‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

This love This Hate

Chapter Ten
I roll over and feel somebody next to me. My hands find their face as I pull Jorel into me so I could kiss him. I feel him move closer to my naked body as he kisses me, for some reason his kisses seemed sweeter than before. Finally I stop and lay back down with my head on his shoulder. He puts his hand on my lower back and pulls me closer.
“Baby I love your kisses” I tell him as I start to slowly open my eyes. “Fuck me please.”
“It’s been awhile since you’ve said that” A familiar voice says.
My eyes shoot open as I sit up and look down at who I thought was Jorel, “JORDON!”
“I miss you screaming my name” He says looking my body up and down. “But at least my kisses can still make you beg for sex.”
I bite my bottom lip and look at him, “When did you get here?”
“About five minutes before you started begging for sex” He grabs my shoulders and pulls me back towards him. “Jorel took Blake to the store he won’t be back for awhile.”
I barely fight him, “Jordon…”
Jordon pulls me down into a laying position and starts to kiss my neck, “Baby please for old times’ sake?” He places himself on top of me and kisses from my belly button to my lips. Just like he used to, he kisses me but lightly bites my lip as he pulls away in a teasing way.
I wrap my legs around his hips, understanding what I wanted he turned so I was on top of him. I bite my lip again and look at him, “I really shouldn’t…” I tell him as I unbutton his jeans. “But I will if you kiss me again.”
He grabs my hips and pulls me towards him, “Your wish, my command.” He kisses me and I felt like I went back in time, back to when I was with Jordon, back before I knew Jorel loved me, and back to when George was alive. I back away and look down at him, “Fuck me.”
“No, I won’t fuck you.”
“Why not?”
“Because you love Jorel and it’d kill you to keep this from him.”
He places his hands on my hips and leans forward to kiss me lightly, “Willow, I love you too much to watch you hurt because of this. It’s not that I don’t want to fuck you, because trust me I do, but you’re with Jorel not me.”
I watch him as he takes off his shirt and hands it to me, silently. I slide it over my head then look down at his half naked body, “Still got that body…”
He smiles, “So do you.”
I climb off him and lay down with my head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry, Jordon.”
He twirls a piece of my hair around his fingers, “Why, princess?”
“Because I cheated on you. And maybe if I hadn’t we’d still be together.”
He tilts my head up to make me look at him, “No. I fucked up long before you cheated on me.”
“Jordon, why do you treat me like this now? Why not when we were together?”
“Because unlike Jorel, I didn’t notice what I had until it was gone.”
I shrug, “I’m not much…”
“Shut your dirty whore mouth.”
“Excuse me?” I look at him shocked, to see him smiling.
“I love you, beautiful” he kisses me lightly then moves to get up.
“No. One more minute” he lays back down and snuggles me close to him.
He presses his face into my hair, “You smell like vanilla.”
“You’re welcome” He sits up and I fall into his lap. “As much as I love where you head is, your minute is up.”
I frown at him but climb out of bed and walk towards the door when I hear him laughing. I turn and look at him, “What?”
“I miss seeing you in my clothes.”
“I miss being in your clothes.”
He follows me out to the living room where there was a stack of suitcases and bags. Johnny was laying on the couch. I smile when I see him, “Hi Johnny.”
He looks at me, having not noticed I came into the room, “Hi beautiful.” He jumps up and hugs me. “Why are you wearing Jordon’s shirt?”
“Because I can.”
He throws his hands up, “Hey I have no objections. Can you just, you know, walk into the kitchen for me?”
I smile at him, “Only because I want a drink.”
Jordon walks behind me, to Johnny’s disappointment. When we get into the kitchen he hops up onto the counter and looks at me, “Why do you do that?”
“Do what?” I ask as I open the fridge.
“Give every guy what he wants.”
I grab a glass out of the dish washer and look at him, “What do you mean?”
“Well for instance, Johnny wanted you to walk in here so he could look at your ass, you did. When we were together whatever Jorel wanted, you did. Whatever George wanted, you did.”
I pour the milk into the cup as I listen to him. When he finishes I turn and look at him, “I do it because I’m not used to it. And the one thing you failed to realize was that it was always you that I was going to bed with. You I was saying I love you to. Always you.”
