Sequel: And She Will Be Loved

You Can Count on Me

I'm A Space Bound Rocket Ship, And Your Heart's The Moon.

I watched Paul and Bay be cute together, stealing her food, her yelling at him. It was cute. And then all of a sudden Bay's phone rang and she quickly left the table. Curiosity killed the cat. "What was that all about?" Nobody said anything, they all just shrugged. She called Embry over. "Okay, seriously? What is this?" I asked, slightly annoyed that he just got right up, like an obedient dog, and left me. Soon the two of them came back, carrying sly smiles. Bay sat on Paul's lap, and Embry took his previous sit next to me.
"Hey," He said, smiling. I glared at him.
"Hey. What was that?" He shook his head.
"Stop. Wanna hang out later? Like, at my place," Embry said, actually Embry whispered that in my ear. I felt my face go slightly hot. "We can watch movies, and stuff" Stuff. That's a code word for making out.
"Possibly" I mumbled, biting my lip. Bailyn went to take a shower, and the rest of the pack decided to circle the area. I'm not so sure why, though. As soon as my sister was out, I was in.

My outfit today consisted of, gray skinny jeans, a large white shirt with some really cool black print on it. My hair was curly today, Embry liked it that way. I did my makeup kind of smokey, and decided against covering my wrists with bracelets. After spritzing on some perfume, I slid black rubber gladiator sandals on and left my room. I called out for my sister, but she must have left already or something. I grunted and hurried down the stairs. Embry was talking to Sam, smiling wickedly. Sam nodded up at me, and Embry quickly spun around. "Hey.." He mumbled walking towards me.
"Hey" I chirped landing on the flat surface of the first floor. He took my and and we headed out the door.

Embry walked me to the car, swinging out hands back and forth. "You look beautiful baby," He said smiling, kissing my temple.
"Aw, thank you Em" I didn't quite believe him.
"Seriously, darling. You look amazing" I felt slightly bland. I know that stupid, but I was bored. He wasn't trying anymore, I shouldn't be asking him to try, but I am. Embry sighed and pulled his hand away, gripping the wheel. I felt kind of bad. "So, uh, do you want to go to my place?"
"Sure." I said, looking out the window.
"You know what?" Embry asked, taking a sharp turn.
"We're going to the park." I groaned. What was he doing?

He practically pulled me out of the car, and dragged me to the broken down playground. "Embry, what are you doing?" Embry turned towards me and kissed me roughly. I stepped backwards and tripped on my own feet. Embry came tumbling down on top of me. It was actually funny. I started laughing underneath him, and he joined in.
"I love you Emma" He whispered placing his head against mine.
"I love you too Embry" I pecked his lips softly. "Come on." I pushed him off, and got up. "I wanna swing" He groaned playfully, and got up. I sat myself down on the swing, he pushed me for a while and then we just laid in the grass and talked.

"One sec, babe" Embry said, getting up to answer his phone. "Come on, we gotta go." I lazily got up and followed him back to the car. "I'm going to need you to put this on baby" He said, waving a bandanna.
"No." He gave me a look, and I instantly gave in. "Fine." He grinned and covered my eyes.
"I'm blindfolded, so no." Embry chuckled in response and started the car. "Where are we going?"
"I can't tell you, hence the blindfold." He said blankly.
"I hate you so much right now." He laughed. "So much hatred."
"Shut up, we're here." I fumbled trying to unbuckle. "Stop." Embry said, he was at the passenger side door where I was seated. He opened the door and helped me with the seat belt. "Come on." He pulled me up and out of the car and led me forward. He helped me up some stairs and on to some kind of porch and then through a door.

"Ready?" I grunted and Embry counted to three. "One, two, three" The second the bandanna fell, and all of my friends from La Push yelled surprise.
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short, I know. Sorry. At least theres an update? I have awful writers block.