

It’s been six dreadful days since I brought Zacky here to the pack’s lair and I feel like I’ve lost the only person that I ever cared about. How could I betray him like that? He trusted me. I told him I’d never let anything bad happen to him, that I’d protect him no matter what and now look. Zacky’s been down in the cold damp dungeon chained up with barely any food to eat. He’s probably starving and scared to death. I wish I could go down there and comfort him but Jacoby----he’s watching every move I make. I can tell he doesn’t trust me one bit. I barely trust him myself.

Three more days until next full moon; the night Zacky’s life is cut short. As long as I could remember, every so called ’hunter’ we have captured is killed in the same gruesome way. On the night of a full moon, the hunter or huntress, an innocent human in my opinion, is placed inside a room full of blood thirsty werewolves. At this time, they seem like normal humans but once that full moon appears the transformation begins. Usually, in your wolf form, you can’t remember a single thing you do. They can’t remember when the poor human is pulled apart from limb to limb. They can’t remember their cries, the begging and pleading for them to stop. The pain that appears on their faces. Nothing is remembered.

The same thing is going to happen to Zacky in three days if I don’t stop them. How am I going to save him though? I’ll be killed if I show any resistance. They’ll suspect me of being a traitor and what will Johnny think of me. Will he help me? He probably won’t and I understand that. I just can’t bear to see Zacky end up like all the others….I just can’t.

Zacky was all that I could think about that night. As I laid there quietly in my bed, I thought about all the good times we spent together before his life was taken from him. Before he was forced to live that dungeon full of filth while I laid in a nice warm bed. It wasn’t right…this wasn’t right. He trusted me and I betrayed him. How could I do that to him? How could we do this to any of the humans we’ve killed in the past. Its just down right wrong and I can’t understand how we allow this to happen.

So much was on my mind that I didn’t even notice the light knock on my door. I was so deep in thought, trying to think of a plan to rescue Zacky. “Brian? Are you okay?” the small boy peeping from behind the bedroom door, whispered. I glanced up, giving him a soft smile. Johnny Seward, or Johnny Christ as everyone else calls him, was a good friend of mine from way back. I had met him during the 1800’s in England. He was just a pup----er well I didn’t know what he was at the time. I had found him in a back alley alone, scared and hungry. He was on the verge of losing control and I had to get him off the streets fast.

So I decided to take him in since he had no one. From what he told me, his father was a werewolf and his mother was a vampire. That’s when I understood what he was. Johnny was a hybrid; a mixture of two breeds. A vampire and werewolf. People like him were very rare and I’ve never met one like him in my entire life. Apparently, the leader of the pack he was in kicked him out when his parents were killed in an ambush. The leader saw him as weak but I believe they were just afraid of what he was capable of. Explaining that to Mason, the leader of my pack, he allowed Johnny to join ours. At first, Johnny was a quiet kid but he soon got use to everyone but he was mostly close to me. Sometimes he gets nervous around the others but I assured him that the same thing in old pack will not happen to him in this one.

“Y-Yeah. I’ll be fine, Johnny.” I lied. To be honest, I wasn’t going to be alright. I just had to get attached to a human that later one I would fall for. A human that I’m madly in love with. A human that, I find out later on, is the hunter that would help kill our kind.

“You sure?” I nodded. “How come I don’t believe a thing you just said?” Shrugging, I rolled over onto my side, having my back towards Johnny. After a few seconds, Johnny appeared in front of me and laid down on the empty space beside me. “Whatever is on your mind, you know you have me to talk to right? I could help but only if you talk about it.”

“I know. Thanks, Johnny.” I whispered, pulling him into a tight hug.

“Oh…..uh you’re welcome.” he giggled, “Um I know you’re not in the mood right now but Jacoby wants to see you in the living room. He didn’t tell me why but he said it’s important. We could talk later after you get back.” he said softly, snuggling closer to me. God I love this kid so much. He’s like a little brother I’ve never had. I ruffled hair before getting up.

“He’s probably pissed about something and needs to take his anger out on someone. You know he’s always hated me ever since I became apart of this pack.” I laughed, my mood becoming a little bit better then what it was before. “I enjoy pissing him off even more.”

“I know. I’m just glad he didn’t pick me this time.” I grabbed my jacket off the back of the desk chair and opened the door before turning around.

“Um you can stay here and wait for me or meet me outside afterwards. We could head to a movie or something.” I suggested. I understand this isn’t a good time to have fun but I needed to get everything off my mind. Constantly thinking of a plan for Zacky was putting stress on me and I just needed a few hours to relax.

“Yes! I’ll be down in ten minutes.” Johnny chirped.

