not when you're hogging my brother." Mikey smiled.

"Look, if you leave and you can go to a comic store in the next city we stop at." I said.

"Promise?" Mikey asked, his eyes filled with excitement. I nodded and he ran out of the room quickly, a large smile on his face.

"Finally." Taryn sighed and kissed me on the lips. We broke away moments later.

"I'm tired...can we go to sleep?" She yawned.

"Sure." I said and pulled the covers over us. She snuggled close against me and sighed.

"Oh, and one more thing Gerard." Mikey said, opening the door again. He walked into the room with someone unfamiliar to me. "This is Jade...he's a member of AFI." He said pointing to the guy next to him. Jade was tall and had brown eyes and partly brown hair, his hair was partly combed over his eyes and dyed blond.

"Hey, I'm Jade." He said shyly and stuck out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Come on Jade, Gerard wants to sleep." Mikey said in a mocking tone as him and Jade walked out of the room, closing the door quietly behind them. I leaned over and locked it. I rolled over and looked at Taryn, she was sleeping quietly. Her black hair hanging loosely over her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I twirled her hair around my finger and kissed her forehead, falling to sleep a few moments later.