“Until George showed up.”
“No, Jordon. The things with George happened after we started fighting. When I told you I was hanging out with him. That’s all I was doing.”
“But now you do it with me. I ask you to kiss me and you do.”
I put my cup on the counter and glare at him, “Sorry I was in love with you from day one.”
He hops down from the counter and cups my face in his hands, “Just remember, you are with Jorel.”
“Trust me I know. I can feel it.”
He smirks at me, “How many times?”
I put the milk away and smile, “More times than we ever did in one night.”
“Including the first week you were with me.”
I pause and think back, “Yeah.” I walk out into the living room, “The most me and you did in one night was three.”
I plop on to the couch next to Johnny and Jordon sits down next to me, “So how many times did you and George do it in one night?”
“George told me they did it more than once nearly every time” Johnny says smiling. “The only time I was ever proud of my brother.”
I slap his shoulder, “Shut up.”
“Oh I’ll just ask Johnny for details” Jordon says as he stretches his legs across mine and Johnny’s laps.
I rest my head on Johnny’s shoulder, “I miss your brother.”
“So do I.”
We all turn and look at the door as Jorel walks in carrying Blake in his car seat and store bags, “Oh yeah nobody help me, I got this.”
“Okay, baby” I say with a smile as Johnny gets up to help. He grabs Blake’s car seat as Jorel walks into our room with all the bags. Johnny comes over and sits down next to me while he unbuckles Blake.
He picks him up and looks at him, “He looks just like George and I did when we were little.”
“Yeah…those eyes definitely didn’t come from me…”
Johnny looks at me seriously as Jordon starts to snore, “Can we take him to see my parents when we get back? They have a right to meet him…”
“Of course…” I say as Jorel shouts for Johnny, he hands Blake to me and gets up to go into my room. Jordon starts snoring louder so I hit him. “I know you aren’t sleeping. I slept next to you for months, you don’t snore.”
“Let me see him” Jordon says instantly opening his eyes and reaching for Blake.
“Promise not to strangle him?”
“I promise.”
I lay Blake down on his chest, “Just put him in his chair if you don’t want to hold him anymore.”
I walk into my room to see what Jorel was fussing about. “Jorel Michael Decker what are you doing?”
“I hate when she uses my full name” I hear him tell Johnny as I walk into the room.
“What are you doing?” I ask again.
“What did you get at the store?”
Johnny snickers as I glare at Jorel who looked so guilty, “Jorel…”
“Oh shit you are gunna get beaten for that one” Jordon says from the doorway holding Blake.
I narrow my gaze at Jorel, “What are you doing?”
“Fine. I’m sitting next to Jordon on the plane since you won’t answer me” I walk past Jordon out into the living room. Right on cue Jorel runs out after me.
“Baby…” he says as he finally reaches me. I shut him up with a kiss. “And I thought I was in trouble…”
“You are. I just felt like kissing you.”
“Didn’t you do enough of it last night?” he asks smirking at me.
“No. No I didn’t.”
He kisses me again, “Please don’t sit next to Jordon on the plane. It’s a six hour flight and I already hate flying…”
“Tell me what you are planning.”
“Nothing, I promise. I am just packing. I don’t have that many clothes because most of my stuff is at my mom’s in LA so I went out and got new stuff for the trip.”
I reach to pull his hat off his head but he backs away, “Jorel?”
“Uh I don’t feel like taking off my hat?” he tries.
I walk towards him but he backs away. As if he knew what was going to happen he started to run away from me as I started towards him. I hear Johnny tell Jordon to move as we run down the hall and end up in the bedroom. Jorel tries to jump onto the bed but didn’t do it soon enough because I push into him and forced him into the side of the bed.
He lays on the bed defeated, gripping onto his hat, “Baby remember you love me.”
I yank off his hat, “Asshole you cut your fucking hair!”
He smiles at me, “You love me. You love me. You lovvveee mmeeee”
Johnny starts to laugh as Jorel continues to sing that I love him, “Dude you are so dead.”
“So dead” Jordon clarifies.
I look down at Jorel, “You are so lucky hair grows back…”
I get up and walk away from him and out into the living room. Jordon walks out behind me, “Willow you should get dressed. We leave in an hour to go to the airport.”
