Status: updates every few weeks

Out Of Place

010 - Well, We Aren’t in Vegas, But the Rule Still Applies.

Things were tense for the rest of the week between Daniel and me. I couldn’t care less, aside from the fact it worried Aunt Deb. We didn’t talk to each other at all and I was content with walking to school instead of riding with Dan, like Aunt Deb insisted. Alex was still sort of ignoring me for no apparent reason. Friday couldn’t come fast enough.

“I’m picking you up tomorrow morning,” Kara stated at lunchtime.
“Is that so?” I asked, sounding like a bit of a tool, even to myself. “And what are our plans?”
“I told you on Monday, dumbass,” Rian commented. “But I guess you were to busy putting your cousin back into his box to pay attention.” Rian chuckled slightly. I groaned at the memory. Naturally, our history class couldn’t keep anything to themselves, and my fight with Dan had spread around the school before the end of the day on Monday. I was becoming a reliable source for drama.
“Yeah, well…” I started, but couldn’t think of an appropriate way to finish it, so I just trailed off. Kara laughed.
“Point of the story; I'm picking you up at ten. So you better be up.”
“Yes, your majesty,” I said mockingly as the bell went.


“I told you I was gonna be here at ten, Attard!” someone yelled at me through my dream. Light suddenly filled my room and hit my face.
“Uhhhhgggg!” was what I managed to get out as I rolled over and stuffed my face into a pillow. “Let me sleep!” I groaned, my voice slightly muffled by the pillow. I felt the covers being yanked off me. “Fuck. Fine!” I turned over and squinted, looking for the person who had decided to wake me. Kara’s face beamed at me. She’s too perky in the morning.
“Rise and shine!” she practically sang as I finally sat up. “Up! Shower, dress and let’s go!” She pulled me off the bed and pushed me into my bathroom.
“Go where?” I asked sleepily as I came out of the bathroom to grab clothes before showering.
“Jack’s house. I thought Ri had told you all this.” She looked slightly annoyed. “Oh, put that one on,” she added, pointing at a top I’d just pulled out.

Kara sat on my bed flipping through some magazine as I quickly showered and got dressed. I couldn’t be bothered with my hair, so I just put it in a ponytail, only straightening my fringe. I didn’t even bother doing my makeup. I grabbed my bag and we headed downstairs.
“Hey Dad,” I greeted my father who was sitting in the living room. “I’m going out, I’ll call later.”
“Have fun sweetie,” he replied, not looking up from the newspaper.

I climbed into Kara’s car and she drove towards the school.
“So who let you in? So I know who to kill when I get home. 10:30 is too early to be awake on a Saturday.”
“My God you sound like Jack. Your mom. I told her we were doing homework,” Kara said with a slight grin. She pulled a right hand turn. “So, no probing questions about what we’re doing today?”
“I’ve learnt I'm not gonna get an actual answer,” I replied. “Unless you’re going to tell me…” I left the statement open for her to answer, but she just shook her head. “I don’t get all the damn secrecy!” I said, frustrated. Kara just laughed and we pulled into a driveway. I recognised Alex’s car parked on the road.

“Come on,” Kara said. She practically fell out of the car she was in such a rush. I laughed and got out myself, following her up to the door. She knocked lightly and pushed the door open. “Mrs Barakat?” she called into the house.
“Kitchen,” a voice called back. Kara pulled me through the house and into the kitchen. “I was wondering when you’d get here Kara,” the woman said as she turned around. “Oh, who’s this?”
“This is Megan, Mrs B. She’s new in town.” Kara smiled. “Are the boys downstairs?”
“Yes honey, they are,” she answered Kara then turned to me. “Megan, dear, I’ve heard so much about you! I’ll be making lunch soon. You’re not allergic to anything?” I shook my head. “Good. The boys will be happy to see you. They’ve been practicing all morning.” Mrs Barakat sounded proud. I had no idea what she was on about. I shot Kara a confused look but she just smirked.
“Do you need any help Mrs B?” Kara asked.
“No, no. Just go downstairs.”

Kara grabbed my arm and pulled me towards a door, which she opened to reveal steps going down into what I assumed was a basement. A voice floated up the stairs as we made our way down.
“Don’t forget we’ve, got unfinished business. Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold.” The voice singing those words was amazing.

We got to the bottom of the stairs and I saw Alex standing at a poor quality microphone. It was just loud enough to hear him over the music. I turned to Kara. “I didn’t know they were in a band,” I semi-whispered to her. She just nodded. Jack’s comment in music the other day finally made sense. Rian was kick ass on the drums and the boy I vaguely remembered as Zack was playing the bass. Jack and Alex both had guitars draped around their shoulders. None of the boys noticed us and we stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for them to finish the song. When they did, we both clapped and the boys looked around.

“Megs!” Jack cried. He pulled his guitar off, bounded over to me and wrapped me in a hug. This boy was always too excited to see me. He lifted me of the ground slightly and spun me around in our hug and I laughed. When he placed me back on the floor, I just gaped up at him.
“When did anyone plan on saying anything about a band?!” I asked in a high pitched tone.
“Didn’t realise it was any of your business,” Alex shot back and swiftly received a slap on the back of the head from Zack.
“Don’t be a douche, man. If she’s here, she’s obviously a friend.” I laughed slightly as Zack walked over. “I’m Zack, I think we met at that party last weekend,” he said smiling.
“Yeah, I remember.” I smiled back.
“Wanna hear us play some more, Megan?” Rian asked.
“Well, you guys did sound pretty good,” I replied and Jack steered me over to a sofa in the corner of the room. Kara sat next to me and the boys started playing again. Alex looked slightly pissed.

