Status: Active :)

You Are Allowed to Be Happy


"Hey Cass, Whit wants to know if you're coming with me and Puca this weekend to visit?" I asked Cassidy as we walked down the hallway.

"Tell her yeah... I wouldn't miss it. I'm going to have to go home and get clothes though," She answered.

"That's legit. I'll just pick you up at your house after I pick up Puca and we'll be on our way," I said, texting my cousin Whitney back about her question.

"What does she have in mind?"

"She says she has a surprise for us, so she’s gonna spend a day out with Luke, and we can spend the whole day ridin’ and then she’s gonna take us out… She says we have to start getting’ ready for our surprise, early,” I explain as we stop in front of Mrs. Young’s door.

“That sounds vaguely ominous,” She replied.

“Well knowin’ Whit, it’s probably not gonna kill us.” I put my phone in my bag before walking into the classroom, right as the bell rung.

I went and sat down in front of Dylan, and Cassidy sat down next to him, leaving an open seat next to me. I was pulling my binder and copy of Dante’s Inferno when I heard someone sit in the seat next to me. I sat up and looked over. I groaned inwardly and glared at the side of his head. He turned to look over and I turned my head, flipping my hair to shield my face. I clearly need to stop sitting next to open seats, any old riffraff could just blow into the seat next to me.

Mrs. Young and Dr. Keating started class normally, and this time I actually didn’t fall asleep through Keating’s notes. I was writing down the last of his words when Mrs. Young flipped on the lights. There was a resounding groan of discomfort, as everyone’s eyes attempted to adjust to the light.

“Okay class, today’s the day you pick your partner for the Dante project. One person will choose out of the hat and then go and immediately sit next to that person. After everyone’s paired up you will choose your Canto and start from there. Canto’s are first come first serve so choose quickly,” Mrs. Young stated, picking up a basket full of papers.

She stopped next to Dylan and he picked a name from the basket. He looked at it and cackled evilly.

“Why didn’t you move?” I asked him.

“Because she’s already sitting next to me,” he continued laughing.

“Aww Mrs. Young! You’re not gonna make me work with this hillbilly are you? He’s going to torture me endlessly, and then I’m going to end up doing all the work anyways,” Cassidy groaned.

“I can’t change fate Cassidy. Besides, Mr. Lancaster will do his share of the work, won’t he? Lest he be forced to make it up by writing a paper, one page for each Canto,” Mrs. Young threatened.

Dee’s smile faded, and he looked down at his desk, “yes Mrs. Young.”

This time it was Cass’ turn to laugh as Dee grumbled to himself. Mrs. Young stopped by me next, and I reached into the basket of papers. I pulled one and looked at it, immediately my face crumpled and I looked at Mrs. Young.

“Mrs. Young please let me choose a different partner? This isn’t gonna work, I mean, seriously,” I whined, pleading heavily.

“Now Katerina, if I can’t give Cassidy a different partner, how would it be fair of me to give you someone new?” She questioned.

“Because if you don’t, no work is ever gonna get done. We’d be too busy fightin’ and not gettin’ along and come due date we’d get an F” I reasoned.

“No, Ms. Hollaway, now either work with the partner you chose, or you’ll have the same consequence that Mr. Lancaster would receive,” She said and moved away.

“Come on Little Red it couldn’t be that bad,” Dee said, taking the paper from me, “Oh, okay so maybe it can be.”

“Exactly,” I whimpered.

“Oh, this is brutal, brutal irony Kat. I’m sorry,” Cass said as she peered at the name over Dee’s shoulder.

I glared at the seat next to me, “Here’s the deal, don’t talk, don’t make suggestions. We’re going to do the Canto I want, and we’re gonna do whatever idea I get for that Canto, you got me?”

“How’s that fair?” Doni questioned.

“How’s this match up fair? Well y’know what, life aint fair okay, so just shut up and let’s get to work,” I replied.

His eyes flashed angry and he glared at me as well, “You think I’m just gonna sit here and—“

“I think that’s exactly what you’re gonna do if you want to make it to the end of this project,” I snapped.

“This is ridiculous; you don’t get to treat me like this. I’ve barely known you for a week, and you talk to me like I’m a child. Well I’m not, not even close. My mom doesn’t even talk to me like this, and you’re not going to either,” he fumed.

My eyes widened at the tone of his voice. No one has ever come at me like this, not even when I talk back to mother, she doesn’t even speak to me like this.

“Excuse you? I don’t exactly think you know, who the fuck you’re talking too, and I advise you to rethink your tone, or regret it for life,” I seethed.

“I know exactly who I’m talking to. I’m talking to, the girl who thinks she can treat anybody whatever way she wants, for some sick reason. I’m talking to the girl who treats every guy she meets, like they’re not good enough, because her father wasn’t good enough—“ He didn’t get to finish his rant because my hand collided with his face.

I could feel the stinging in the back of my eyes, as they started to blur from the tears. I could feel Dylan’s arms around me from behind as I growled angrily in his direction.

“Let me go Dee,” I seethed, as tears rolled down my face.

“Uhhm no,” he replied.

“You fucking bastard, what makes you think you’re an expert on a situation that you don’t even know about. You wanna know why I treat you like you’re not good enough, because you’re not! You think you can walk in here with your pretty fuckin’ eyes and your ridiculously fluffy hair and waltz into my good graces like that? Well fuck you, and if I ever hear of you speakin about any situation involvin’ my father again, I will tear you apart so quick your family won’t even have time to miss your ass,” I rumbled strugglin’ against Dylan’s tight hold on my arms, “Let me go Dee.”

I could feel the sobs coming on, the one’s that only came along when Kenneth was involved.

“I can’t do that,” he replied.

“Please Dee, just let me go, I gotta get outta here. I’m not about to cry in front of all of these people,” I plead, my voice already cracking.

He let me go and I glared tearily in Doni’s direction.

“Screw you!” I squeaked in his direction, stomping on his foot.

I could hear a sob fly free as I ran out the door of the classroom. I ran past the locker’s and the other students and right out the school door to my car. Thankfully I never take my bag off. I turned off my phone and tossed it in the back and started up my car, driving off the school lot.

I was probably going to be in major trouble, suspension even, but I didn’t care. That kid had really crossed a line. No one, not even my mother talks about Kenneth in my presence, no one!
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay... Sorry for the wait... but I was trying to decide how I wanted to get this done... And I finally figured it out... So next chapter we'll find out all about Kenneth and why he can provoke such feelings from Kat...




Peace Love Glitter & Grease