“Give me Blake and get me a pair of sweatpants please.”
He hands me Blake and goes back into the room, I hold Blake up and look at him, “Daddy is so dead.”
Jordon comes back carrying my sweatpants and my lace purple bra, he smiles. “I had to.”
I lay Blake in his chair and take the clothes from him. Quickly I put them on and lay down on the couch, laying Blake on my chest. Jordon sits at the other end and puts my feet on his lap, “Lucky bastard” he says to Blake.
“Because he gets to put his head on my chest?”
“And wake up to see your face.”
“Stop being a suck up” Johnny says coming down the hall. “That’s Jorel’s job right now.”
“Well yeah because I am Cupid’s Victim” He says pulling a shirt over his head.
Jordon laughs, “No. You are Willow’s victim.”
Jorel lifts my head up and sits down, “That’s almost the same thing.”
He kisses my forehead as he lays my head on his leg, “But cupid won’t kill you with that arrow, I will.”
“Because I cut my hair?”
He frowns at me, “Fine no dinner in Europe for you.”
“Mean” I turn my head towards his stomach, not looking at him.
“Whoa there Willow” I hear Johnny say. “I know you love him and all but giving head with your ex by your feet and your son on your chest?”
I kiss Jorel’s stomach look up at him, he smiles “You kissed my stomach.”
“Yeah yeah I did. Let’s add that to the listen of places I’ve kissed.”
He leans down and kisses me, “I, personally, like kissing you on the lips the best.”
“So do I”, Jordon and Johnny say at the same time.
I look at them both, “One, Jordon shut up. Two, Johnny I never kissed you.”
“Are you sure about that?” He asks winking at me.
I glare at him, “Positive.”
“But you kissed Jordon…”
“We all know I did that. But please don’t remind me, it was a horrible experience.”
Jordon hits my feet, “Don’t get me started, princess.”
“Hey” Jorel says to him. “Don’t call her that, she’s my princess.”
I hear the door open and Danny calls, “AWW THE BIG HAPPY FAMILY!”
“Aw the annoying second son!” Jorel mocks.
“Fine, I’ll never babysit your son again” Danny picks Blake up and sits on my stomach.
“Danny” I croak out.
“Yes, sunshine?”
“Jeesh do you all have nicknames for her?” Johnny asks.
“Yup” all three guys answer.
“But George started it” I tell him. “Unless you count Jorel calling me Bitch. Then he started it.”
Jorel puts his hands behind his head, “Yup I started it all.”
“Actually if you think about it you really did” I say, looking up at him.
“Oh yeah. I did. You wouldn’t have come here if it hadn’t been for me” Jorel says with a smirk.
“Wow don’t get cocky now” Johnny jokes.
I start to giggle, “I’m pretty sure I’m the only one in the room that can make a comment about that.”
Danny looks at me, “Did you just GIGGLE?!”
I put my hand over my mouth then shake my head.
Danny shakes his head then turns his body and lays down on top of me, his back to my chest and Blake on his chest.
I gasp, “Danny you’re crushing me.”
Jordon starts laughing, “Didn’t Aron do that to you when we were together?”
“Aron did anything to get on top of me. Speaking of him, where is he?”
Johnny coughs, “He…uh…left the band…”
“What?!” I shout.
“Yeah. He decided he didn’t want to be on tour with us anymore” Danny says, accidently hitting my chin as he nods his head.
I look up at Jorel, “Did you know this?”
He nods, “Yeah but I figured I’d wait a little while to see if he came running back or not.”
“Nah he isn’t” Danny tells him. “Even if he did, I’d leave.”
“Why?” I start playing with his hair.
“Reasons, buttercup. Reasons.”
“We should probably put all the stuff in the car and shit” Jordon says, standing up and stretching. His shirts lifts enough for me to see his V-cut, he catches me looking and winks.
“Jordon did you just wink at me?” Danny asks.
“No” he walks over to the counter. “Oh hey you two have mail.” He holds up a package.
“Who is it from?” Jorel asks.
“I don’t know. It just says ‘to the Whipped Boy and The Screamer Bitch’.”
“Yup that’s for you two” Danny says as he sits up. “I wonder what it is!”
Jordon hands the box to Jorel and he slowly opens it. I smack his shoulder, “You open it any slower and I’ll kill you.”
“Then I’ll marry her” Danny threatens.
He tears the tape off and opens it, “Empty box.”
“Pay back for what you did to me with the dress” I tell him jokingly.
“You did this?” Jorel asks, resting the box on my face.
“Whatever let’s get moving” Jordon says. “Danny put the kid in the car seat and then grab a suitcase.”
“Or Danny you could not listen to Jordon and give my kid to me so I can feed him. THEN grab a suitcase.”
“Yes master” He hands me Blake as I sit up.
I look at Jorel, “Baby will you get me a bottle for our son?”
“Sure” He stands up and walks into the kitchen. I catch Jordon’s eyes looking at me as if he wished he could be the one I was asking to get a bottle. I smile weakly at him as he grabs two suitcases and heads down to the car.
Jorel comes back and hands me the bottle before kissing my head, “I’m going to go help the guys. You feed him and I’ll be back up in a little bit.”
I smile and nod, “Okay baby.”
I watch him walk out the door then look down at Blake, “Why can’t anything in my life be normal for once?” I sit back and put the bottle in his mouth, silently pondering what my life has become in the last year. I hear the door open and I look over to see Jordon walking in, “Jordon am I a whore?”
He smirks at me, “Yes. You fucking whore.”
I shake my head as he walks closer to me, “No. Really, am I?”
He kneels down in front of me, “No. Why would you say that?”
“Because I have been here for less than a year and have slept with three different guys. Been engaged to two and had a kid with the other. And now one is dead.”
He sits on the couch and pulls me into him, “Willow, I am going to say this as nicely as possible. Shut the fuck up. Seriously, stop it now.”
“Why Jordon? It’s the truth!”
“I don’t care what the truth is. I want you to stop. Oh my god you fucked three guys in one year, you are totally tagged for hell. I have fucked three girls in one hour.”
“Because that makes me feel so much better about fucking you…”
“Remember that first week you were with me, how I vanished that day for a few hours? Then I was on edge for a few days?”
I think back, remembering I thought he was going to leave me, “Yeah…”
“It’s because I was going to get tested for anything. The comment you used to make about me fucking lots of girls, got to me and I wanted to see if you were right or not…”
“Why would you do something like that for me?” I ask him, completely shocked.
“Because I am in love with you, Willow. I didn’t want to fuck up with you because of past mistakes.”
I look up at him and blink, “You were.”
“You were in love with me. Not you are” I look down at Blake and pull the bottle out of his mouth to burp him.
“No, Willow, I am in love with you. I am sorry but no matter what you do that won’t change” he smiles at me. “Now put your kid in his car seat and let’s go to Paris.”
I hand him Blake and stand up, I watch him as he puts Blake in his car seat and buckles him in. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome Princess” he grabs the car seat and leads me out the door as Jorel comes through it.
“Hey babe, do we have everything?” I ask looking at his anxious face.
“Yeah. I think I just forgot something in our room, but don’t worry go down to the car and I’ll be there in a minute” he kisses my cheek and dashes down the hall.
I shrug at Jordon and walk out the door. As we walk down to the car I think over everything he had said to me. Why would he tell me that he is in love with me? Does he mean it or is he just trying to get back in my pants? I shove the thoughts away as I walk up to Danny who was leaning on the mustang. I wrap my arms around him and throw my head into his shoulder.
He pulls me into him, “What’s wrong, buttercup?”
“Nothing” I lie. “Where is everybody else?”
“Well Charlotte, Mathew, and Dylan are meeting us at the airport. Jorel is up in the apartment,Johnny is in the car next to the car seat, Jordon is two feet away with Blake, I am right here, and you are right there.”
I slap his shoulder, “Thanks Captain Obvious.”
He smiles, “Anytime.”
Jordon loads Blake into the car next to Johnny, “How are we all sitting around all this stuff?”
“Aw it’ll be like old times” I tell him.
“What do you mean?”
“Well there is only room in the back for Blake’s seat and Johnny. And there are four of us, so there will be the driver, the middle person, and then the passenger seat with somebody on their lap” I smile.
