One Perfect Night

One Perfect Night

It was twilight as I made my way to Emily and Sam’s house. I took in the view as I walked slowly listening to my iPod. Muse was blasting in my ears blocking out any other sound around me. It was relaxing. I just got done working a double shift and, needless to say, I was tired. As soon as I got to Emily’s, my plan was to go straight upstairs and into the spare bedroom they were letting me borrow while my parents were out of town. I know what you’re thinking, ‘Your parents don’t trust you enough when they’re out of town to stay home alone?’ Trust me, I really wish that was the case. In reality, I was scared. The thought of being in a house all alone for longer than a few hours at a time made me shiver. Too many horror movies growing up can do that to you. Before I knew it I was at the front door.

“Rachel! I was wondering when you would get here. I thought you got done at 3,” Emily said, making her way towards me.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Sheri called in sick at the last minute and I had to cover for her. Calling never even crossed my mind. I’m really sorry,” I said hoping that she didn’t hear the lethargy in my voice.

“Oh, honey. You sound tired,” she stated in a worried tone. Guess I failed, I thought. “Are you hungry? I could fix you something quick,” she started.

“No. I’m fine. Thank you though. I think I’m just going to go to bed.” I made my way upstairs, changed into my sleeping clothes, and laid down on the bed. I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped my lips. Time for some sleep, I thought, closing my eyes. Dreams ran rampant through my mind the entire night. Only one face kept appearing in every one of them.

Paul, was the first thought that crossed my mind the next morning when I woke up. “That’s the third night this week.” Don’t get me wrong, I knew he was attractive. I guess you could say I’d had a crush on him every since I laid eyes on him. But now it seems as if that little crush was getting stronger. It didn’t help that I was having all those dreams about him either. My thoughts were cut short as I heard a scream from downstairs, followed by very loud laughter.

I got up, got dressed, and made my way down the stairs. Not even half-way down the stairs and I could already feel the smile growing on my face. I could hear everyone down there. All of the guys were there. Paul flashed through my mind and a shiver of anticipation went down my spine. Really?! I thought exasperated. Can I not go five seconds without thinking about him that way! That’s it, when I get down there I will NOT look for him, I thought. So, naturally, the instant I walked into the room my eyes found his. It’s official, he’s a magnet, I thought, mentally shaking my head.

“Ah! Rach my man!” Jared exclaimed. I smirked and stood up to my 5’10 height. My chest puffed out a bit and I walked up to him in a way a “gansta” would.

“’Sup,” I said with a head nod. We looked at one another for about 15 seconds before we burst out laughing. A few of the other guys joining in. Paul being one of them.

“You know Jared, if you keep that up, Kim’s going to leave you for someone else,” Seth commented.

“Too late!” I said in a sing-song voice. “Kim is mine! Isn’t that right my little love muffin?”

“Yes that’s right Rachie-poo,” Kim confirmed while standing up and wrapping her arms around me. “It took me too long to realize that you were my one true love. Promise me you’ll never leave me.” Somewhere along the way she changed her accent to a more Southern one.

“I promise you, sugar bear, I will always be by your side,” I replied in the same accent. We stood there hugging for a full minute before everyone in the room was laughing. I think I even saw Quil rolling around on the ground. Finally, after everyone had calmed down, I stood up and said, “Well, in all seriousness, I’m starving! And so, I bid you all adieu.” I bowed, walking backwards into the kitchen.

“What was all the laughing about?” Emily asked working on washing the dishes that all of the guys had dirtied.

“Oh, Kim and I finally told Jared that Kim is my little love muffin,” I replied nonchalantly.

A bubble of laughter made its way past Emily’s lips. “Love Muffin?” I too couldn’t help but laugh as I grabbed a bowl of cereal. “Sometimes I wonder where you get your crazy sayings.”

“And sometimes I wonder, ‘Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?’ and then it hits me,” I said, reaching down to get the milk from the fridge. Emily started laughing again.

“Life would be boring without you here Rachel,” she said smiling.

“That it would,” a deep voice said from behind me. I let out a small scream and dropped the milk. It never hit the ground.

“Paul! Don’t do that! You scared me half to death!” I exclaimed clutching my chest. “Nice catch by the way.” I said as an after thought, noticing the milk in his hand.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to,” he said sincerely. “And thanks.” He smiled, handing me the milk back. Oh! Stop it heart! All he did was smile! I mentally told my heart as it skipped a beat. He turned to Emily and said, “Sam had to leave to check on something. He’s going to be back by lunch.”

“Okay, thanks.” Paul glanced at me one last time before he turned and left the kitchen. I normally don’t listen to country music but at that moment a phrase from a country song was passing through my mind as he walked away. ‘I hate to see him go, but love to watch him leave.’ Again, I mentally shook my head. I felt like I was becoming a love sick high school girl. I froze at my place at the table. What if I am? What If, because I never was one when I was in school, I really am becoming one? I thought in horror.

“Rachel? Are you there? What’s wrong?” Emily asked, concern lacing her voice.

“It’s terrible! Horrible! Absolutely dreadful! Emily, what am I supposed to do?”

