‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Sell Your Soul

Chapter Twelve
In the past two weeks I had gone through Paris, London, and parts of Germany. Now I was back in London for a second concert. I had watch all the guys puke their souls out, watch most of them get new tattoos, and watched my son learn how to sit up by himself.
I stood with Blake on my hip at his first concert, Jorel had finally convinced me to bring him. He giggled as he watched the guys put on their masks. Even Zacky starts playing with him as they wait for the okay to go on stage. Finally Avenged Sevenfold has to go on.
“Baby can I see him?” Jorel asks popping up behind me. I hand him Blake and he brings him further backstage.
Mathew stands on the side of the stage and watches the concert since either Ash or Charlotte are here tonight. Usually Charlotte and I switch concert, I’ll watch the kids while she goes to one then we will switch.
Finally Jorel comes back with Blake and puts him in his car seat then kisses me. I look at him, “What are you planning?”
“Nothing, jeesh.”
“Promise?” I ask him as I lean to kiss him.
As if on cue Jordon calls him, “Dude we need to talk!”
Jorel runs back stage as Avenged Sevenfold finishes their set. They all walk back looking hot and sweaty, and not going to lie pretty damn sexy. Jorel walks over with his mask on, “Time for me to go on baby.”
I frown at him, “No grinding with random hoes.”
He smiles at kisses me, “Only you babe.”
I watch and he leans down and kisses Blake before grabbing his guitar and walking on stage. The rest of the guys walk on stage and blow me kisses. The concert felt different then before because I wasn’t next to my best friend I was next to my son.
I listen to all their new songs yet again. I lean my head back and close my eyes as they introduce one of their songs, I don’t listen to what they are saying just because I am so used to it but when I open my eyes again, my son is no longer in his car seat. I look across the stage and see Jorel holding Blake in his arms.
“This is my son” Jorel says proudly. “I would tell you his name but I bet you all already know it thanks to the internet.”
Dylan walks over and steals Blake, “This is my Chica’s baby. MY CHICA IS GROWING UP!”
I shake my head at his words and he holds Blake high into the air. Danny joins them in the front, “You guys want to hear him laugh? Cutest thing in the world.”
Jorel grabs his mike and walks over to Dylan, hands his mask to Blake, and starts tickling him. Blake instantly starts giggling into the mike, the whole crowd Aww’s. But that was the last thing I saw because I had to run out the backstage doors.
I find the railing of the sidewalk and lean over it as everything inside my stomach comes out. Suddenly I feel a hand on my back and turn to see Jordon standing there, “I was the only one who noticed. They are all playing with Blake.”
He rubs my back as I lay my head on the cool metal railing, “It hurts so badly.”
“I know, just calm down.”
“I’m trying Jordon. But I don’t want to ruin his concert.”
“Willow, you said the same thing about me and that concert when you had the anxiety attack, you didn’t ruin it. It would have been more ruined if I didn’t come out to see you because I would’ve been worrying the whole time.”
“Same with this one and me” I hear Jorel say from behind me. “Jordon you can go back in. Danny has Blake and the headphones so you’ll probably have to play my part.”
“Alright” He heads back inside as I sit down on the sidewalk. Jorel sits next to me and grabs my hand.
“What happened?”
“I got sick.”
“Are you pregnant?” he asks point blank.
“I don’t know” I stare straight ahead afraid of what might come next.
“Is it mine?”
I turn and look at him, “What would make you think that it wasn’t?”
“Nothing. I trust you. B-B-But I see the way you act with Jordon…”
I smile at him.
“You just stuttered.”
“It was the cutest thing ever.”
“And baby I am doing nothing with Jordon. Yes that drunken night I dirty danced with him. I did not have sex with him. I had amazing sex with this sexy Italian boy.”
“Sexy Italian MAN.”
He smiles and kisses me, “That’s more like it.”
I climb into his lap, “Jorel, what if I am pregnant?”
“Well that means things didn’t exactly go according to plan…”
“I know. I am sorry…”
“BUT I am happy to be having a baby with you. Because it’ll mean I’ll have something of you that Jordon doesn’t.”
“If Blake really is George’s.”
“He is” Jorel pauses then looks straight ahead. “If you are pregnant , are you positive it is mine?”
“Yes, Jorel. Why would you think otherwise?”
“Just because Willow. Are you mine or are you his? I mean you were his, I know that, but now are you mine?”
“Yes Jorel. And I am sorry.”
“Because I know how I am with Jordon and I’m sorry. But I love it when a guy treats me like that because I never know if I am going to get it again. In the back of my mind I know I’ll always have you but it’s like you never really seem to be there…”
Jorel turns my face towards him, “Baby I will always be here for you.”