“I call driving” Jorel says as he walks out the door. “Sorry babe that means you can’t sit on my lap.”
I stick my tongue out at him, “Fine, but I’m sitting on Jordon’s lap.”
Jordon throws his fist into the air, “SCORE!”
Jorel shakes his head as he climbs in the driver’s seat, I hear Johnny yell something but I couldn’t make out what he had said. I hadn’t notice Danny and Jordon had already climbed in the car, “Willow are you coming or can we leave without you?” Jordon calls back to me.
I run to the passenger side and climb in onto Jordon’s lap, “You five would die if I stayed here. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourselves.”
“We survived over 20 years without you…”Johnny says from the back.
“Yeah but I never felt so alive until I met her” Jorel says, smiling at me. “And I would die if I lost her.”
“No dying for you mister” I tell him, leaning my head on Jordon’s shoulder. “I would kiss you but I can’t.”
“I’ll kiss him for you” Danny says then leans over and kisses Jorel on the cheek. “There. You have been kissed by me for Willow.”
“Definitely not the same” Jorel says, taking a sharp corner making me slide on Jordon’s lap.
“Whoa, Willow I am used to you shaking your hips on my man sword but this is not the time or place for that” Jordon exclaims, smirking at me.
I hit his shoulder, “Shut up Jordon.”
“Your life would be so boring if I shut up. You would never be able to replace me.”
“Until I walk into a dark alley and pick up another rapist there” I tell him smiling.
“That was mean.”
“Look an airplane” Danny says leaning forward and looking out the windshield.
“That tends to happen near airports Danny” I tell him as Jorel pulls into the parking lot of the airport. “Another adventure.”
We all climb out of the car and they start grabbing the bags while I grab Blake. I leave him in his car seat because he was still asleep. I wait for the guys to finish getting the bags when I hear a teenage girl scream.
“JDOG!” She runs over to Jorel and hugs him, practically knocking the bags out of his hands.
“Uh Hi?” Jorel says looking at the girl who attacked him.
“HI!” She screams. “I’m Kasey your guys’ biggest fan!”
“Nice to meet you. I would love to stay and chat but we have to get inside and catch a flight. It was nice meeting you Casey” Jorel says then starts to walk away as Danny closes the trunk.
“It’s Kasey. You guys are heading to Europe right?” She says following Jorel.
“Uh yes. Now I’m sorry but we really need to go. It was nice meeting you bye” Jorel grabs my hand and drags me towards the airport doors.
When we get inside the airport and I rip my hand out of Jorel’s grasp, “Why did you just leave her?”
“Because we need to get checked in and everything” He says winding his way through the airport.
“So? You could’ve spent like 10 seconds with her.”
“Willow, no.”
We go through security and check our bags then collapsed in chairs near our boarding door. Soon enough Charlotte, Mathew, Dylan, Tony and Ash all approached us and collapsed in chairs across from us. I walk over to Charlotte and steal Ash right out of her arms.
“Well hello there little nephew of mine” I hold Ash in my arms and feel tears rolling down my face. He looked so much like Mathew but had hints of Charlotte everywhere. He looked up at me and started squirming.
“See even my son hates you” Mathew says, I could hear the pride in his voice that he had a son.
“Mathew I will ninja kick you” I tell him as he stands up and walks towards me. To my surprise he didn’t hit me or steal his son back, but hugged me.
“I missed you.”
“That was my whole plan” He says prying Ash out of my arms. “My son.”
I walk over to Jorel to see that Tony had stolen my seat, I sit down in Jorel’s lap, “He stole Ash from me.”
“Then I’ll steal you from all of them” He says with a smile. “It’s my job as your fiancé.”
“Yes it is” I kiss him. “And it is my job to steal kisses.”
“It isn’t stealing if I give them to you” He kisses my cheek.
“Flight 17B is now boarding” the intercom announces.
“That’s us” Charlotte says as she straps Ash into his car seat.
We all stand up, Jorel grabs the diaper bag as I grab the car seat. Charlotte and Mathew do the same. In a messed up line we all walk through the doorway onto yet another plane. Quickly I find mine, Jorel’s, and Blake’s seats and slide in.