“What’s up Alex’s ass?” I asked Kara.
“Oh who knows with him. He probably just hasn’t had a date in a while or something.” I looked over at Kara confused and she elaborated. “He’s a bit of a man whore. New girlfriend every week practically. I haven’t seen him with anyone since the beginning of summer though. Not that there haven’t been girls throwing themselves at him, but he’s just being picky or something.”
“Yeah, I noticed the girls at school eyeing him off constantly,” I laughed slightly and we just sat watching them play.

An hour or so had passed when Mrs Barakat came down to tell us she’d made lunch. We went upstairs and sat around the dining room table eating sandwiches, talking idly about crap. I sat between Jack and Zack. Zack quizzed me about Australia and I asked the guys about their band. They’d been together for over a year and were called All Time Low. I had to admit, they were pretty damn good.
“We’re trying to get the school to let us play at prom,” Jack informed me.

At almost 6pm after watching the boys practice a bit more and getting my ass kicked at Monopoly, I tried to make an excuse to leave, but Jack was resolved on making me stay.
“Please Megs? We’re gonna watch some movies. It’ll be fun! What could you possibly have to do anyway?” He had me at check mate and he knew it.
“Fine! Let me call mum and let her know I’ll be late.” I went upstairs and made my call.
“Megan, don’t overstay your welcome. You’ve been there all day.”
“Yes, I am aware of that. Look, I’ll probably just stay the night with Kara.”
“Just as long as her family doesn’t mind. Make sure you use your manners.”
“Mum, I'm not five. I know. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hung up before she could say anything else.

I re-entered the basement to find the band equipment had been pushed to one side and the sofa moved around, facing a TV. There were pillows and blankets everywhere, along with bowls filled with chips and popcorn. There was no room on the sofa, so I sat on the floor between Alex and Jack.
“So what are we watching?” I asked as Jack pressed play on the remote for the DVD player.
“Home Alone,” he replied with the childish grin that was constantly plastered across his face. Everyone groaned. “Guys, it’s my favourite!” he defended his movie choice.

Halfway through our fourth movie I dozed off. I hadn’t really been paying attention anyway. Kara had been asleep for at least an hour and Zack had left before we’d started watching the third movie. With the exception of Home Alone, they’d been pretty crap movies. When I woke up, the basement was dark and I could hear someone snoring slightly. My head was resting against Alex’s shoulder and his arm was around me lightly. Jack’s head was in my lap. I moved off Alex and pulled my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. 3am. I got up slowly, making sure that I placed Jack’s head on a pillow, and went upstairs to get something to drink.

I remembered where the kitchen was and started looking for a glass, praying I didn’t drop something and wake anyone up. Someone cleared their throat behind me and I turned, startled.
“Sorry,” Alex’s voice came through the dark.
“Shit Alex, I was ready to scream.”
“I said sorry. What are you doing, anyway?”
“Looking for a glass,” I replied sort of bitterly. I don’t know why.
“Next cupboard over to the left,” he instructed.
“Thanks.” I grabbed a glass and filled it in the sink. Alex came and stood next to me.
“Jack seems to like you,” he casually said as I sipped my water. “Everyone does.”
“Yeah, except you,” I muttered under my breath, but Alex heard.
“Why would you think that?”
“Let’s think. You’ve ignored me all week. You have a hissy fit every time I sit in ‘your’ seat in English. You’ve been giving me dirty looks all day. Should I continue?” I turned and looked at Alex. He was looking at the floor.
“Megs, there’s more than one way to see all that,” he replied quietly.
“Enlighten me Alex,” I said snidely.
“Never mind.”
“I don’t even care if you like me or not Alex. I don’t need any reasons to make me want to stay in Baltimore longer than I have to. It’s gonna be hard enough saying goodbye as it is.” I went to move but Alex grabbed my arm. “Al-…” I started but he cut me off. Alex pulled me towards him and pressed his lips onto mine lightly. I was shocked. I had no clue what to do. I just stood there and he pulled back, a small smirk present on his face.

“I… um… what…” I couldn’t think straight. Alex took that as an opening to kiss me again, this time a little more intensely. Against my better judgement, I kissed him back. I could feel him smiling as he pulled me closer, his arms around my waste. I put my arms over his shoulders. That’s when my brain kicked in, screaming at me to stop. I pulled away.
“What’s wrong?” Alex asked, looking as confused as I felt.
“I just… Alex... Ah crap,” I said, not even bothering to explain. I wriggled out of his arms and walked back towards the basement. I heard him mutter “fuck” under his breath.

10 minutes later Alex was back downstairs with the rest of us. I pretended to be asleep as he sat down next to me. I felt him lightly press his lips to my forehead. I fell asleep resting against Jack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. i know its been a while. ive been really sick.
Next chapter's got a bit more heat between Megan and Alex (;
I hope you guys are enjoying.
leave me some comments and let me know what you think