This Is What Happens When Two Killjoys Get Bored

Fros, Bros and Flamethrowers

Teza: There seems to be a disturbance in the nature today.
KC: *singing* I gave you food, food, kilos of the stuff *takes mouth full* Huh?
Teza: ...Something’s not right here.
KC: I know it is... The fro is in danger of mike straitening it! D:
Teza: Oh my God! We must stop Mikey! D:
KC: *teleports* Mikey! Look! A unicorn!
Mikey: OMG! WHERE?
KC: Over... *looks around* In the opposite way of Frank and Gerard... Uh... “Playing”.
Mikey: Ooh, what are they playing, hide and seek? I WANNA PLAY, TOO.
Fro: *le eats Mikey*
Frank: See if you can find dog #3586977 in there.
Mikey: Hmm, I don’t see him...
Dog #3586977: Woof.
Mikey: I hear but don’t see...
Frank: Dog #3586977! Come here boy!
Teza: Squeak... Squeak... Squeak...
Mikey: Hey, I found dog #42... And he’s sleeping.
Frank: Well get him back!
KC: I don’t think he’s sleeping.
Frank: ...What do you mean?
KC: *whispers* Don’t tell Mikey, but I think it’s dusted...
Frank: But my dog... *le tears forming*
Gerard: Stop crying, it’s a turn off *click click click*
Frank: *le hugs up to Gerard*
Gerard: You’re getting tears on my feather boa...
Frank: But Gee, baby, my dog is... Dead...
Mikey: *starts crying* It’s okay, you can cry with me.
Frank: le goes over to Mikey, hugs each other and cries*
Teza: Squeak... Squeak... Squeak...
Gerard: What is that annoying squeaking noise? It’s hurting my sassiness!
Teza: It’s my shoes! Squeak... Squeak... Squeak...
KC: You stole that kid’s shoes didn’t you?
Teza: ...No. Of course I didn’t! How would I be wearing them if I did? They were tiny!
KC: *looks at Teza’s feet* It seems to fit on your big toe...
Teza: Yeah, they’re toe shoes! Keeps your toes nice and warm while the rest of your foot freezes!
Gerard: OH SNAP!!! *click click click*
Ray: That is illogical and irrelevant. Now somebody get Mikey out of my fro!
Mikey: *le gets hair straightener* On it!
Ray: ...What are you doing?
Mikey: *poker faces innocently* Nothing.
Ray: ...Why can I smell burning hair?
KC: Teza, put down the flamethrower.
Teza: What flamethrower?
KC: That one *le points to the flamethrower in Teza’s hand*
Teza: Well sorry if I wanted to make some chips the old fashioned caveman way!
Ray: Cavemen didn’t have flamethrowers though.
Teza: You know what I mean, Ray.
Fro: *le eats flamethrower*
Frank: Um, won't Mikey be stuck with the flamethrower now?
Everyone but Mikey: D=
Mikey: Hey, it suddenly got brighter in... What’s that...?
Mikey: Why not, though? I need to see around here.
Gerard: Mikey, remember the time you put the fork in the toaster while it was plugged in? Same reason of why we told you off for that!
Mikey: Yeah, but at least I had toast.
Gerard: But this time you won’t have toast!
Mikey: So I’ll have popcorn? Awesome!
Ray: Oh, that’s where my popcorn went!
Mikey: Ew, this popcorn’s cold and disgusting!
KC: How about you come out through the hole I just opened up? Take my hand, Mikey, and we will get you... And Sparkles out of here.
Mikey: Alright! C’mon, Sparkles, we’re getting out of the fro now!
KC: Okay, so my work here is done *le teleports out*
Teza: Eh, I’m not walking all the way back. I think I’m going to stay here and chill with you guys.
KC: *teleports back in* I need to get into your house, come on *grabs Teza and teleports*
Teza: But I wanna stay with them! *le teleported too early or... Something*
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, first chapter. Enjoy it :D
xxTeza and KC