“Good.” I said, as I left the room and jogged down to the lobby where Jacoby was pacing back and forth. The instant he saw me, a grin was plaster across his face and I didn’t like the looks of this. He was planning something and I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good.

“I see the freak gave you the message but what took you so long. I started to think you didn’t want to see me, Synyster.” Jacoby said calmly, as his eyes turned a golden color.

“Cut the crap. What do you want, Jacoby?” I growled. He better have a good reason to why he called me down to the lobby. I was in no mood to hear him bicker about non-sense. Nor did I feel like listening to him complain about stupid shit. Jacoby frowned. I really hated when he read my mind without my permission but who was I kidding. This is Jacoby we’re talking about; the asshole of the house.

“Ouch! That really hurt my feelings Syn.” he pouted, holding his hand over his heart. I rolled my eyes. “I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed or did the poor mutt get his favorite chew toy taken. I growled, revealing my sharpened canines to Jacoby. “Whoa, watch it. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“What do you want?” I watched Jacoby laugh as he sat down on the couch.

“Why don’t you take a seat? Maybe we can have a little talk about what’s been going on in the big head of yours.” He gestured for me to take a seat on the couch next to him. At first, I just stared at him and then the empty space next to him but finally I gave in. “Good boy. Now I have some business to talk to you about maintaining to the kid.” My ears perked up when he indirectly mentioned Zacky. “Yesterday, the elders were reading through the book of prophecies, the section the kid is in, and they realized a page was missing from the book for some odd reason. Who and why? They have no clue who did it but they managed to find it a few hours later. On this page, it explains that on the night of the full moon somehow he gets free. It doesn’t really say but he gets away.” Zacky gets away? My heart began to race as I thought about Zacky being free.

“What are you getting at?” I asked, trying to sound like I was interested in killing Zacky instead of being excited.

“The elders are becoming anxious, Synyster. They want you to bring the prisoner down to the execution room. The elders are going to start the ritual tonight.” My mouth dropped. This can’t be happening. What about the full moon? The elders don’t know for sure if Zacky is going to get away. I mean, I could be part of the whole thing but they’re going against traditions. “Why do you seem so upset? I thought you would be happy that the kid is getting killed tonight. That’s one less hunter out on the streets.”

“We don’t know if he really is the hunter the book says he’s going to be.” I mumbled.

“Are you questioning the book of prophecies? Wait a minute. Now I think I understand why you’re not all that happy about all this. Does Syn have a thing for the prisoner? I bet you’re the one that was going to let him escape on the night of the full moon. You were going to betray the pack.” he snarled.

“No! You have no fucking proof. I would never betray the pack; betray all our brothers and sisters.” I shouted, angrily.

“Oh I can’t wait to tell my father that his little favorite is in love with the enemy. You’ll be tried for treason and killed by a silver bullet to the head if found guilty. Oh how I love to see you in pain.” I jumped across the couch, pinning Jacoby now. The room filled with laughter as I snapped at him. “This is just perfect!”

“Shut your mother-fucking mouth.” Calm down Brian. He can’t prove anything even though it’s true. I’m so glad he isn’t reading my mind at the time. “You’ll never get rid of me, you hear? I’ll always be the best and you’ll always be number two.” I spat. Jacoby’s golden eyes turned dark. I knew he was pissed but it was true. His own father loved me as his son…the better son he wish he had.

“Get the fuck off me!” Jacoby pushed me away and got up to fix his clothes. “Son of a bitch.” he mumbled. Right back at you I thought. “Here are the keys to the filthy human’s cell. Retrieve him from the room and take him down to the execution room.” he ordered, he stormed down the hall without muttering another word.

I glanced down at the keys that were sitting in my hand. They’re killing him tonight? There’s no way I can save him tonight. I don’t even know how to get him out of here without being noticed. Security has gotten so tight here since the day Zacky came in.

I quickly made my way down to the dungeons as I tried to think of a plan but it was no use. Nothing I thought of seemed to work out in my mind. I might as well give up. I sighed. Now that I think about it, I should have stopped myself from getting attached to him. For once though, I thought I could be happy. I thought I had found the one person that understood me. The one person that didn’t run away from me in fear when he found out what I was. He just had to be the one the elders were looking for.

“Brian, wait up!” Johnny yelled, I could hear his foot steps getting closer and closer as he run down the halls to catch up. I stopped in my tracks and waited for the small boy.

“What do you want, Johnny.” I whispered, glancing down at the floor.

“I heard the whole thing. You don’t have to do this. Zacky can be saved. All we have to do is run away together. Matt, Zacky, you, and I could run and hide. You have the keys right there in your hands. We can run away and make up our own pack. I know Matt isn’t a werewolf but he can be one some day. We can’t forget Jimmy either. Even though he’s seen as one of our enemies, look at how well he and I got along. He doesn’t care if we’re werewolves and Matt is human. He’s our best friend.” he explained, with that smile he always has on his face.