“But I treat you like shit. I just don’t know anymore Jorel.”
He pulls me into him, “Baby, stop it right now.”
“Jorel, why me? Out of thousands of girls you pick me, after I slept with your best friend and had a baby with another. WHY ME?” I scream.
“Willow Elizabeth Decker shut up” I could hear the serious tone in his voice. “I love you. I am in love with you. I know about your past but I don’t care. I will always love you. You don’t know my past at all, so I should be asking you why me?”
I lean my head against his shoulder, “You need to go back inside.”
“No. I don’t.”
“Tell me about your past then.”
“Where do I start?” He rests his head against mine.
“Most people start at the beginning and end at the end.”
“Smart ass.”
“You love me, baby” I move in his lap and wait for him to start his story.
Hours later we are still sitting on the sidewalk when the rest of the band comes out to go on the bus. Jorel had told me everything from well known facts to dirty little secrets. I learned where he hid his toys when he was 5, his weed when he was 15, and his beer when he was 17. I knew all about the first girl he thought he loves and what really happened between them. He finishes by telling me everything that was happening with him while I was with Jordon.
“Then I fell in love with you. That is my past, present, and hopefully my future” he kisses my cheek as everybody passes us to go on the bus.
“Baby, I hate to tell you but…you are one fucked up boy.”
“Didn’t we just go over this?! I am not a boy.”
“You are a man. My man. All my sexy Italian man.”
He kisses me cheek and leaves his face right against mine, “You are my sunshine. All mine. I am not sharing you.”
“You don’t need to.”
Suddenly out of nowhere Danny and Kasey are upon us with water gun squirting the hell out of us, Danny looks at my white shirt, “I WIN!”
Jorel instantly pulls off his LA Pride shirt and hands it to me, before putting it on I stop and admire his sexiness then hug him, “And to think this is all mine.”
I step away to put on the shirt and hear Kasey laughing, “Look at that Italian sexiness!”
I smile at her, “You got your Frenchie back off!”
She wraps her arms around Danny, “French is a sexy language.”
“Italians have sexy bodies, I win” I say as I move closer to Jorel. “Hey Danny, where is my kid?”
“On the bus, asleep on Jorel’s old bunk. He is with Mathew so I figured he’d be okay” He answers as he kisses Kasey.
“Mathew is watching my kid?” Jorel asks, shocked.
“Yeah, he actually offered to…” Kasey tells us.
“Uhh…” I look at Jorel. “He should be good.”
“You know what I want to do?” Danny asks.
“Have sex with Kasey? Again?” I suggest.
“Yes but no. I want to play tag.”
Kasey gives him a look, “Are you serious?”
Danny smiles at her, “Yes I am. I want to play tag.”
“I remember when I first met you guys we played tag in the parking lot” I smile at Jorel.
“I remember that. You jumped on my back and I ran around the parking lot with you” he kisses my cheek and pulls me into him. He was still soaked from Danny’s water gun but I loved the feeling of being close to him. He rests his chin on the top of my head, “I love you little girl.”
I snuggle in closer to him, “Cuddle with me tonight.”
“Of course beautiful.”
Kasey and Danny lock hands and walk away to find their next victim as Jorel and I stand on the sidewalk. “Jorel Michael Decker, you are marrying me in about 4 months.”
“Willow Elizabeth Decker, you are turning 20 in a week.”
“Shut your dirty whore mouth.”
Jorel hugs me, “Did you notice that if you are pregnant this baby will be born in May too?”
“If it is born on May 25th bitches will die.”
“Bitches will die?” Jorel pulls away and looks at me.
“Yes” I kiss his neck.
“But then all your babies’ birthdays will be on the same day…”
“But I don’t want them to be” I grab his hand and pull him towards the buses. “Baby this means I’m going to be pregnant for the wedding.”
“So? You’ll still look beautiful.”
“Says you. I’ll be like 4 months pregnant.”
Jorel stops me and turns me to look at him, “You will be beautiful even if you are 9 months pregnant.”
I pull on his hand, “Come on mister. I want to get our son.”
He still doesn’t move, I turn to see him smiling so widely, “I love it when you call him our son. I really do.”
“He is our son. He will forever be our son” I kiss him. “Blake Decker.”
Finally Jorel starts walking to the bus. It was weird because it wasn’t our bus, technically, it was Avenged Sevenfold’s. We walk on the bus to see Mathew and Blake playing in the back with Matt and Zacky. Syn was passed out on the front couch. I stop Jorel before he goes back, “Want to grab the stroller then walk back to the hotel?”