“What happened?” My eyes darted back and forth as if to check that no one was around. Even when my eyes met no one, I still shook my head. “I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” Emily said.

I leaned in closer as I whispered, “Not in here. Come on!” I grabbed her hand and headed to the front door.

“Where are you guys headed?” Jared asked from his spot on the couch.

“Just outside for a minute. Oh! Kim, you’re coming with us,” I said grabbing her hand as well as I passed.

“What? Now your trying to get Emily to join you and Kim in your little love fest?” Jared asked incredulously.

I stopped by the door, turned around, and in a voice dripping with sarcasm, I replied, “Yes Jared. That is exactly what Kim and I are doing. We are trying to convert Emily to the dark side. You know why Jared? Because the dark side has cookies. That’s why.” With that I walk out the door, dragging the other two girls behind me. I continued walking until we were at least 20 yards from the house.

“Why are we out here?” Kim asked.

“Because those guys have unusually acute hearing. I do NOT want to be over heard as of yet.”

“Fine. Now what’s so terrible, horrible, and dreadful?” Emily asked.

“I think I…… I think I might be turning into a love-sick school girl!” I whispered harshly.

They both stood there looking at me for quite some time before Kim finally spoke up. “What are you talking about?”

“You know how, in movies, all those girls in high school act and feel when they like a guy?” I paused. They both nodded. “Well, I think that it’s happening to me! It’s terrible! It’s hor-”

“Yeah, yeah. Terrible, horrible, and dreadful. We get it. Why though? I mean Paul’s a nice guy. I don’t see why it’s that bad.” Kim said.

“Um, I didn’t say that it was Paul.” Kim froze for a moment.

“Oh. Well, y-you just… I mean it was so obvious that I-”

“See! That’s what I mean when I say it’s terrible! It’s obvious! It can’t be obvious!” I was over reacting and I knew it. It was made even clearer from the looks on their faces. So I sighed and in a less dramatic voice I said, “I don’t want it to be obvious until I know for sure how I’m feeling about him.”

“Doesn’t the fact that you’re acting like that mean that you like him?” Emily asked, highly amused.

“No, it just means that I have a crush on him.” I corrected her.

“Would it help if I told you that he was totally and completely in love with you?” Kim asked sympathetically.

“Oh I already knew that,” I stated matter-of-factly.

Kim gave me a confused look. “Really?”

“Uh-huh. I found out last week when I decided to go skipping around town in a pink ballerina tutu singing Barbie girl, going up to random strangers saying, ‘Hi! I’m a cannibal. Would you like to join me for dinner?’”

Kim face became flushed. “I mean it Rachel! He really does.”

I stared at her for a moment. “You’re serious?” She nodded. “You’re not joking?” She shook her head. My hand reached up and started twirling a green streak that was mixed in with my originally brown hair. I turned to Emily. “Alright, so maybe I do like him more than I would if it was just a crush.” I could almost feel the smugness radiating off of her.

“Okay! Now all we have to do is set up the perfect moment for you both to fess up!” Kim exclaimed.

“What?” I asked, my voice deadpanned.

She grabbed my arm and yanked me back towards the house. “I have an idea!” She burst through the front door and stopped suddenly. I almost ran into her. “We’re going to have a cookout for lunch and then we’re going to the beach! When it gets dark enough it’ll be time to set off some fireworks!!” It was very quiet in the room for a minute.

“That’s an awesome idea!” Seth said.

“I’m in,” chimed Quil.

“Same here,” said Embry.

“Count me in,” came Jacob’s voice.

“Paul?” Kim asked.

Everyone turned to look at him. I met his gaze. “Yeah. I’ll be there.” He said smiling. I fought hard to keep the blush down.

“Good! Now if you’ll excuse Rachel and me, we’re going to go get ready.” Kim grabbed my arm again.

“What?! Why would it take us three hours to get ready?” I asked, trying to stop her from going up the stairs.

“Because we have to try everything on!” She exclaimed, smiling like an idiot. “Doesn’t that sound like fun!”

“Yes Kim, that sounds fan-freaking-tastic. Who wouldn’t want to spend 3 hours alone with you in a room just to get ready?” If the sarcasm was laid on any thicker it would have been visible.

I could hear the laughter of the guys even as we entered “my” room. Kim immediately started going through my clothes and pulled out every bathing suit I owned. Mind you, that was only three.

“Do you only own one piece bathing suits?” Kim asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Yuppers!” I said smiling.

“Seriously!? You are no fun. Don’t you want “you-know-who” to be looking at you the whole time?” Kim asked.

“Why would I want Voldemort to be looking at me?” I asked. My confusion plainly displayed on my face.

Kim paused for a minute. “Are you being serious?”

“You actually believed me?” I laughed.

“Well it’s not my fault that you can say stuff like that with a straight face! Oh, whatever. Anyway, I guess this will have to do,” she said holding up my simple black swimdress with a tie-dyed peace sign on the front.
The rest of the three hours passed with me mostly arguing with anything and everything that Kim suggested, especially the makeup. To which I brought up the valid point that if I wanted to go into the water the makeup would start to run. Luckily Emily decided to shout up the stairs that lunch was finally done. If she hadn’t Kim and I probably would have been rolling around on the floor.

