This Imperfect Cemetery Drive

Chapter Three

Davey's POV

"Davey!" Someone called, pulling me slightly out of my sleep.

"DAVEY, Wake up!" I groaned as Smith's yell echoed from the bathroom. Why the hell is he trying to wake me up from the bathroom? I opened my eyes, which adjusted to the dark quickly, and looked at the sleeping figure in my arms.

"Please tell Smith to shut up." Lyannah said as she snuggled deeper into my chest as the toilet flushed. I wrapped my arms around her, keeping my eyes on the bathroom door. Any moment Smith will come out, any minute now...Smith appeared wet and wrapped in a towel, he struck a sexy pose, leaning against the wall, one hand on his hip, the other holding the towel in place. My eyes widened at his seductive smile...HE WOULDN'T DARE.

"JERONIMO!" Smith yelled as he ran to the bed, jumped into the air and landed heavily on our still slumber bodies with a happy yell. I grunted as the air from my lungs escaped out of my mouth.

"Smith, get the fuck off!" I rolled over to Lyannah, who was groaning, I placed my hands on Smith and pushed him off the bunk and onto the floor. He landed with a loud thud.

"OW! Davey, my ass!" Smith pouted and ran into the other room.

"Was his towel still on?" Lyannah asked. I laughed, I didn't even think of that!

"Oh my god, I totally forgot he had that on! Yeah, surprisingly it didn't fall off." I said. She giggled from my arms. I sighed tiredly as I wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug, which caused her to yell and kick her legs for freedom. She looked so cute that I didn't let go until she gave up and went limp in my arms.

"Hey Davey, we got a gig tonight, Smith's got the schedule." Adam said appearing in the doorway. He was dressed in a tight black shirt with a smiley face, his pants hugged his thighs and his brown hair was piled on his head. I yawned, why can't I just stay in bed? Just this one fucking time!

"FINE!" I bursted out. I threw back the covers with anger and reached for my pants. Lyannah sat up, looking around, unaware of her surroundings.

"We're on tour with MCR, right now we're in Cali, so yeah." I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on, Lyannah nodded.

"You got work, love?" She asked me. I nodded with a frustrated sigh. I'm not a morning person, unlike Lyannah, it comes naturally to her. She rolled out of bed and onto the floor.

"May I join, please?" She asked, sitting on the floor, playing with my shoe strings. I could tell she was bored. I laughed, she's weird sometimes, I picked up my shoes and kissed her forehead.

"If you don't mind long hours of talking, babes." I said. She shook her head and gave me her special grin.

"Alright guys, tonight we got the stage in Long Beach, at 10 before MCR. We need to be at the stage by 8:30 or 9:00, for some of you who like to be late." Smith said, glaring at Hunt who had his bass in his hands, strumming quietly.

"Just give them AFI!" Smith said, holding his fist up in encouragement. The rest of us were too sleepy.

Jade has his headphones on, and was typing and clicking away on his laptop. Adam was spacing out with his drumsticks in hand, making quiet beats on his kneecap. Lyannah was on my lap, listening to Smith in "Full-Attention Mode" while I was cuddling into her neck.

"Come on, guys! Pay attention! Shit, I bet MCR isn't this ignorant!" I scoffed.

"That's not what Hunt says." I said. Hunt smiled, liking the fact that he was being talked about.

"I met them not to long ago, bro. They're weird and immature, and defiantly ignorant." Jade murmured. Smith rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Guys, that's not nice." Lyannah pointed out, as she played with our laced fingers. She held them to her lips, kissing my fingertips as I smiled. Smith pretended to gag. I pulled my hand away and softly pressed my lips to her cheek, she gasped.

"GUYS, COME ON! STOP IT!" Smith yelled, his hands desperately covering his eyes.

"Jade HELP!" Smith called, Jade just grunted.

"Davey, don't!" Jade said, I stopped kissing her.

"But I don't wanna!" I whined. I grabbed Lyannah's head between my hands and pulled her head forward, crashing her lips to mine. I moaned as her hands ran up my chest.

"Jesus Christ Davey!" Adam yelled.

"Davey, fucking knock it off!" Smith yelled.

"I'm not gonna say anything..." Jade commented quietly. I felt my body temperature rise and my stomach start to stir. Lyannah gripped my shoulder, pulling on them hungrily, I didn't need to even guess about what she wanted. I lifted her into my arms quickly, and ran to the bunk area.