As I put Blake’s car seat down on the chair he starts to cry. Jorel unbuckles him and grabs him while I strap in the seat, “Just like his mommy. Hates planes” I say smiling at Jorel.
Slowly Blake stops crying as Jorel rocks him many people passing stop and smile at Jorel, laughing at the sight of a man covered in tattoos with gauges, rocking a baby. “Did you get the seat in?”
“Yup” I tell him as I grab Blake from him. “Hello Mister. You are going to be in for a long flight. How about you just go ahead and sleep?”
Blake giggles at my words and reaches for my hair as I put him in his seat. Jorel sits down and watches us. Jorel smiles as Blake successfully pulls my hair, “He is going to be a hand full, just like you.”
I untangle my hair from Blake’s hand, “Would you have it any other way?”
He kisses my cheek, “Nope.”
I lay my head on his shoulder, “I love you.”
“That is a good thing to know since I am marrying you.”
“Jorel Michael Decker!”
“I mean I love you too.”
I wait for the plane to take off as I slowly fall asleep on Jorel’s shoulder, his grip on my hand tightens as the plane takes off into the air. I rub my thumb along his hand attempting to calm him down, only when the plane reached a steady height did Jorel’s death grip loosen and I fall asleep.

I feel Jorel get up from his seat and a few seconds later hear him talking to Dylan. Next thing I know I feel somebody sit down in Jorel’s seat and tap my shoulder.
“Willow are you awake?” I hear Jordon ask. I turn my head to look at him but find him closer than expected and my head ends up on his shoulder, my lips inches from his.
“I can see this now” He smiles.
“Can I help you?” I ask as I close my eyes.
“I just have a question, but I am kind of afraid to ask you…”
“Jordon you can ask my anything, you know that.”
“Well…” He starts and I feel his shoulder move as he takes a deep breath. “I want to know if you’d still get that paternity test.”
I open my eyes and meet his, “Jordon, I’m sorry but he looks just like George.”
“Willow look at him. He looks like you except the eyes.”
“Exactly, they are George’s eyes.”
“No, Willow. Look at Blake’s eyes, now look at mine.”
I did as he said and found them almost the same striking shade of blue. I take in Blake’s now blonde hair, his chubby face, his button nose, and especially his eyes. Tears stream down my face as I realize I may have never had a piece of George but a piece of Jordon, on my hip this whole time.
I close my eyes and breathe deeply. Blake starts to cry but I don’t move. I hear Jordon call my name but it sounded a million miles away.
“Willow open your eyes” Jorel begs me. I felt like my eyes had been closed mere seconds but the worry in Jorel’s voice told me it was longer.
I open my eyes to see Jorel kneeling in front of me, his head in his hands. I lean forwards and kiss his head, “Baby I’m fine.”
He looks up and kisses me, “Willow Elizabeth Decker, never EVER do that again.”
“Jorel, look at Blake’s eyes, are they George’s or Jordon’s? Don’t tell me what you think I want to hear.”
“So don’t tell you the truth?” He asks smirking. “Babe, you know I won’t lie ot you.”
“Whose are they Jorel?”
“Mine” He answers sarcastically.
“I wish” I mumble.
He stares at Blake’s eyes as Blake stares right back. “Babe, honestly I don’t know. I always thought they were George’s but now that I’ve been with Jordon I see how they could be his. I’m sorry beautiful, I don’t know what to say.”
I look at Blake, “Say you’ll stay.”
Jorel grabs my hands as I turn to look down at him, “Babe, always and forever will I stay with you.”
I feel a hand on the back of my head and see one of the back of Jorel’s pushing us together, “Now kiss” I hear Danny say.
Jorel and I smile at each other then kiss. We both then turn and look at Danny to see him grinning, “I made you kiss.”
“I’m pretty sure I was going to kiss her before you came along” Jorel tells him.
Danny sticks his tongue out at Jorel and walks away. Jorel sits down in his seat and grabs my hand, “You’re beautiful. With your dorky smile, terrorizing eyes, but sadly you’re ginger.”
I frown at him, “Too bad you have no flaws for me to pick on.”
“Have you heard my stutter?”
“Well…that’s one of my flaws.”
“That’s now a flaw, that’s adorable to me” I kiss his cheek.
“Wanna know my weaknesses?”
“You aren’t afraid that I’ll use them against you?”
“Nope, I trust you with my life.”
“Good. So what are your weaknesses?”
“This beautiful-“
“Jorel is that you?” Some girls shouts as she walks down the aisle. She looked like a life size Barbie, clothes 3 times too small and fake everything.
“Hi…” Jorel says cautiously, his grip on my hand tightening.
“Remember me? Tori, we were together a few months ago?”
“Yeah I remember” Jorel says blankly, trying to keep a hold on my hand as I tried to wiggle it out without letting Tori see.
“Why are you here?” Jorel asks, a death grip on my hand.
“I’m going to Paris” she answers sweetly. “Maybe we could all meet up. I miss you and Jordon.”
“I bet Jordon would really like that, go talk to him about it” I snap, finally speaking up. “Jorel has his son and fiancé to hang out with, so no.”
“I think Jorel can speak for himself” Tori snaps back.
“No, my fiancé just did it for me” Jorel tells her. “Go try and get with Jordon again because it won’t work with me.”
Tori glares at me then walks away, heeling clicking down the aisle.
I wrench my hand out of Jorel’s and turn away from him. I look down at Blake who was too fast asleep to see his mommy’s tears. Jorel cheated on me. Jordon cheated on me. Both with the same girl.
“Willow…” Jorel whispers trying to grab my hand. I pull it out of his reach and turn completely away from him. “Willow it isn’t what you think. She said all of that to make you think I cheated on you. I didn’t. Willow you know me. I love you to death and would never ever cheat on you.”
“Did Jordon cheat on me with her?”
“No. She went after him while I was debating on dating her or not, before we were together. Only after you two spilt did he fuck her.”
“So you decided between me and a life size Barbie?” He nods. “Why did you pick me?”
He gives me the ‘are you serious?’ look. “Sorry you know me. I don’t do rubber. Everything about her is fake from her extensions to her pedicure. Everything about you is real, including” he moves closer to me. “Your love.”
I kiss him and close my eyes, “I love you Jorel.”
“I love you, Willow.”
“You never got to tell me what your weaknesses are” I remind him, opening my eyes.
“Oh. Well they are-“
The intercom interrupts him, “We will be landing shortly place find your seats and remain seat for the remainder of this flight.”
I hear Dylan shout as we start to descend. All around me our 5 crazy guys start a song about landing in Paris. Finally, the flight attendant comes around and asks them to quiet down. My death grip on Jorel’s hand tightens, my other hand automatically goes to Blake’s stomach, and my eyes squeeze shut as the plan hits the landing strip.
Thoughts raced through my mind. Would I ever open my eyes again? What if this is the one plane they didn’t check the landing gear on? What if the pilot hits his head on something and passes out?
All the thoughts vanish as Jorel reaches over and turns my face towards him, “Open your eyes and you’ll see the sexiest man ever.”
“So I’ll open my eyes and see Zacky Vengeance?” I ask my eyes still closed.
“No…” I hear the frown in his voice. I open my eyes and kiss him. “But you get to meet him later tonight, I don’t know if I want you to though…”
I get up and unbuckle Blake while Jorel grabs the diaper bag, “Jorel I’m all yours and you couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to.”
Jorel steps out into the aisle to stop the flow of people and let me out with Blake. I walk out of the airplane and into the France airport. I stand off to the side to wait for Jorel, who had managed to get separated from me. I find an empty seat near the door and sit down. Blake starts to cry so I unbuckle him and rock him back and forth until he stops. Suddenly he starts giggling and I turn to see Jordon playing peek-a-boo over my shoulder.
“Where’s Jorel?” I ask suddenly.
“Outside. He sent me in to find you while they figured out the way to the hotel.”
“Well you found me. Let’s go out. Can you grab the car seat?”
“Actually” Jordon says looking at me like he had never met me before. “I wanted to know if I could carry Blake.”
“Uh sure” I shift Blake in my arms and hand him to Jordon.
At first Jordon seemed awkward while holding Blake but then he seemed to relax as Blake rested his head on his shoulder. Jordon begins to laugh as Blake buries his hands into his hair. It looked so natural it worried me.