Behind These Hollow Eyes

"...Freak... Monster.... Ugly... Disgrace..." the words floated around in your head, and you felt ur heart sink as it usually did whenever you would go out.

You hid your face with your thick, black bangs and had a newfound appreciation for the black bandages hiding your eyes. The lids were sewed down just in case the bandages escaped your face somehow.

You didn't want anyone to see your lonely eye sockets, without actual eyes to accompany them.

Self conciously, you pulled up the left shoulder of your off-the-shoulder, baggy shirt to make sure it hides your scar.

You continue walking until you reach the market, where you go right to the stand that you always do, letting the different scents of food waft up to your nostrils.

You know right away which items are ripe and which are not. You can feel the wary eyes of the man behind the stand boring holes into you. Even though you came here often, no one trusted you anyway.

Silently, you paid for your food and murmured a "thank you" in your honey-sweet voice, then continued walking to get out of the crowd.

The insults continued to get worse, and your cat ears pressed harder and harder against your skull. The crowd seemed to suck all the oxygen away.

You were becoming dizzy and you couldn't think straight; you just wanted to get out of the crowded market.

No one's shoulders or sides pressed against yours in the tight crowd; a small space had been cleared to make way for you. Your whole body and mind wanted to retreat; to go into a dark corner and hide for the rest of your life from the disapproving gazes.

As your shoulders were going up and up, and your heart and head was sinking down and down, you bumped against something or someone.

It was a someone- you could feel the chakra coming from it. It cascaded from the person, full and strong.

"Excuse me..." you mutter below your breath, and walk around the person. A strong hand grabs your arm and you flinch away from having so little human contact for so long.

"Saitei, correct?" a deep, sensual voice inquired. It was definitely male.