Last Chance at Love


I just got off the phone with my best friend, Gabby. She just was done telling about what her asshole of a boyfriend Jason did.

I never like Jason or the majority of the guys Gabby found interesting. She is such a sweet girl and invests so much of her self into a relationship that she deserves better. That’s why I decided wanted to take her over the Margera‘s. A day with them will surly make her forget about dick face. I have known Bam and his family for years and I am very close with them. Bam Margera what can I say about him. Well he is crazy, funny, and is one of the most caring and serious people who knows just what to say.

I went over to Gabby’s apartment and let myself in she was lying in bed; I could tell on her face she was upset.

“Get the hell up!” I yelled at her, I hated seeing my friend like this. She looked so helpless and I KNOW she is anything but.

“Okay I’m getting up!” She snapped at me, but I know all of this angry was directed at her now ex-boyfriend.

I left her to get ready and waited downstairs. Once she was ready, we made the 15 minute drive to Bam’s house. We pulled up into the Margera’s driveway and got out of my car. We let ourselves in and found being greeted by April, Bam’s mom.

“April,” Gabby said hugging her I saw a small smile on her lips.

“Hey Gabby.” April said holding Gabby tight. I received a motherly hug of my own; this is special to me because April is like the only mother I have ever known. My own mother died when I was 13 of cancer.

I heard familiar yelling in the background and now sooner Bam ran through the house only in his swim trunks. He was dripping wet and the water droplets turned into a puddle on April’s floor. I swear that woman has more patience than a doctor does, I don’t know how she puts up with him.

“Bam put a shirt on, we have guests here!” April yelled and pushed him a bit.

Bam turned around and gave us a big smile. I could see that Gabby was very interested and I’m sure a few naughty thought were going through her mind. I nudged her a bit giving her my serious look. Ah, my plans of being miss matchmaker are coming clear.

“Wanna go swimming with us?” Bam asked still dripping wet.

“Sure.” We said running up stairs. I have been here so many times that a good amount of my clothes was still here including swimsuits. I tossed Gabby a bikini and fished out one for myself.

“I’ve been single for 2 hours now and you’re already trying to set me up.” Gabby said shaking her head. I knew the Bam is the right person for her, he maybe crazy and careless about some things, but he is a great guy.

“I’ve known Bam almost all my life, trust me I think it could work between you guys.” I said trying to convince my stubborn friend, she has been heart broken so many times I think it’s hard for her to believe that there is still love in the world.

We headed out to the back yard to the pool. Almost all his friends were there, most easily spotted was Novak on top of the water slid. Oh, this is not going to end well he better drive into the deep end.

“Novak, Novak!” Everyone chanted. He gave us all a ridiculous salute and jumped off landing somewhat safely into the deep end.

“Hey girls.” Bam said coming over to us. He gave us both the typical male once over and grinned. He hugged me first and whispered into my ear “Your friend is hot.” he said laughing. He let go of me and hugged Gabby then did someone totally, Bam, he licked her face.

Surprisingly Gabby didn’t freak out or have a look of disgust on her face, but she actually laughed.

“Hey who invited the vaginas to the party!?” Steve-O shouted from the chair he was drinking a beer and laughing his ass off.

I looked at him and shook my head. You definitely had to have a sense of humor while hanging out with these people.

We had a blast hanging out, getting drunk and laughing our asses off at all the stupid shit the guys were doing. April made up the guest room I use when I stay over for us. I saw that Gab had fallen asleep on Bam’s shoulder. I smiled at him and nodded to upstairs he smiled and nodded. He gently picked Gabby up and carried her upstairs. I followed giving all the guys, Phil, and April hugs. I walked into the room to see Bam pulling the covers over her. He just stared at her for a few moments, which I thought was sweet.

“Like what you see Brandon?” I asked using his real name. He turned around and gave me a glare I just smiled at him.

“She’s a real cool person; I don’t want to screw her up.” He said. I walked over to him and gave him a friendly hug.

You won’t dude, just be gentle with her, she’s had some rough times in her life.” I said frowning. Bam nodded and hugged me tight he kissed my cheek.

“Good night Trace.” He said smiling and walked to the door,

“Night Bam-Bam.” I said using my own nickname for him. He shook his head, laughed, and left.

I got out of my swimsuit and changed in to some Pj’s. I crawled into bed and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank for the comments. It means a lot to us :D

R.I.P Ryan Matthew Dunn (June 11, 1977 – June 20, 2011)

Tracy‘s outfit

Tracy‘s Stuff

Tracy‘s Car

Gabby’s Bikini