Status: One-Shot for now. If I get some comments telling me to continue then I might. (:

My New Life in Volterra

Chapter 1

“Arabella, you’re going to live with some of our friends in Italy,” my mother told me while I was eating my breakfast one morning a few days ago.
“What?!” I bolted up from my chair looking probably very shocked. She gave me a glare while trying to repeat herself all over again.
So, that’s why I’m at the airport saying goodbye to my best friend.
“Bella! I’ll miss you so much! Please don’t forget me!” my best friend, Themis, told me while hugging me tightly.
I laughed at her before replying, “Themis, I won’t forget you!”
After that I waved goodbye to my parents and friends. I don’t know why my parents were doing this to me, but in a way, I was kind of excited because I’ve never been to Italy before.
I boarded my flight and in a few minutes my flight took off, and I left my old life behind. I took my iPod out of my purse and started listening to music, and in a few minutes I was already asleep.
When I woke up, we were almost in Italy. I looked out the window and saw the airplane landing. I grabbed my purse, carry-on, and went to get my luggage. After getting my luggage, I went to go find Aro, my godfather, and his family. Before long, I had found them waiting for me not far from where I was.
I walked up to them and introduced myself, “Hi, I’m Arabella.”
A guy, I’m guessing it was Aro, came up to me and gave me a hug.
“Hello, dear, I’m Aro, and this is my family: Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix,” he said pointing to each person.
Felix kindly took my luggage and led me to a big, black limo. I gasped in shock at the size of the limo. We all got in and spent the ride in silent. Twenty minutes later we arrived at Aro’s house, no castle; it was huge!
I gasped in shock at the size of the castle causing everyone to laugh at me, and I blushed.
Felix led me to my new bedroom, and I instantly fell in love with my room. Felix put my luggage beside my bed and left, so I can start unpacking everything. Once I finished about an hour later, I decided to explore my new home. I bumped into Jane once, making her say some very rude, sarcastic things to me, and I just rolled my eyes at her causing her to probably want to hurt me but stopped once Felix walked by and glared at her. I continued exploring my home. I eventually found a huge door and decided to see what was on the other side of the door.
I opened the door to find my godfather, Aro, and I’m guessing to guys that Aro said was Caius and Marcus. Aro greeted me with a hug and asked me if I was enjoying it here. I casually told him with a shrug that I did like it here. Though I wasn’t sure if that was a truth or a lie. I looked behind Aro to see Caius looking at me with a scowl on his face and Marcus looking very bored. Wow, I’ve only been here about an hour and a half, and I already have two people hating me and most likely more later.
The next day I got up and decided to walk around Volterra which Aro thought was a brilliant idea. I was correct on the fact that I would have more people hating me; Alec and Heidi also hate me, but Heidi and I got into a fight yesterday over something very stupid, that’s why she hates me, but I don’t really know why Alec doesn’t like me. Demetri, Felix, and Aro were actually the only three people who were actually being kind to me. I’m not sure if I’m going to enjoy it here, and I really miss my friends and parents.
I was walking by a huge fountain in the middle of Volterra when I saw two girls about my age.
I went up to them and kindly introduced myself, “Hi, I’m Arabella. I just recently moved here.”
“Hi, I’m Destiny,” the brunette said, “and this is Devyn,” Destiny said pointing to a blond. “You can hang out with us if you want.”
A few hours later, I had become best friends with Destiny and Devyn. Destiny was showing me different places in Volterra when I got a call from Demetri telling me I needed to come back home.
I waved goodbye to Destiny and Devyn and walked back to where my new family lived. I told Aro about my new friends, and he said it was great that I’ve already made friends. I quickly went to sleep that night.
The next morning I woke up and got dressed before heading out of my room to find something to eat. After getting lost a few times, I found a kitchen and got a bowl of fruit to snack on. On my way back to my room, I saw Jane and she rudely said something to me. I paid no attention to it, but when I got back to my room, I realized that I didn’t really belong here. I called Destiny asking her if I can stay at her house for a while. She said she didn’t care, so after I hung up, I packed some of my things and wrote a note to Aro telling him that I was staying with a friend for a while. I left the castle without anyone noticing and found where Destiny lived.
Once I got there, she showed me where I’ll stay, and then we hung out at her house for a little bit before deciding to go shopping with Devyn. Demetri and Aro tried calling me a few times, but I just ignored the calls.
After staying with Destiny for a week, she started trying to convince me to move back, but I kept telling her that I couldn’t go back yet. After a few more days, we started arguing more about me going back home. Eventually I decided just to back to Aro’s home.
I called Demetri the next morning, and he picked the phone up on the first ring.
“Hey, Demetri. Tell Aro I’ll be home soon.”
“Finally! Arabella, we’ve been so worried about you.”
“I’m sorry. Now I’ve got to go, see you soon.”
I hung up the phone and started picking up my things and stuffing them back into my duffle bag. I said bye to Destiny and her mom and walked back to my home.
Once I got to the doors of my home, I saw Demetri and Alec waiting for me.
“Hey,” I said awkwardly shifting my weight from one foot to the other.
Alec gave me a nod while Demetri took my bag.
“I’ll take your bag to your room; you need to go see Aro,” Demetri said.
I followed Alec to where Aro, Caius, and Marcus waited.
“It’s good to have you back, Arabella.”
“My apologies for leaving, Aro. I won’t do it again. I just needed some time to think.”
“I understand, dear. You may go now.”
“Thank you.”
On my way back to my room, I saw Jane.
“Hello, Jane. I’m not sure what I had done to you to make you hate me, but can we try to be friends?”
“Yes, I’m sorry for the way I acted. It was uncalled for.”
“It’s ok; don’t worry about it anymore.”
“Welcome to the family, sis,” Jane said giving me a hug. I returned the hug quickly. After that Jane and I went to my room, and she helped me unpack.
I think I’ll like it here. I have nice friends, and I now get along with my new family. I’m still not sure as to why my mom made me move here, and I still miss her, dad, and my friends, but I think I’ll have fun here in Volterra, Italy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, not the best, but I got an A+ from my music teacher so whatever(:
It's a one-shot but if I get enough comments telling me to continue then I probably will since I have an idea of what might happen...(:
I quit writing Twilight fanfics but I'll probably start once Breaking Dawn comes out.
Now I'm writing some Forever the Sickest Kids fanfics, some Poreotics (America's Best Dance Crew season5 winners) since it seems there aren't any on mibba, I kind of have a few original stories I'm working on but quit for awhile, and I think I have an All Time Low story I'm working on (it's about Poreotics with some All Time Low and I might just make it more of an All Time Low story)
So tell me what you want more Forever the Sickest Kids or Poreotics?
If you've never heard of Poreotics, then look up some of their videos on youtube; they're pretty awesome and funny(: