‹ Prequel: A Burden

An Acceptance

Everything You Said

Pippin followed Gandalf closely, his lungs burning for air. But he ignored that, knowing that Raina was suffering far worse, and had run much farther distances for he and Merry. It was his turn to repay the favor.

Gandalf burst through the unguarded doors, his tall figure in the way of Pippin’s view for a moment. But from the crackling of the fire and light bouncing and flickering around the stone walls, he knew he didn’t want to see it.

But soon enough, Gandalf moved in, taking the wave of guards that flew at them, and pushed Pippin forward with an order, but Pippin did not hear.

He was in shock from the horror-filled scene in front of him. In the middle of a pyre lay Faramir, and next to him, Raina had nearly passed out, her scream still echoing in his mind.

But he didn’t need to be told what to do. Without too much thought, he jumped into the middle of the fire, where the wood had yet to light, miraculously.

He instantly reached for his friend first, but she feebly pushed his hands away. Pippin looked down at her curiously, but her eyes flutter open.

“Take him,” she whispered weakly before pushing the Hobbit over towards Faramir. He didn’t think twice before scooping the Man’s body up and rolling him over the edge of the table and to the ground, where he fell as well.

He turned around to go back for Raina, but Gandalf was there, and grabbed her from the flames easily.

Pippin let out a sigh as he watched Gandalf hold Raina upright with one hand -- grasping her cloak and she started to hold her own weight, and then took one staggering step towards him after another. By the time she was at his side, her posture was nearly as confident as usual.

But her gaze was torn from his face as she saw something behind his shoulder.


Raina looked up in shock as Denethor appeared behind Pippin, his face crazed and wild. He was about to attack Pippin before Raina stepped in.

“You will not take my son from me!” the Steward cried before throwing himself at the Hobbit, about to fight for his son’s body.

Raina cried out in warning, but she knew that Pippin would never be able to react in time. But she also knew that the Steward had no strength in fighting: he didn’t know how to attack someone without a weakness, he didn’t know how to throw his weight, and he was too old for any of that. So Raina knew exactly where to hit him…

She jumped at him before he hit Pippin, throwing all her weight to the left so the Steward was thrown into burning fire.

With that, Raina collapsed on the stone floor, resting her weight on her hands behind her as she watched the Steward. He fell into the middle of the fire, where there was no fire yet, before looking back at the four gathered on the floor.

But then she heard a groan from beside her, and she swung around with what energy she had left, and saw a miraculous sight: Faramir was waking up.

Denethor had seen as well.

“Faramir… my son?” he asked, and tried to move towards Faramir, which was a major mistake. He caught on fire instantly, and his cries and shrieks of pain were not enjoyable to hear.

Raina turned back to Faramir, and rested her head on the cold stone floor.

“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” she whispered, gazing up into his eyes with pure joy despite the situation.

He blinked a few times before looking down at Raina, shaking his head slowly.

“I… I heard what you said. Everything you said to me.”