This Imperfect Cemetery Drive

Chapter Six

Gerard's POV
*Two Hours Later*

AFI goes on stage in about five minutes. Everyone in MCR has decided to support them and watch the show. Me and Frank have been laboring away on our make-up for the past 20 minutes.

"Okay, Frank...I'm done." I said as I purpously smudged my eyeliner.

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute." He replied, still keeping his eyes on the mirror.

I stepped out of the room and closed the door quietly behind me. I walked down the hall to the side stage area and saw a group of people. Mikey was leaning against a wall in deep conversation with Jade.

"Hey Gee!" He called excitedly once he had noticed me. He motioned for me to come over.

"What's up Mikes?" I asked quietly.

"I want you to meet the rest of AFI." He said with a smile.

"Hey, Smith!" Jade called. Smith came over and immediatly shook my hand.

"Hey, I'm Smith." He said smiling. "I'm AFI's manager." He continued proudly.

"Yeah, and he's my little brother." Jade teased with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Gerard. I have to go." He said with a smile and walked away. As soon as Smith was gone another guy came over another one that I had never seen before.

"Jade, do you have a comb?" He asked. Jade just shot him a strange look.

"Davey, why do you need a comb?" Jade asked, looking very confused. I took the moment to take all of Davey in. He was beautiful. He was wearing a very tight shirt that almost looked spandex, which showed off his six pack and wonderful muscles. He wore tight pants and converse. His face was thin, and so were his lips. His beautiful brown eyes were surrounded by eyeliner and eyeshadow, he was simply amazing.

"I just want to fix up my hair." Davey replied. At that point their voices faded away as they continued their unimportaint conversation about hairstyles. All I could focus on was Davey.

"Gerard?....Gerard?...GERARD?!" Jade yelled, trying to get my attention. I shook it off.

"What?!" Catching Davey's eyes. Davey blushed and looked quickly at his feet.

"GUYS TIME TO GO ON!" Smith yelled over the commotion of the crowd as the lights shut off.

Me and Tarren stood on the side of the stage. Lyannah stood opposite of us. AFI was giving their friends a freaking amazing show. Davey was really giving it his all up there. I couldn't help but stare at him...he looked fucking magical. Sweat was reflecting in the stage light as it slid slowly down his face. His hair was now messy and stuck to his forehead. I learned to love the way he moved his hips to the beat of the song. Everytime he would sing a long note he would tilt his head back exposing his beautifully pale neck to me and the light. His pants and shirt clung perfety to his body, showing every curve and bump on his body. His lip-ring reflected in the blue stage light. His brown eyes glistened with passion as he gave everything he had on stage. He would lick his lips every so often grabbing my attention as his tongue traced slowy across his glistening thin lips.

Why didn't I notice him earlier when he woke me up? He's so beautiful. He seemed entranced by me when I answered my door earlier. What if he liked me too? WAIT! I shouldn't be thinking about this! I have a girlfriend that loves me and I love her too. It's just one of those momentary crush things....