Status: running strong as long as I get feedback that you like it.

Lose Track of Reason to Believe in Nothing

Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't


Melanie threw herself on top of Jack Barakat's frail body. Although they probably shared the same weight (which was remarkable considering Jack was about a foot taller), the force of her lauched body caused them both to fall crashing to the ground.

At first there was no response. Did he recognize her?

That was the thing with Jack, Mel thought. He’s too damn nice. His lack of reaction didn’t mean anything either way because, hell, for all Melanie knew Jack could go around hugging strangers in his free time.

The other boy, whom Mel quickly recognized, made a short choking noise. As if he didn’t know whether to laugh or gasp. Or maybe call security. Hopefully not that last one.

“Jeez, Rian”, Melanie called up from the ground. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”

“A ghost from my past…” Rian laughed, still adorning a completely dumbfounded look.

Like clockwork, this prompted a scream from Jack.


“Yup, still my name,” Melanie cringed at how loud he was yelling. Somehow though, she didn’t mind one bit. She had missed this.

By the time Melanie untangled herself from Jack’s vine-like limbs, more eager fans were pouring outside to get a preferred spot by the busses.

“How about you come backstage with us and tell us about that hole you were hiding in?” Rian urged.

“Do I have a choice?” Melanie mock sighed.

“No. And besides, you don’t want these girls to think you’re a groupie and get jealous,” Jack added. Melanie could practically hear his eyebrows wiggle.

“Can seventeen year olds even have groupies?” Melanie wondered aloud.

“That’s eighteen to you!” Rian corrected, “and don’t flatter yourself: speaking of ghosts, you’re starting to look like one.”

“Clearly we’re in need of another beach trip,” She joked. “This goddamn northern weather is ruining me,” Melanie laughed as she pulled open the heavy metal door and light poured through.

“Clearly”, a much less enthusiastic voice remarked. Melanie’s body reacted before her mind did; her heart was in her throat and she was pretty sure her stomach fell onto the ground somewhere.

She racked her mind, not ready to face what she had run away from so many months ago.
Talking it out like a human being? Nope. Not an option.

Fainting? Perhaps. But that might hurt if she landed wrong.

Running outside with the sudden need to puke? A good excuse, but may be detrimental to her interests in the future if they happen to, er, reconcile.

What was Melanie thinking? She wouldn’t let herself do that. Fainting it was.

But before she could scope out a good landing spot, her damn mouth opened.
♠ ♠ ♠
fjsdiosfjfslkdjfs I always forget how much i love writing this story. it's just a matter of getting my lazy ass around to it. no long winded apologies, just know that I know that i am the worst person ever etc etc etc. anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter! it doesn't make up for four months of absence but i'm writing more as we speak and I assure you there will be tons of Melex finally (hooray for couple names).

thank you to whoever wrote in my ask box about the story! you honestly made my week and are reason i got around to logging on here and seeing all of the other lovely comments i got! :)

chapter title credit: "The Take Over, the Break's Over" - Fall Out Boy