Till Death Do We Part

The Final Chapter

"Do you promise to love each other through sickness and health... Till death do you part?"

"I do."

This happened only minutes ago, but it seemed like years. As Raven's new husband dragged her away. She wished she had a normal life. In a normal world. Matthew is still holding his wife's hand as they run out of the church. Through the gasping crowd they ran to the doors.

Heads whirled around. People were practicly jumping over the pews. When the newly couple reached the door each grabbed a handle. The doors whipped open. Everyone could see the distruction and the chaos. The church almost seemed like a paridise.

The roof begins to cave in. They pushed Raven and Matthew to the ground. All the guest fleed out the building. The couple huddled in the corner together. Hoping they'd be alble to live before it's too late.

Candles fall from the chaos. Fire starts to spread. Everyone has left the building. The husband and wife head toward the door. Peices of the roof fall infront of the exit. Matthew looks around. Before it was a beautiful chapel. Now it would be their tomb. The smoke was making him cough. He looked into his wife's eyes.

" Good-bye my love." Matt says kissing her. Tears rushed to his eyes.

"No this can't be the end."Raven says.

"Raven -,"he is interupted by the rough coughing.

As the church was engulfed in the fire the walls crashed down. Tears dripped down their faces. Slowly moving from their eyes to the ground. As they disappeared in the chaos.
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This is the only chapter of this short story.