‹ Prequel: Promise Me This
Status: Complete.

After All This Time


As soon as the double glass doors of the emergency room were pushed open, the smell of disinfectant wafted through the air. Kate winced; her eyes focused on the sterile white tiles covering the floor. Kendall ran ahead of her, talking to a receptionist. She tried to take a few shaky breaths, looking up at the harsh florescent lights.

She hated hospitals. The last time she had been in the ER, she was identifying her parents’ cold, dead, mangled bodies. She fought the building panic inside her, leaning against a starch white wall. Everything was so clean and white and intimidating.

She jumped a bit as Kendall’s warm hand rested on the small of her back, leading her gently down an abandoned hallway. It was silence as they waited in the elevator, neither knowing what to say. Kendall laced his fingers in hers, giving them a comforting squeeze. Kate just watched the sliding door, waiting for it to ding open.

The tiny chime finally arrived, and Kendall lost her grip as she ran. A few feet down the hallway were Jesse, Cole, Dean, and Lacey. Jesse’s hands were on his head as he paced, Lacey was crying softly into Dean’s shoulder, and Cole was slouched against the wall, his face a mask of concern. Kate could feel the tears unleashing themselves as she sprinted quicker, losing Kendall somewhere behind her.

“Jesse!” she cried, flying into her brother’s chest, her arms around him in an embrace. “What’s going on?”

“She was in pain all day, and then her water broke. I got her hear as fast as I could,” he whispered, shaking his head, his eyes clamped shut.

“Why are you out here, instead of with her?” She found it impossible to talk at a normal level in this place. That and she didn’t want anyone else to worry further.

“They’re doing a quick check and asked me to step out.” He looked down at his baby sister for a moment, biting down on his lip. “I’m scared, Katherine.”

“Everything’s going to be okay, Jesse. We have our guardian angels, and they’d be damned if anything happened to their grandchild,” she murmured, low enough so that only he heard. She pulled him close again, rubbing his back soothingly.

“Mr. Williams? You can go back in now,” a nurse in mint scrubs informed him, her head popping out from a door next to them. Kate felt herself pulled into an embrace, and she could tell exactly who it was, even though her watering eyes were closed.

“We should get you something to eat or drink. You’re pale as a ghost,” Kendall whispered against her crazy ringlets. Kate nodded, allowing him to lead her toward the cafeteria.

Nothing there looked even the least bit appetizing, which was probably for the better. Kate’s stomach was doing 360s anyway. She settled for bottled water, but after a few sips, nudged it away. Kendall gave a small smile, reached across the linoleum table and brushed away tears she hadn’t realized were there. He twitched his head towards the door, and she nodded, taking his hand and leaving the cold, silent room.

They had barely made it a few hallways down when Kate collapsed into his chest. He held her tight, sliding down the wall until they were sitting on the tiles. An arm was draped around her protectively as he whispered soothing words against her hair. Her sobs echoed through the vacant hall.

“I don’t understand what’s going on,” Kendall admitted after her cries subdued, stroking her shiny curls. She watched the flickering lights, her face blank and damp.

“At eight months, it’s still risky to give birth. They don’t know if the lungs are fully developed, along with some other important organs,” she said, her voice suddenly indifferent. Kendall’s green eyes fell as understanding hit him.

“So there’s a chance…” he trailed off, not even wanting to speak the words out loud. Kate nodded, afraid to even let the syllables drift into the air hanging heavily around them.

“Katherine!” Kate and Kendall both jumped. They had been so absorbed in the unspoken words that neither had heard the footsteps.

“What is it, Jesse? Is Jay okay?” Kate’s words jumbled out as she shot to her feet, her eyes crazed in fear.

“She’s fine. She wants to talk to you.” Kate gave him a sympathetic smile before rushing past; trying to ignore the way Jesse and Kendall were eying each other.

She had to pause in the doorway, as everything became even more frightening. Jay’s eyes were closed lightly, and she appeared paler than usual. Jay was always bouncing and laughing and smiling. She recollected herself as pallid eyelids fluttered over still bright, blue irises.

“Hey, Katie. Don’t just stand there gawking, come sit by me,” Jay teased, pointing at the red cushioned chair beside the adjustable bed and smiling. Kate’s eyes never left Jay’s face as she carefully made her way over.

“Jesse’s terrified, you know. He’s too ‘manly’ to admit it to you, but he is,” Kate informed her quietly. Jay’s smile faltered a bit as she ran a hand through her disheveled hair.

“Yeah, I know. I’m scared senseless. But if I start to show it, then I’ll panic to the point they’ll sedate me. We all know that would end badly.”

“It’s gonna be okay, Jayna. It has to be.” Jay nodded, golden curls cascading around her face as she averted her eyes. “Why did you ask me in here?”

“Well first, because no one will say anything to me because they’re nervous I’ll break down. Second, this hurts like hell, and I needed a distraction,” she laughed, wincing a bit as a contraction hit. Kate held her hand through it, grimacing a bit herself. It finished and she wiggled her fingers in front of her face, watching blood slowly seep back into them.

“Last, because I want you to know something. You’re so great to your brother, and to me. I know you’re gonna be great to this little rascal too. Even if everything isn’t all right, it will be, because you’ll be here for us, like you always are. And I wanna thank you for that, Katie.”

