‹ Prequel: Six Feet Under
Status: Tell me what you think?

Of All The Girls I Come To Love


The air was hot. It was almost too hot as he ran down the beach. His sandals hit the sand with a thud and the mist from the ocean hit his body, keeping him somewhat cool as he went along.

A smile played on his face as he ran a hand through his hair, enjoying his time and just thinking of things. It was nothing out of the ordinary really, just life mostly, when he ran into someone and knocked the person down.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…” he said, realizing as he looked down that it was a woman, “I should have been looking where I was going. I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay, really,” she told him reassuringly as he helped her up.

“I’m Meg,” she told him once she was back standing on her feet, her hand still grasping his and a gentle smile on her face.

Though there was a glint in her eyes he should have noticed but he didn’t, as he responded with a simple, “I’m Jason.”

He kept the smile on his face, though he felt a little odd with her still holding his hand, “Would you like to get a drink with me?” He asked her as she finally released his hand. Her small and well taken care of eyebrows raised as she gave him a look of confusion, “I don’t drink, and neither should with the way you’ve been running.”

She smirked as his face get an embarrassed look. She was glad of that. It meant he didn’t catch her slip up on words.

“Oh no, I didn’t mean a drink like that,” Jason said, his cheeks starting to go back to their normal color, “I just never know if coffee is the right thing to ask. Some people don’t drink it.”

He shifted and started to wipe the sweat that was beading down his face and dripping onto his chest. “Sure I’d love to get a cup with you,” she said smiling a sweet smile, “But I think maybe you should put a shirt on first,” she told him in a slightly creepy way as her hand landed on his chest and she could feel his heart beat quicken a little.

“Right,” he said slowly, backing away from her before he took off to go get his shirt he’d left a little way down the beach with the rest of his stuff.

A beautiful woman is how it began for Jason. It was how all his trouble started and in just a year’s worth of time, it would be his downfall. The one thing he loved most in the world, but couldn't stand to be around would be the one thing that would take his last breath, spill his blood, and eventually rejoice in what she'd done while he rotted six feet under the damp, wet, cold sand. It would be the very same sand he used to love to feel, the very same cooling waters he used to run beside. Soon enough, he'd be closer than he'd ever been to all of that but why? Because he'd come to love a woman who wasn't right. She loved him, but she didn't trust him.

No matter where he went, she was checking up on him and following him when all he'd ever done was love her. So this is his story. This is how the insanity of one woman drove Jason, to not only become his father, but to also be nothing more than a memory…