“It’s a nice night and it isn’t that far, so sure. You get Blake, I’ll get the stroller” He kisses me and walks to the side of the couch where we hid the baby stuff as I walk to the back to grab Blake.
“Mathew, can I have my son now?”
Mathew looks up shocked to see me, “Oh yeah sure.”
Blake starts to giggle when he sees me, I pick him up and kiss him, “Hi there mister.”
I thank both Matt’s and Zacky then walk off the bus to see Jorel waiting with the stroller. I place Blake in the seat and strap him in. As we start walking I loop my arm through Jorel’s and look around the city. I had always wanted to go to London and now here I was walking down its streets with my little family.

I wake up in the morning to find myself pressed into Jorel with Blake in his crib. I turn to face Jorel and smile at his sleeping face. I love him, he was the man I could always count on no matter what. As if he could hear my thoughts in his sleep he pulled me closer to him.
“Morning beautiful” he mumbles, his voice sounding so sleepy.
“Just keep talking and I’ll fuck you.”
He opens one eye and cocks his eyebrow, “Why?”
I move closer to him, “Because your sleepy voice is so fucking sexy.”
“Well then I’ll stop talking unless I get a good morning kiss” he closes his eyes and pretends to go to sleep.
I move up on the pillows and softly kiss him, “You taste so yummy baby.”
He smiles and leans forward to kiss me again, “I like this morning.”
“Me too” I swing my leg over his hip and bring him closer to me.
“Baby don’t you remember what we are doing today” he opens both his eyes, a little shocked to still find me so close.
“That means no sex.”
I roll away from him, “GAH! I don’t like this!”
He follows me across the bed, “But you’ll love having a baby with me.”
“What if I am not pregnant?”
“Then we always have our honeymoon” he whispers as he starts to kiss my neck.
“Want to start our day now or just cuddle in bed?”
He buries his face into my hair, “Just cuddle in bed.”
Suddenly Blake starts screaming, I jump out of bed and grab him from the crib, “What’s wrong mister?”
Blake cuddles down into me as I rock him back and forth, slowly he stops crying and falls back to sleep. I turn to the bed to see Jorel smiling. “What?”
“You have no pants on” he says with a sexy smirk.
“You have no shirt on” I point out.
He looks down at himself then back at me, “Because you are wearing it.”
“Come on let’s get our day started.”
“What happened to cuddling in bed?” he asks, making the bed look so inviting.
“I want to find out baby” I climb back into the bed and sit on his lap. “Don’t you want to know?”
He pulls me down, “Of course I do.”
“Then let’s go!”
“But Blake is asleep again” he says as somebody knocks on the door.
“Come in!” I yell and Kasey walks in through the door.
“Nice ass Willow” She comments as she walks over to the bed and sits down.
“I love how comfortable you are in our room even though she has no pants and I have no shirt” Jorel says moving over to make room for her.
“Hey I got Danny, he is all I need if you know what I mean” she winks at him. “There was a reason I came over here but now I forget it.”
“Well while you are here would you mind watching Blake for like 20 minutes while we run to the store?” I ask her as I climb off the bed and hunt for pants.
“Yeah sure. I’ll just text Danny telling him where I’ll be” she tells me as she pulls out her phone.
Jorel slides out of bed and puts on a shirt, “Thanks Kasey we will be back.”
We walk out the door and down the hall. Surprisingly, the elevator came pretty fast and we were in the lobby in minutes. The store was right on the corner so we just quickly walked there to grab what we needed. As we walk back I look up at Jorel, “Baby I’m scared.”
“Why?” He tightens his grip on my hand.
“What if I’m not pregnant?”
“I’ll still love you” He leans down and kisses my cheek as we walk back into the lobby. We wait for the elevator to come, I lean my head on his shoulder and enjoy the few minutes of silence. Finally the elevator doors open and we ride up to our floor both clutching on to each other scared of what may happen in the next hour. I push open our hotel door to see Kasey and Danny sitting on the bed with Blake in between them.
“Hey guys, thanks for watching him” I walk straight into the bathroom and shut the door. Through it I can hear Jorel talking to Danny and Kasey, I hear somebody walk out the door and seconds later there is tapping on the bathroom door, “Willow?”
“Yeah hold on” I finish what I had to then start the timer on my phone. I get up and open the door “Come in.”
She comes in and both on us just sit on the floor. I look out the door and see Jorel sitting on the bed with Kasey and Danny looking scared. He turns and look at me and I blow him a kiss. The next twenty minutes pass in silence, all of us jumped at the sound of my timer going off.
I stand up and grab the test, first looking at Jorel then finally down at the test. Negative. I didn’t know whether to smile or to cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mrs Ragan<3
And ALLY!:)