‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Paradise Lost

Chapter 13
I feel George’s breathing slow down as he pauses on top of me. He had one hand on either side of my head, his legs straddling me. The sheet of the bed landed on his lower back but other than that there was nothing covering either of us.
My chest was rising and falling quickly as I try to catch my breath. I smile up at him and he smiles back down at me, “You left marks on my arms” he tells me, I look at his arms and see red marks from my fingers.
I reach up and bring his head down to kiss him, “I don’t think you really mind. Just a reminder of how good of a job you did.”
He lays down on top of me and starts kissing my neck, “I think I heard a little bit of that scream.”
“You were slamming yourself into me” I practically moan out as he bites my neck lightly.
He stops kissing me and looks at me, “I love you Butterfly.”

I shoot up in bed crying and covered in sweat. I pull my legs into me and sob into my knees. Luckily, Jorel is at a concert and isn’t here to make me explain that I just had a dream about mine and George’s first time.
Suddenly the hotel door opens and Jorel walks in. He looks up at me as he stumbles to the bed, “Hi baby.”
“Hi” He collapses onto the bed. “Where’s your shirt?”
“Must’ve lost it…” he says as he drifts off to sleep.
I climb off the bed and walk around to his side. As I untie his shoes I mutter to myself, “If I see a dumb whore wearing your shirt you are dead.”
I pull off his shoes and throw them across the room. Next I reach for his belt, I undo it and the button his jeans.
“Don’t you want me awake for this?” I look up to see him laying with his arms crossed behind his head, eyebrow cocked, and smirking. “Don’t let me stop you. Please, continue.”
I climb up on the bed and sit on his waist, “I thought you were asleep.”
“And I thought you were taking off my pants.”
“Where’s your shirt?” I ask as I lay down on top of him.
“Some dumb whore is wearing it” He says as he wraps his arms around me.
“Yeah it got hot during the concert so I threw it out into the crowd.”
“And shared your Italian sexiness with the world?!”
He kisses my shoulder, “I can share it with you right now.”
“No. You’re tired.”
“Too tired to have sex?!”
“Yup you are. So finish taking off your pants and get in bed with me.”
“Can’t you do it for me? I’m too tired” he looks up at me with begging eyes.
“Fine” I climb off the bed and finish unzipping his pants. I hook my fingers behind his jeans to pull them off but I purposefully hook my fingers behind his boxers too. I pull everything off then smile up at him, “I’m not putting them back on.”
I climb into bed as Jorel contemplates what to do. After a few seconds I feel his arm around his arm around me, “Fine I’ll just get into bed like this.” He pulls my ass into him through my cotton shorts I could feel what he was talking about.
“If I take something of yours off will you go to bed without it?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“Your bra” he says as his hand creeps up my side.
“You should know by now, half the time I go to sleep without it.”
“Really?” he asks and without hesitating grabs my boob. “Oh my god, you weren’t lying.”
“Jorel stop groping my boob.”
“I’m your fiancé I’ll do what I want” he says jokingly.
I turn on my stomach, “Now you can’t.”
He climbs on top of me and sits on my ass. “But I could always ass fuck you.”
I feel his fingers hooked on my shorts, “Jorel Michael Decker, no.”
He climbs off me then off the bed. I turn to look at him, “Baby are you mad at me?”
He looks up at me as he pulls on his boxers, “No. I just don’t want you thinking I’m in it for the sex.”
I hold up my hand and point to the ring on my finger, “I think this proves you aren’t.”
He jumps on the bed and pins me down, “I love you.”
Finally he climbs off me and lays down on the bed, I curl into his side, “You know what we haven’t done in awhile?”
“Had sex.”
“We had sex like 2 days ago.”
“Oh yeah celebrating that you weren’t preggo.”
I reach over to the nightstand and grab my camera, “Take a picture with me baby.”
“Yes ma’am” he kisses my cheek as I turn on the camera.
We take three pictures before the camera says the memory is full, “That’s weird. My memory card can usually hold up to like 1000 pictures.” I lean over the side of the bed and grab my laptop. I open it and put in my SD card from my camera. I look through all the pictures and start crying, they were all the ones George took the night he stole my camera.
Slowly I click through each other the pictures he has gotten amazing ones of everybody. I click to the next picture and just stop. Somebody else must have gotten the camera from him because the picture was a full body shot of me and George hugging. The next picture George had the camera again and it was of me and him, I was looking at the camera he was looking at me.
“That’s how he looked at you every day” Jorel tells me. “I always saw him doing it and got jealous.”
I keep clicking through the pictures there were so many pictures of me. Me with him, or just me, or me with somebody else, and of me dressed like a bum slut throwing the masks into the crowd. Finally I reach the last picture George had taken that night, I was walking off the stage with Jorel and I had turned around to wave to the crowd but in the picture it looked like I was waving goodbye to him.
I shut the laptop and put it back on the floor, then curl myself into Jorel’s side. He rubs his hand up and down my back, “Just sleep beautiful. I’m right here.”
“But what if I close my eyes and never wake up?” I ask Jorel.
“Don’t you dare say stuff like that. You will wake. Because you know you have something to live for. That little boy over in the crib, the little boy that depends on you each and every day.”
“He’d have you.”
“Who would I have?”
Jorel pulls away from me and looks down at me, “She could never replace you. And I wouldn’t even let her try. You are my princess, my sunshine, you are my world baby girl.”
“Do you remember when I first met you?”
“Of course I do” he says, moving closer to me.
“Remember how you ran up behind me when I was walking back stage?”
“And kisses me before you went on stage?”
“My first kiss with the girl I love.”
“You called Jordon a little bitch.”
“Yes, yes I did” He says trying to find the point in this all.
“I should’ve listened to you.”
He squeezes me into him, “Yes you should have. But I have you now and that’s all that matters.”
“I hate that everything I see, hear, or think about makes me think of George. I miss him baby.”
“I miss him too. He was my best friend. I’ve known him since preschool” he kisses my forehead.
I look up at him, “I’m sorry, I act like I’m the only one that misses him.”
“You’re the one that was in love with him, that had a kid with him. You have every reason to miss him, but no you aren’t the only one that misses him” he takes a deep breath. “I miss him every day. There were little things I could do with him that I can’t do with anybody else. He was my rock in the band. I mean yeah I’ll always have everybody else but George was the one that managed to understand everything I told him.”
I pull myself even closer into Jorel, “I love you. Never ever leave me. I wouldn’t be able to handle it and I don’t know what would happen to Blake or I.”
He puts his fingers under my chin and makes me look up at him. I look into his eyes, the caramel brown eyes that I love so much, “Baby, I am never going to leave you. I love you with all my heart.”
I close my eyes and fall asleep on his shoulder and he starts to hum my song. I hold on to him as I fall asleep, afraid that he’ll leave while I sleep.