By the time we got downstairs all of the food Emily had made was already gone from the kitchen. “The guys are good for something after all,” I commented. “At least we don’t have to carry anything anymore.” I beamed.

“I agree,” was the only thing Emily had said as we made our way out the front door. We linked arms and started skipping to the beach. We arrived to the sight of all the guys scattered among the beach with plates full of food.

“I don’t know how you’re able to cook so much food Emily. I am amazed,” I said as we walked towards the table with the food on it.

“Well, with all of these guys around, it was either learn to cook a lot of food or starve to death,” she sighed wistfully.

“HEY!” a chorus of voices chimed together.

“Well it is true,” Sam said coming up behind Emily. He wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Kim and I made an ‘aw’ sound. Emily blushed.

“Well Kimmy, what say you I go and find a place to sit?” She nodded. We grabbed our plates and went to where Jared was sitting. Bet you can’t guess who was sitting on the same blanket? That’s right, Paul. Kim immediately took a seat next to Jared which left me to sit next to Paul. Not that I minded.

“So Rachel, you gonna go cliff diving with us after this?” Jared asked.

I just stared at him blinking occasionally. When I finally decided to answer I said, “Yes Jared. That was always number one on my list of was I wanted to die. Jumping off a cliff with a bunch of crazy guys. Group suicide was second, but hey, now I can kill two birds with one stone.” Paul started laughing.

“It’s not that dangerous,” Jared tried explaining.

“Maybe not for you. Anyway, I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I was going to play volleyball with Kim. Right Kim?” She nodded. “See?”

“You could always do your cliff diving later and play volleyball with us for a little while,” Kim suggested hopefully. Jared looked at her before sighing in defeat.

“Dude you are so whipped,” Paul snickered.

“Aren’t you going to play with us too Paul?” I asked, attempting to do my best puppy dog pout.

“I, uh, I never said I wouldn’t,” he said looking away. Jared pantomimed using a whip while making the sound effects.

In the end we got everyone to join in. Paul, Jared, Emily, Leah, Collin, and Seth were on a team. Brady, Sam, Kim, Jacob, Embry, and I were on the other. Quil was sitting on the sidelines to watch Claire and play the referee. I couldn’t tell you how much time we played for, but somewhere along the way we started playing tag, then we started playing chicken in the water where I was paired with Paul. Talk about embarrassing. To make it fair the girls were the only ones aloud to be on top and so everyone got a chance, when Emily, Kim, or I were pushed into the water the guys would be switched. Paul and I won seeing as I never touched the water. Until the end that is. Once we were finished Paul just fell back. The water was freezing!

I was sputtering when I surfaced. All of the guys were laughing except Paul who looked like he was torn between joining in or asking if I was okay. I tried to glare at him but I’m pretty sure I just ended up staring. You would too! I mean, who wouldn’t stare at a Guy who could pass for a Greek god that was dripping wet. “Th-that wasn’t v-very nice P-paul,” I stuttered. I waded my way towards him. “Turn a-around,” I ordered him. He complied without question. I climbed on his back and hooked my arms around his neck. His hands reached back and held onto my legs at the knees.

“I’m sorry,” he chuckled. “I should have given you warning.”

“You sh-should have,” I agreed. He had reached the shore and was now walking to the blanket we had eaten on. He bent down and let me off. He turned to walk away but I grabbed his hand. “Don’t go,” I said before thinking. He looked back surprised. “Their going to start doing the fireworks soon.” He nodded with a small smile and sat down beside me. Kim and Jared seemed to have taken over a blanket farther away. Quil was watching Claire as she held a sparkler. Seth, Brady, Collin, Sam, and Emily were all standing around by the fireworks probably deciding what order to do them in. Leah was nowhere to be found.

“Have you been having fun?” Paul asked.

“Yuppers!” I exclaimed with a big smile on my face.

“That’s good. Maybe now you’ll stop being so shy,” he stated with a smile of his own.

I scowled. “I am not shy!” I exclaimed.

“Yes you are,” he laughed.

“Would a shy person do this?” I lent up and kissed him. I was about to pull away when his hand became intertwined in my hair. That was when I realized what I had just done. My heart started working double time. My thought flew out the imaginary window in my head.

When we finally pulled away both Paul and I were breathing heavily. “Okay. You’re not shy,” Paul said. I probably would have said something if the fireworks hadn’t started at that very moment. Paul and I were huddled together as we watched. He seemed to be absently tracing the smiley face tattoo with its tongue sticking out on my wrist.

After that night Paul and I started going out. It took another three weeks for him to tell me about the werewolf thing. I didn’t believe him until they showed me. I think I did a very good job handling the news. I only fainted. It wasn’t until two years later that we got married and then another year for our first of four children.

All of this happened because of one perfect night. Kim never let’s me forget it.
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Thank you to the TWO people who were kind enough to leave a comment on my other one-shots. Please, If you read this and like it leave a comment. If you don't like then fine, tell me what you didn't like so I know what to look out for in the future. This is my third one-shot. It was a request (my very first one :)).