Sighing in disappointment, “Johnny, you know what would happen to us if we’re caught. They’ll kill all of us for betraying the pack and I don’t even want to know what the elders would have in mind for us. I believe that Zacky isn’t the prophecy but what can I do. The elders aren’t going to listen to me. I’ll be seen as a traitor for standing up for Zacky. I know I love him and I know he’s my boyfriend but what can I do.” I stated, sadly.

Johnny placed a firm hand on my shoulder. “But you love him, Brian. You can’t let your boyfriend die like this. If we run away now, he won’t even run into the hunter that’s suppose to train him. He’ll never learn how to kill us.”

As I listened to Johnny’s explanation, I began to think. Maybe we have a chance. The prophecy would change if we ran away together but my stubbornness just wouldn’t allow it. “Johnny, I….I just can’t.”

“If Matt was in the same situation Zacky is in, I’d do anything to save him. I wouldn’t care if it got me killed. I-I love Matt, okay? He’s the best thing that I’ve ever met in my entire life. He’s not afraid of what I am. On the last full moon, he was there with me. Matt didn’t care what I had become that night. It was still me. He loves me for me and not what I become every month. Zacky loves you Brian. Save him.”

All I could say was I can’t. I hurried to the cell, slamming the door open. The room was pitch dark and the only light that was coming in was from the hallway. My boyfriend, Zacky, was sitting on the floor with chains around his wrists. He looked so weak. Blood stained his ripped clothes as well as his body. “Zacky?” I whispered, crouching down in front of him. I didn’t get a response from him. “Z-Zacky.” I placed a gentle hang on his arm.

“N-No, please don’t hurt me.” he whimpered, cringing away from me. It hurt me so much to see Zacky like this. He’s done nothing wrong so why is he getting tortured for that.

“Sssh, sssh. Calm down its Brian. Its okay, Zacky. I’m here.” I cooed. I hugged him tightly, trying to clam him down. “Everything will be okay. I promise.” I lied through my teeth. Nothing was going to be okay. He was going to die tonight.

“P-Please Bri, help me. I don’t want to die. I would never hurt anyone, I swear.” Zacky buried his head into my neck and his hands clutching at my clothes. “I would never hurt you. I love you too much.” I tried to hold back the tears but I could feel them coming.

“I-I know, I know. Um I need you to come with me somewhere. After we’re done, the elders are willing to let you go. You’ll be free from all this. No more pain, no more fear. Nothing, so I just need----I need you to come with me.”

“Okay.” he nodded. I carefully unlocked Zacky’s cuffs, trying not to hurt him, and helped him up. “I love you, Brian.” He knew. The way he said he loved me, I could tell where he knew where I was taking him wasn’t good.

“I love you, too. I always will.” I replied, kissing the top of his head. Zacky clung to me as I lead him down to the execution room. “Everything is going to be okay. I-I’ll…. I’ll be there with you the whole time.” Johnny stood by the door, clearly upset, along with Jacoby. I wish I could do something but with a lot of the pack on the look out there’s no way we could even get down the hall.

The doors creaked open slowly before us and I lead him inside. In front of us stood a tall metal pole with circular hooks on it for Zacky’s cuffs to be chained to. I glanced down at Zacky to see his eyes barely open. He was so out of it. What exactly have they been doing to him? “Oh Synyster! How nice of you to join us. I see you brought the prisoner. You can just chain him to the pole then leave and we’ll take care of the rest.” an elder spoke softly.

“I want to stay here with him….er to watch.” I stammered. A frown formed upon the elder’s face.

“Do you speak against us elders? I said leave.” he scolded. I gulped.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized. The two other elders became impatience and took Zacky from my arms and walked him over to where he was being chained. “I’m so sorry, Zacky.” I said faintly, anyone would barely be able to hear me. I watched as the cuffs were slapped onto Zacky’s bruised wrists. He whimpered before coming back to his senses.

“W-What? What’s going on?” When Zacky realized he could barely move his arms, his eyes filled with fear. “Brian! Please help me!” he sobbed, tugging on the chains. We made eye contact but I turned away. Couldn’t bear to see the pain in his eyes.

“I can’t, Zacky.” I bolted for the door, passing by Johnny. Tears spilling down my face as I walked down the hall. I tried to block out the screams coming from my boyfriend but it was no use. It was like his voice was trapped in my head. Over and over again, ’Brian’ is all I heard.

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Before anyone asks, this story use to be called 'And All Things Will End'. Yes that was my story but I decided to change the title and redo the chapters that were already up.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll start working on chapter two.

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