Not Enough

I stared down at the gold ring on my finger. Married at 18? This is not how my life was supposed to end up. I could have a real career ahead of me, and I tied myself down. Now she's gone, and it seems like all of this means nothing without her.

She chose her music over me, I pushed her towards it, but I thought that maybe something inside of her would decide to stay. I was wrong about her. I was wrong about everything.


Leaving was hard to do, but he gave me an ultimatum, and if that means we're done, then maybe we weren't meant to be in the first place. Music would get my mind off of all of this. Plus, this is what he wanted me to do, wasn't it?

I kept my ring on, I don't know why, but it felt like there was still a part of him with me. We're so young, maybe time apart is exactly what we need. And maybe this whole thing could ruin us for good.