Last Chance at Love


California was my kinda of place the sun, sand and surf was definitely my kind of thing. I decided to take a walk around the skateboarding event. I enjoyed the sun on my skin and the slight salty smell in the air.

After I cleared my head, I went in side the hotel.

“Omg! Omg!” I heard Ryan yell. He was running around the hotel hallway.

“What the hell Ryan!?” I yelled walking into the hallway.

“Your sister and Bam…together.” He said shuddering. I couldn’t help but laugh he was acting so immature…wait he’s always immature.

“Okay so you had to run around the hotel-

I cut myself off when I saw Novak with a bucket. I raised my eyebrow and Ryan ducked behind me yeah, as if that is going to work, he is like a foot taller than I am.

“Novak what are you doing?” I asked staring at him.

“You look really ho right now I think you need to cool off.” He said

Ryan stood up. “Hey don’t call my girl hot.” He said and received a water balloon filled what god knows what throw at his face.

And so it began it was an all out water balloon fight. The entire hallway was filled with different color paint from the balloons.

Ryan tackles me down the floor we were both covered in paint from head to toe. I giggled as he tickled me, all of a sudden we see Knoxville talking to the Jackass cameraperson.

Hi, I am Johnny Knoxville. Welcome to "Jackass"!” He yelled

“Steve-o here is going to do what we call the Mini Ball Buster.” Novak said into the camera, and then Johnny Knoxville stuffed a bunch of the painted balloons in his Speedo.

Then wee man came up to his and started punching his little fellow, the balloons popped and the paint went down his legs.

He fell to the floor and laughed wee man got on top his back and rode him like a horse, slapping his ass occasionally.

I was holding my stomach I was laughing so hard. Ryan was pushing people into walls and Novak was writing a bunch of strange shit on the walls.

Finally other residences of the hotel cam out and started yelling shit at us and soon we saw the hotel people.

We all ran into out hotel rooms and trashed the fuck out of them. Steve o took my TV and tossed it out of the window. We were forced out of the hotel and fined for all the damages. It came out to about 13,000 dollars I am sure Bam was going to love us in the morning. The guys found a new hotel not too far away and the party never stopped.

“That's it, it's over. We should probably head to the bar now.” Johnny said laughing. I choose to stay behind and get some sleep.

“You want me to stay with you?” Ryan asked looking at me.
“Only if you want to.” I said. He nodded and got into bed with me.

He cuddled up to me and held me close. “Be mine.” He whispered in my ear. I shuddered, but in a good way.

Not only did I help my best friend find and believe in love, but also so did I.

“Yeah.” I said smiling. We fell a sleep peacefully and I felt safe in his arms.

The Next Morning

We were headed back to Pennsylvania.

Nikki and I sat together and I looked over to her. “So let me see it.” I said smiling. She sighed and showed me the ring.

“Aw that’s so cute, see I told you it would work out.” I said

“Yeah, I just hope it lasts.” She said looking out the plan window.

“None of that negative bull shit. It will work out I can feel it, when we get back home we need to hang out.” I said.

“Spa?” she asked grinning.

“You know it.” I said

Everything was falling into place I can feel it
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