Status: Active :)

You Are Allowed to Be Happy


"You comin' with me to pick up Luke?" I asked Cass as I pulled stuff from my locker. I grabbed my Government book, my Calculus book, and my copy of Dante's Inferno and stuffed them all in my bookbag.

"Yeah, I don't feel like walking home today anyways."

Closing my locker I actually looked to make sure no one was there before I walked off, with Cass following behind me.

I walked to wards the parking lot and headed towards my car. I dumped my stuff in the backseat before getting in the front, waiting on Cassidy who did the same. Hooking up my iPod I turned it to the song I most recently couldn't get out of my head. So as I pulled out of the parking lot Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae blasted through my open windows.

As Luke's school came into view, I turned down the music some. Having had this routine since I'd gotten my liscense, I didn't even think when I went around the little circle, pick up thing. If it hadn't been for Cassidy yelling out my name I probably would've hit the person in front of me.

I stomped on the break, bringing the car to a screeching halt, my breath coming out in pants as I stared with hatred towards the car in front of me. Whoever it was, must've been new because every parent or guardian who picks up their kid, knows I park there to pick up my little brother. Call me a brat, call me a whine-baby, call me whatever, but that's my spot!

"The fuck dude? Is San Antonio just the place that draws in new idiots? I mean honestly!" I griped as I got out of the car, my anger thickening the accent I'd grown up with.

I smiled as my little brother's brown chili-bowl came into my view.

"Puca, let's go!" I called, gaining his attention.

He looked up at me and smiled, before running over to me, his arms wrapping around my middle. I snaked my arms around his head, ruffling the brown locks that adorned his head.

"Quit that," he griped, pushing my hand away, but smiling at me none the less.

"Hey Trina, you gotta come meet my friend. His family just moved here from Vancouver, y'know like Canada, come on!"

He dragged me along until I was standing in front of a kid with an almost identical brown chili-bowl, to the one that was own my brother's own head. He flipped his hair out of his eyes, before smiling up at me.

"Well aren't you just the cutest," I said, laughing as he frowned a little, before the smile popped back on his face.

"My name's Apollo, AP for short," he announced.

"See! He's like the coolest new kid I ever met, like ever. Did I tell you he can speak French? He said his momma taught him, when he was little, how cool is that?" My little brother raved.

AP just looked down, a smile on his face at the praise my little brother was drowning him in.

"That is so cool." I said, appeasing my brother, arm coming to wrap around his shoulder.

"Hey AP," I heard a male voice call out.

I looked up and immediately I groaned long and loud at the person who was stepping out of the car that was in my spot, and calling for his younger brother.

"Fuck me with a broom," I huffed quietly to myself.

It seems this kid was bound to follow me everywhere. Which just outright sucks because honestly, I could do without him. Not that I would wish another human being dead. My feelings were more like, if someone told me he fell of the face of the Earth, I'd probably smile, honestly.

Our little brother's were conversing, occasionally slapping each other a high five as whoever he was, he said his name was Donald right... Or maybe it was Doni? As if I gave any fucks.

"Looks like we're going to be seeing a lot of each other now. I mean our brothers are practically best friends now," He said, flipping his dark hair out of his face.

"Oh no... No nonononononononono, not even close. Just because our brothers are friends, doesn't mean we are. Now, please don't ever make ridiculous suggestions to me again, we clear?"

I didn't even wait for an answer before calling my little brother to come on. He reluctantly waved at his new friend over his shoulder as we walked towards my car. I promised that we could hang out with AP soon if he wanted, and his face perked up right after that. I did always hate to see him frown after all.

"You gonna put away your pride for your little brother's friendship?" Cass asked as we got in the car.

"Their friendship has nothing to do with us. Besides, I like his little brother more than him anyway."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I changed some more stuff since I posted the first chapter... But it's mostly in the Characters section of the story if you wanna check it out...

I changed everyone's description, got Cassidy a new picture, added a picture for Doni's little brother, and changed DOni's last name!

And this is a glimpse into Katerina's relationship with her little brother and how strong their bond is :)

anyways subscribe and comment please? it'd mean the world to me!

Silent reading is mean... #JustSayin'