Status: One-Shot for now. If I get some comments telling me to continue then I might. (:

My New Life in Volterra

My music teacher made us write stories in his class because our school requires every class to write something, so he just made us write stories that have nothing to do with music. I couldn't think of anything, so I was like 'why not write something that involves Twilight?' so my friend helped me some. It's super short and doesn't even mention them being vampires. It's supposed to be like a one-shot, but if I get some comments convincing me to continue, then I just might even though I don't really get into Twilight much anymore until the new movie comes out. This story is short and kind of crappy and written in less than an hour, but hey it got me an A+ and best in class, so whatever I'm happy. This was written near the beginning of the school year, so it's kind of old.