The Storyteller

Part nine

The voices all shut up

except for one I missed dearly.

Sanity, humanity.

for once it spoke quit clearly.

"We've done our job here." It says

I'm still staring, cowaring

from my father.

I hope he truely loves me.

I am his only daughter.

"Your brother Mark said he hugged you.

Did you remember him?

He was with your aunt Carol.

Her life has always been dim."

That boy I saw was my brother.

Little baby Mark.

I smile and nod.

He smiles back.

Tears drip down my face.

I've been away for too long.

I left then with out a trace.

He took me and held me close.

Then helped me to my feet.

I've never known a hug

to feel so damn sweet.

"God needed you, I understand."

my father said to me.

I look up at him

my gaze filled with curiosity.

"He told me in a dream about your mission

and I coulkd have you back after two years.

I didnt think I could handle

not having my darling near."