“I’m always going to be here, no matter what.” She threw her arms gingerly around Jay, both girls sniffling. As she pulled away, she rested her hand on Jay’s belly for a moment before backing right through the door. She passed one of the doctors on the way out, who was wearing baby blue scrubs.

“Well, Jay, it’s time,” he announced, and Kate gave a small smile, looking up at the ceiling.

“It’s all in your hands now,” she murmured.


The wait felt like forever; once or twice, Kate started to drift asleep. Then, she’d jerk awake, swearing she’d hear Jay’s pained screams. Maybe it was just paranoia, or maybe it just hurt that badly. She couldn’t work up the guts to ask Kendall, Dean, or Cole if they had heard it too. Guys and the childbirth topic didn’t exactly mix well. Lacey had gone into the delivery room after Jay asked her.

After what felt like forever, Jesse emerged. Had this been another situation, Kate would have made some joke about the pastel scrubs that he wore. Instead, she bit her tongue and held her breath. Everyone was on edge, awaiting news on the baby and Jay. When his face broke out into a grin, a simultaneous sigh of relief flooded the waiting area.

“It’s a girl, I have a daughter,” he breathed out, his voice dreamy. Cole and Dean patted him on the back, Kendall uttered a soft congratulation, staying a safe distance away, and Kate tackled him in a hug.

“And she’s okay?” Kate whispered in his ear as the others raced to see the baby.

“She’s a little tiny, and will have to stay a bit, but she’s perfect. We named her Audrey.” Kate’s eyes watered as a smile graced her quivering lips.

“Like Mom. She’d love it,” Kate approved, wiping under her eyes with her index finger.

“Yeah. Audrey Katherine Williams,” he said nonchalantly, and Kate froze, eyes widening.

“Really?” Jesse nodded, his smile reaching ear to ear.

“Yeah. Jay actually insisted, and I thought it was perfect.” Kate hugged her brother tighter, eyes threatening to spill over for the millionth time that night.

“Go take care of your daughter and wife, big brother. We’ll be right behind you.” Kate smiled, and as Jesse started down the hall, motioned with her head for Kendall to follow her. It was quiet as they walked, and halted outside the door.

Kate and Kendall stood in the hall, watching through the glass window. Kate wanted to give Jay some time with her family before pouncing. Her eyes fell upon a tuft of chocolate hair, bundled in bubble gum pink. Baby Audrey was just like Jesse had said, perfect.

“They look happy,” Kendall observed, watching them all crowd around Jay, who looked ecstatic.

“They are happy,” Kate corrected, looking up at him with a grin. “Thanks for being here.”

“I’ll always be here Kate. It’s what I was trying make you understand at the apartment. I love you Kate, and I’d do anything for you.” Kate opened her mouth, but Kendall shook his head, placing a finger on her lips. “I want that to be us, someday, Kate. I want you by my side forever.

“The first time I saw you, in that café, the world stopped, and I just knew. I knew I wanted to be with you forever. I didn’t even know your name, but I knew. And even after all this time, all of the things we’ve been through, I still feel that way. You’re the only one I want.”

“What about the tour?” she mumbled against his finger.

“What’s a year, if we can have a lifetime? Kate, I want to be with you, and I know you want to be with me. Marry me.” Kate blinked, processing at the bold words.

“What?” she stuttered, eyes wide.

“Say you’ll marry me. Plan the wedding while I’m gone, and by the time I get back, you’ll be graduated, and we’ll get married.”

“This is crazy. You don’t even have a ring,” she rambled, and he smirked, slipping his hand into his pocket. Then, he held his fist before them, slowly uncurling his fingers to reveal the golden band with a modest, gleaming, diamond. She watched him get down on one knee, offering it to her.

“Katherine Hope Williams, I love you. This isn't how I expected to be doing this, but as long as it's you and me, it's perfect. You’re my other half, and I don’t know how I ever functioned before I met you. I love you with every inch of my heart. Will you marry me?”

“Kendall, are you sure about this?” Her cheeks were blushing a rose color as she watched him wide-eyed.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything. Was that a yes?” he asked, the corner of his lips twitching up.

“In the time we were apart, I never stopped thinking about you, or missing you. I love you, Kendall.”

“Does that mean yes?” His grin continued to spread.

“Kate, just stop your stupid rambling and thinking, and say yes already, damnit!” Both of their gazes snapped to the window, looking into the room where Jay’s voice had come from. For the first time, both of them noticed everyone was watching them; the window worked both ways. Kate’s lips spread into a smile as she offered her hand to Kendall.

“Yes,” she laughed. He slid the band around her finger before picking her up, twirling her around, and kissing her. Her hands tangled around his neck as she deepened it, before they heard cheering at catcalling from everyone else.

“I love you Kate, forever,” Kendall whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine. She smiled holding him close as he set her down, their foreheads still touching.

“I love you too, Kendall. Always.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh! I know you guys have something to say about that one(:

So, there's still gonna be an epilogue after this, but basically, this is the end. Thank you all soooo much, I'll be thanking you more in the epilogue(:

I love you all<3
xxxo, Sara