The Storyteller

Part eight

Who was that man

staring at me from afar?

I've seen him once before.

Maybe twice I think.

He seen so kind and friendly.

My heart begins to sink.

It was all too familar,

his face, his hair, even smell.

I knew it all to well.

He sits next to me.


my heart beings to flutter.

He lifts up a hand.

I flinch,

but instead he just pushed

back my blond hair.

"Anna, please come home now.

you're mother and I miss you there."

I move into the corner farther.

How could I have not seen it?!

This man was my very father.
♠ ♠ ♠
Because the voices have been in her head for so long Anna has forgoyen everything from her past life which is why she has problems remembering people.