This Imperfect Cemetery Drive

Chapter Five

Davey's POV

"No, no, no. We have to sing that song, it's Lyannah's favorite!" I sat with my legs crossed and fingertips strumming on the plastic table beside me. The whole band was gathered around the stage to discuss the stage list for tonight's show. So far the list is Love Like Winter, Miss Murder, Girls Not Grey, and Silver and Cold. Nevertheless, we still had a few spots to fill.

"We're playing Leaving Song Part 2, right Smith?" Jade asked as he nudged Smith with his elbow. Smith was spacing out, staring into his cup of coffee. Smith suddenly jumped, almost spilling his coffee all over him and looked at us.

"What? What happened?" Smith asked. Adam chuckled

"Don't forget Days of the Phoenix." Hunt stood with his hands in his pockets,

"Are you guys picking out the left over songs?" All glares were aimed at Smith, who walked over and mumbled a "sorry" to us.

"Could you guys add a little prelude 12/21?" Smith asked. I was fiddling with one of Adams drumsticks, they were black and had "AFI" engraved in silver and white on the end.

"Yup, anything for you." I said as I smiled. "Just make the arrangements Smith, okay?"

"Yeah sure." He said. I stood up and made my way off the empty stage with the others.

"Oh!" I called out. "and Smith?!" Smiths head shot up.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can I ask a favor of you?" I asked, a smirk taking over my lips. He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It isn't something to humiliate those MYR people, is it?" He asked.

"It's MCR, Smith, and no."

"Oh, well sure." He said. I stepped closer and leaned into his ear, trying to hold back my giggles.

"I want you to fuck me..." I whispered and licked his ear.

"FUCK!" Smith jumped away from me.The way he reacted made me clutch my sides with laughter, it worked better than expected!

"What the fuck, Davey?!"

"I'm s-sorry!" I managed to say in between laughs.

He sighed and walked off the empty stage, probably to go get ready for the show. Once I recomposed myself I left the stage and headed for the tour bus. I stepped inside to find my beautiful girlfriend lying on one of the couches, staring off into space. I sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap.

"Are you okay babe?" She asked me. My face was probably still red from laughing.
I kissed her lips softly and pulled her close as I tangled my fingers in her hair and let our feelings flood over us...