Sequel: And She Will Be Loved

You Can Count on Me

I'll be Okay, Even on my Weakest Days


I took a nice relaxing bath. After it I put my hair in a bun and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. I went downstairs to see what was for dinner.

"Bay, will you help me in here?" Emily asked once she realized I had come downstairs.

"Yeah, sure," I replied going to help her.

"Can you set the table?" Emily asked again.

"Of course," I replied opening the cupboard and grabbed some plates.

"Emma, can you count how many people are here?" Emily asked my sister who was next to some guy I didn't know.

"There are twelve," Emma said as she came into the room.

"You hear that, Bay, twelve plates. There won't be enough room for us at the table. The boys take all the spots and food. We will just have to stand over by the counter. We will also have to fill our plates before we tell them that it is done," Emily said.

"I'll get Kim and Leah," Emma said. I smiled, always a thinker.

"Leah is just like the guys," Emily mumbled. Emma heard her and just went to get this Kim character.

"How was your day?" I asked Emily.

"It was good. I did my usual," she replied. I smiled.

"That is nice. How is the relationship between you and Sam?" I asked.

"Oh, Bay, I love him. Our relationship is stronger than ever. You have no idea how strong it is," Emily gushed.

"You two are adorable together," I said. Emily blushed.

"Oh, hush. Get what you want to eat ladies," she said as Emma and Kim entered the kitchen.

"Thanks, Em," Kim said. She was adorable. Her brown hair and eyes worked well with her tan skin. She was a little shorter than me and I only stand at 5'2" tall.

"I'm Bailyn," I introduced myself to Kim. She smiled at me.

"Kim, it is nice to meet you," she said. I smiled. She is a sweetie too! I grabbed what I wanted to eat.

"Boys, time to eat," Emily said after she went through the line and grabbed her food. Two seconds later the kitchen was filled with grown boys. They were all buff and took up most of the room in the kitchen.

"You look better," Sam said to me as he waited for his friends to get some food. I nodded and looked in the cupboard for a coffee mug so I could drink some coffee.

"I feel better," I replied pouring myself some coffee.

"That is good," Sam said going to get himself food. I took a sip of my coffee and began to eat my dinner.

"Bailyn, these are my friends, Seth, Jared, Embry, Jacob, Quil, Leah, and Paul," Sam introduced. I looked at each of them until my eyes met with Paul's. I couldn't look away from him and it seemed as though he couldn't look away from me either.

"Paul, get out of my house," Sam yelled at him. I instantly got defensive and didn't know exactly why.

"Samuel Joseph Uley, you can't just kick people out of your house for liking me. I can take care of myself. I'm a strong woman. I'm sure I can handle whatever Paul or anybody throws at me," I said angrily at my cousin.

"Bailyn, just shut up and eat your dinner," Sam yelled back. That really pissed me off and I glared at Sam. I wasn't going to eat I was going to go up to my room and ignore it. Sam had no right to yell at me. I can easily move out of this house.

"No, I'm not going to eat. I'm going to go to my room and ignore you. You can apologize when I decide you are worthy to apologize. You know the last time somebody yelled at me something bad happened? Yeah, my parents died in a car accident. You should think before you yell at people. To me if you yell it means something bad will happen. Now I'm going to go to my room and just ignore the world because you don't realize what you say before you say it and then when you do you regret every word," I said calmly and walked out of the room. Everybody was quiet and Paul was still in the room. He didn't leave he just watched what went down between me and Sam.

"Now look what you've done. She won't talk to you for a while. She was pretty traumatized the night her and Dad got into a fight," I heard Emma tell Sam those words and it brought me back to that night.

"Bailyn you are not allowed to go out tonight. You are to stay here and finish up on some homework," Dad told me sternly.

"But, Daddy, I already made plans. I'm going no matter what," I said.

"Bailyn Michelle Uley, I don't care if you made plans, tonight you will stay home and follow my rules." Dad yelled. He and Mom were leaving and he wanted me and Emma to stay home.

"Dad, I'm going and that's, that," I yelled back.

"Whatever, Bailyn, if you're not home when I get back home you will be grounded and I'm not talking about for a couple days. I'm talking about months," Dad yelled making upset. I just walked out and took my keys. I'll take whatever punishment he gives me. I need to go to school daily and I also have work some nights. He can't take my phone or car away because I need it when I drive.

I left that night to come home and find that my parents had never came home. I later found out that they had been in a car accident and were killed on impact. They were hit by a semi. Their car was totaled. It was just horrible. I cried remembering it all. I wouldn't forgive Sam for yelling at me, not just yet. Now I had to re-cope with losing my parents.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! I know this ends on a sad note but it just shows how protective Sam is of Bay. He doesn't want her to be with Paul because of his reputation. He loves both Bay and Emma but Emma found a guy who doesn't have the reputation Paul does.

Well I hope you enjoyed this! I liked writing it!
