‹ Prequel: Promise Me This
Status: Complete.

After All This Time

Good Tidings

“Kendall, could you help me with this?” Kate asked, looking over her shoulder. Her golden eyes searched for her favorite blond haired boy, who sat on the old textile couch. Corny, holiday music made its way through the cool air of Kate’s tiny living room. Kendall smiled at her, his jade eyes dancing as he debated his options.

“But it looks like you’re doing such a swell job,” he teased, and a groan gushed from her lips. She clutched the string of vibrant lights in her tiny hands, being careful not to lose her balance. She stood on top of a dining room chair, which to her dismay, squeaked every time she moved.

“Schmidt, get your ass over here and help me,” she demanded, brushing a coffee ground curl away from her flushed face.

“Okay, okay,” he said, still smirking, as he helped her hop down from the old oak chair. She handed him the green wire, and he took her spot. The rough bristles of the evergreen scratched against his skin as he wrapped the lights around it. By the time he finished, Kate’s golden eyes were shining just as bright as the tiny colored bulbs.

“Thank you. Was that so hard?” she asked as his feet hit the tawny carpet. He walked towards her, his arms slowly snaking around her tiny waist. Their faces got closer, and she could feel his breath tickling her skin.

“I suppose not. Especially since it makes you so happy,” he murmured, then placed his lips gently against hers. She smiled into the kiss before pulling away, her arms still remaining around his neck.

“I do love Christmas,” she admitted, her eyes flickering to the rustic smelling tree. Kendall’s eyes followed, tracing the bright strings all the way to the angel at the top.

“That’s an understatement, dear,” he chuckled, releasing her as he picked up a jingling cardboard box. He pulled the top open, revealing multiple orbs and spheres meant to adorn the tree. He gently picked up a shiny red and silver one, placing it near the top of the tree. Kate did the same, not speaking for a moment.

“Well, Christmas was always my favorite. When I was a little girl, we used to spend hours decorating the tree with my parents. Every single year, until I was too big, my dad lifted me on his shoulders to put the star on top. We blasted cheesy Christmas music, and wore stupid ugly sweaters, and laughed.” Kendall wrapped his arm around her scrawny shoulders, seeing her eyes dim as they traveled back in time. She snuggled her face against his chest, breathing in his scent.

“It’s okay to miss them, you know,” he whispered against her hair, and she nodded, a small sniffle escaping.

“I know. It’s just not the same now, no matter how hard I try.” She picked up another ornament, giving a sad smile as she took it in. It was a homemade snowflake, covered in silver and blue glitter and made up of Popsicle sticks. In the center of it was a picture of her and Jesse as little children. She wiped away a tear that was trickling down her face.

“We’ll make our own memories, ones that you’ll love just as much,” Kendall promised, giving her shoulder a squeeze. She nodded, still not looking at him. Instead, her hazel eyes watched outside her window.

“I hope you’re right. But it doesn’t even snow here,” she said with one last sniffle, her tone turning light instead. “It’s not Christmas without snow.”

“You’re right,” he chuckled, kissing her forehead softly. “Maybe next year we’ll fly out to New York, or somewhere, and spend it there.”

“Everything’s better with snow.” She picked up another homemade ornament, placing it carefully in plain sight. Kendall stood beside her, placing colorful orbs near the top, where Kate couldn’t reach. It was silent for awhile, aside from the cheery seasonal tunes drifting from the radio in the kitchen.

“I think it looks great,” Kendall said over an hour later. They stepped back, admiring their handiwork. Along with the tree, there were lights strewn across the small apartment. Seasonal place mats sat on the worn dining table, and jingling bells were hooked on every door handle. It really was a magical, winter wonderland.

“I think it looks perfect,” Kate corrected, leaning against Kendall. Her arms were securely around his torso and his draped over her shoulders. A small knock echoed through the rooms, breaking the soft melody of the radio.

“We’re just in time, too,” Kendall said, kissing the top of her head before allowing her to answer the door.

She swung it open and squealed, her arms flinging around a very bundled up Jay’s neck. A green and red scarf dangled around her thin neck. Her bump was bigger than ever through her burgundy sweater, and she waddled like a penguin towards the couch. Jesse hovered protectively, his thin sweater matching Jay’s. He set a few colorful boxes underneath the tree; they had decided to celebrate Christmas a few days early to avoid clashing with everyone else’s family affairs.

“You guys did a great job,” Jay gushed, her cobalt eyes flashing around the room. Jesse sat next to her, his hand entangling with hers.

“As usual, my wife is correct. It’s awesome,” Jesse agreed. Jay smiled up at him, kissing his cheek lovingly.

“It was all Kate. I just helped reach things way over her head,” Kendall said, nudging Kate with his elbow. She raised her eyebrows, about to object, when there was another pounding at the door.

“You guys made it,” she whispered, looking at her other three favorite guys. Carlos hugged her and spun her around, his olive scarf tickling her features.

“Of course we did, Kate,” he mumbled before setting her down, a goofy smile etched upon his face. Logan followed, giving her a half hug, seeing as his other hand held a bag full of beautifully wrapped boxes.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he agreed, before walking over to the tree. James walked in last, an undeniable smile on his face. It was obvious why as soon as Kate’s eyes landed on the blond girl on his arm. Her hair was pulled away from her stunning face, and she nervously played with the hem of her scarlet sweater dress.

“Merry Christmas, Kate,” James said, pulling her into a hug.

“Back at you, James. I see you brought a friend,” she teased, pulling away. She watched the girl, who looked nervously back at her with warm brown eyes.

“Yeah. Kate, I’d love it for you to meet Carolyn.” Carolyn smiled nervously, and Kate grinned right back before embracing her lightly.

“It’s very nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you,” Kate whispered, pulling away and leading the two over to the others. Carolyn finally relaxed as Kate made introductions.

Everyone Kate loved was scattered across the tiny room, laughing and talking. She sat on Kendall’s lap in her favorite reading chair, not participating in the conversation herself, but taking it in. As their voices mixed with the harmonious tune, she leaned her head against Kendall’s chest, her glossed lips twitching up. The night went on, and the lights only shone brighter as metallic wrapping paper was tossed across the room, as people mumbled heartfelt thanks at the gifts held gingerly in their hands. It wasn’t like she used to imagine, but in its own way, it was pure perfection.
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So, it's literally Christmas in July(: It's weird writing the seasons opposite of what they are now, but it's just the way it goes. What did you think of the little get together?

And we finally meet this girl that has James' attention. What is your first impression of her?

Guys, This One's For You is at almost 150 readers. That's so amazing to me, you are all so amazing. I love you all<3

xxxo, Sara