Status: Active :)

You Are Allowed to Be Happy


I stopped in front of my locker and opened it to get to my stuff. Looking inside I ticked through my binders stopping on the one I needed. I pulled it out, the music notes and staffs covered in random doodles and song lyrics. At the top of it on a not so blank white sticker was written across it AP Bio, in Harry Potter letter script. Skillfully done by my good friend Dylan aka Dee.

I grabbed the reserve drink I keep in my locker, purple Powerade to be exact. I swished my hair around in the mirror, then made some faces at my reflection. I chuckled and closed my locker, only to be stopped by a solid body. I staggered backwards a couple steps, catching myself before I could fall down.

I scoffed indignantly as I looked into a shoulder. Reminding me that I was short, which made me even more indignant. Looking up further I saw shaggy dark hair, and super tan skin. I rolled my eyes before staring into brown eyes unhappily.

"I'm so so--"

"Don't even bother, just get out of my way," I snapped. I'm sure my green eyes were shiny with idignance. I mean seriously, did he really have to stand there?

"I didn't... Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'll be perfectly fine, as soon as you get out of my way," I replied.

"There's an entire hallway and you want me to move out from in front of my locker?" His eyes started shining with what almost looked like anger.

"Seems that way doesn't it? Now if you'll just move so I can get to class, things will go on as if you never existed, which is fine with me."

He looked at me, his mouth opening and closing in that fish splutter way. He looked like I'd just punched him the stomach.

"I'm sorry about her, she's just well, herself. Come on Kat, you do not have to eat the new kids, everytime." My friend Cassidy aka Cass came by and grabbed my elbow, pulling me along and around the boy who I could feel watching as we walked off.

"Really Kat? He's new, can you not treat him like crap right off the bat? That's not fair to him," She griped, stopping our walking as we made it to the middle of the staircase.

"He was in my way, and that makes me wrong?"

"That big ass hallway and he was in your way? Does that even sound legit to you?" She snarked.

"Look I was only giving him what he would've gotten later on. If I had been nice... he would've assumed it was okay to hit on me later. So if I treat him bad now, he won't get his feelings hurt later, and that makes me not wrong in this situation," I replied.

"She's got a point y'know, he would've asked our little girl out, sometime in the near future. She possibly could've been nastier to him then, so I think he got a good deal honestly," A male voice said, stopping right next to me.

"Dee why, are you always takin' her side? One day she's gonna be mean to the wrong guy, and he's gonna dish it back, and she's gonna be mad."

"And when that day comes, that 'wrong guy' is gonna have to answer to me. Besides Little Red is like my sister, of course I'm gonna take her side. Not that I would take your side anyway, you're little and annoying," Dylan replied.

"Yeah well you're a big dumb freak, so join the fucking freak show, you big bag of dicks," Cassidy replied, rolling her eyes at her other friend.

"And I'm the one you wonder about putting up with?" Anyways, by Dee, we'll see you in about an hour? Mrs. Young's class, whoo!" I replied, turning to Cass as we walked away from Dylan, "You know one of these days you two are either going to have to get over yourselves or fuck each other, but I'm sure both is bound to happen."

"Whatever Kat, let's just go."

She rolled her eyes before we continued towards our destination.


"Alright class we have a new student with us," Our teacher, Mrs. Olivera announced. Her Brazilian accent was a tad prominent as she said the boys name.

"Ms. Hollaway and Ms. Tyler please raise your hands so Mr. Oliver will know where to sit please?" She requested.

I looked up and groaned as I reluctantly raised my hand, watching the chair between me and my best friend with hatred.

"My name is Adonis, but you can call me Doni," he whispered to me and Cass as he sat down.

"Or I won't and I'll pretend the chair next to me is still empty," I retorted.

He huffed and sat back as Ms. O turned off the lights to begin her notes section.

"Adonis, my butthole."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm changing this up and mixing it with a story I had from a while ago... All the same characters. Sorta the same plot but changed about 45% and yeah... Read and comment?

It'd really make me happy!

and here's Kat's outfit!