Status: someone wanna co-write with me?

You Can't Make Me

If You Don't Leave Me Alone, I Will Rip Off Yor ***, Shove It Up Your Ass, and Make You Eat Your Ba

I throw open the doors of the school and strut in like I own the place. Well, technicaly, I do, since my dad owns the land the school was built on. I walk with my head held high, daring anyone to look at me funny.
My black, smooth, waist long hair flutters behind me and my eyes, left blue and right green, glare at anyone dumb enough not to move out of the way. Sure, I may be only 4" 10', but my attitude definitely makes up for height.
I sound like one of those girls that wear mini skirts and tube tops with stilettos, right? Well, I am quite the opposite. I have red streaks in my hair, band tees, skinnies, converse, lots of band bracelets, and wouldn't be caught dead in a dress. My side bangs cover my green eye almost all the time, and my eyeliner is always heavy. My absolute favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, Black Veil Brides, Breaking Benjamin, and Avenged Sevenfold. All of my hoodies have secret pockets and headphone wiring so I can listen to music when the teachers get really boring, which is most of the time. Even though I never listen to lectures, I have A's in all my classes since, ya know, I'm just amazing like that.
My only friend is Alex. He is the only one in the world I trust. And before you ask, no, we havn't hooked up or anything. I would, but you know what they say: Why are all the hot ones gay? So, yeah. ;] Atleast his boyfriend is really hot too, otherwise when they made out it would be gross. Wait, that sounded wrong. I don't watch them make out all the time... only sometimes. 0_o Wait, why do I care if you think I'm weird? I don't, so I admit, I watch my best friend make out with his boyfriend at least once a day, and it is really hot. ;}
Ha, anyways, I walk over to my locker and fiddle with the combination before throwing open my locker door and grabbing the book I'll need for first- AP English. I take that class with all the 10th graders even though I'm in 9th. My father says I'm gifted. I say tutors since PreK and bribery will get you far.
As I slam my locker shut, I'm not surprised to find Gunther, a hump-anything-that-moves fanatic, standing behind the door.
"Hey babe," he growls, flicking his blonde hair out of his lust-filled blue eyes. I crane my neck to scowl in disgust at the 5" 9' football player standing before me. I hate freakishly tall people. I always have to practically stare at the celing just to look at their face.
"Look, I already told you, I am NOT your girlfriend. I have not been since three months ago when, on our first date, you tried to feel me up on my doorstep. I am NOT easy, I am NEVER going out with you, and I swear, if you DON'T leave me alone, I will rip off your dick, shove it up your ass, and make you eat your balls. Got it?" I hiss, smirking at the shocked look on his face. "Now, I'm going to go find my best friend, so you run along to class like a good little boy, mkay?" I say in a sickly sweet voice. He kind of stares at me for a second, then growls in frustration and stalks off, probably to grab some cheerleader and bang her in the janitors closet. Guys are such pigs. I roll my eyes and turn aroung to go by Alex's locker. This is one of those times where I need my daily dose of hot-guys-making-out. That will definitely cheer me up.
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Hi, I'm UsedToBeCute, or Quinn. I would really like someone to write in the new boy's POV, and you will get to choose his everything since you will be writing him, of course. So, pleasepleaseplease someone co-write this with me and if you cant or just don't want to, tell a friend or something. Please. Also, check out my other story, Discovering Me. Don't know how to hyperlink on a Kindle, cause I'm writing this all on my Kindle, but when I do, I will hyperlink it. Anyways, love you all!