‹ Prequel: A Burden

An Acceptance

Raina Maethoriel has been through living hell while traveling with the Fellowship: yet she still insists these are the moments that she will remember forever.

Within the Fellowship, she's forged friendships with the unlikliest of folk, but these friendships are bound by stronger love than she could have ever imagined. Legolas, the Elf who accepted her, is her best friend in Middle Earth. Nothing can change that. But what would hapeen if she happened to fall for him as well? Aragorn and Gimli, her comrades in this war, will always have her back. She might have lost her family and her home, but they will welcome her into their own. And finally, Faramir. Maybe if her visions go away, Raina coudl forget about him and live happily ever after with her Elf.

All of these relationships come to play in the last book of the trilogy, where the War of the Rings will be over once and for all.