Last Chance at Love


If I knew my sister as well as I know I do, she’s planning on getting the guys back for our little Jackass moment.

I woke up and heard a lot of yelling. I walked out and saw that it was coming from Steve-o’s room. I walked in and saw Ryan, Novak, and Johnny’s.

“Our fucking cars a trashed, windows all smashed out paint all in them and shit.” Johnny said pissed off.

“What up guys?” I asked as I found a place near Ryan.

“I have a feeling Bam thrashed our cars cause we trashed the hotel rooms.” Steve o said.

I made and oh face and I felt Ryan wrap his arms around me.

“Well I’m going to find out what the fuck happened to our cars.” Johnny said walking out of the room.

“Aren’t you pissed about what happened to your car?” I asked Ryan, he laughed and smiled down at me.

“Who ever did it did me a favor I needed a new car anyways.” He said.

Ryan and I just spend the day together getting to know each other.

We headed back to the house after spending time together.

“How fucking dare you lay a hand on my girlfriend are you that fucking dense!” I heard Bam yelling. I walked into the kitchen to see Bam had his hand on his throat. I looked over to my sister who had a pretty gnarly bruise on her face. I left Ryan’s side and went to hers.

“She fucking trashed our cars Bam and then she acted like she didn’t give a fuck. We didn’t destroy any of her shit for her to total ours!” Johnny barked. Bam took his hand off his throat and punched him in the face. Then grabbed him and kicked him down to the floor.

“I don’t care what she did, you DO NOT hit my girl, or any girl for that matter!” Bam roared holding Johnny’s face to his.

“Okay that’s enough Bam…BAM!” Phil yelled pulling his son off of Johnny.

“Alright both of you need to fucking cool off, Bam take a walk.” Phil said and made Bam get out of the house.

“We need a vacation April.” Phil said sitting down.

I saw Johnny walk over to us. I felt my sister tense up, but she relaxed. Johnny looked horrible all beaten up and shit.

“I dissevered everything Bam did to me. I just got so mad that you wrecked my car I over reacted. I’m sorry Gabby I shouldn’t of touched you.” Johnny said looking at us.

Gabby just shook her head and hauled off and slapped Johnny in the face hard. Then she went off after Bam. Johnny left soon after, now it was just April, Phil and I in the kitchen. Then something clicked in my head.

“Hey Phil do you still have that Campsite up north?” I asked.

He nodded. “I planed on taking everyone up there soon what did you have in mind.” He asked.
“Family camping trip?” I suggested.

Everyone grinned and decided to wait until things calm down.

Several hours later everyone sorta calmed down and excited about the camping trip.

Everyone had their own RV so we didn’t have to share. It was a 7our trip to the Camping area in Lake City.

We loaded up the RV’s and Phil and April started off first. Then it was Bam and Gabby followed by Ryan and I, then the jackasses (lol)

It was good that everyone was separate because everyone was a each other’s throats. So this little weekend trip would do us good.

My sister an I kept in touch via text messaging, I was happy that she finally happy she really deserves it.
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Thank you for all the comments!