I wake up to the sound of the shower running. I roll over onto Jorel’s pillow and feel paper stab me in the face. “Ow” I mumble to myself. I open my eyes and see a piece of paper folded on the pillow, ‘Babe’ written across the front.
I sit up in bed and grab it to open it,
‘Hey Beautiful,
I’m probably in the shower right now. Feel Free to join me;) I just wanted to write you this letter because I love you. Just know that I love you with all my heart. I really do. I’d do anything for you and anything to make you happy. I will make this work out between us no matter what. I know we can make it through anything as long as we have each other. We’ve been through hell and back but we found a way to make it work. I love you always and forever baby girl <3. I will prove it to everyone in the world that I love you. I really will, Willow. You got my heart the minute you came into our circle and I wouldn’t change that for anything.
I love you baby,
Jorel Michael Decker.’
I feel tears rolling down my face as I finish his note. Suddenly there are arms around me pulling me into their wet body. He sits back on the bed and pulls me into his lap.
“I didn’t know it was going to make you cry” Jorel whispers as he looks at the note over my shoulder.
I look up at him, “It’s a good cry.”
“Yes I promise baby” I stretch up and kiss him. “I don’t think you’ll ever make me bad cry.”
“I never ever plan to” he kisses the top of my head.
Blake starts to cry from his crib, I jump off the bed and go over to him and pick him, “Good morning Mister. Are you hungry?”
I lay him down on the bed. Jorel grabs him and hugs him, “Want me to change him?”
I smile at him, “Yes please.”
“Can you hand me the bag?”
I grab the diaper bag and throw it on the bed, “There you go.”
“And some clothes for this little man?” He says pulling off Blake’s pajamas.
“How about some clothes for yourself?” I ask smiling at him, he was only in his boxers since he came straight out of the shower.
“No. I think making you bite your lip. But can you get some clothes for Blake?”
I walk over to Blake’s bag of clothes and grab the first shirt and pair of pants I see. I throw them at Jorel, who picks them up and smiles at me, “Really?”
I turn and look at him, he holds up the shirt ‘Daddy’s little rockstar’, “You just happened to grab this?”
“Yeah… Hold on” I go back to Blake’s bag and dig to the bottom until I find the red buffalo plaid sweatshirt that matches Jorel. I throw it at him, “Now he is Daddy’s little rockstar.”
Jorel smiles to himself as he changes Blake. After a few minutes he has him dressed in his baby jeans, tshirt, and plaid sweatshirt. I climb onto the bed with his bottle, “You want to feed him?”
“Yes please” Jorel takes the bottle from me. “I love feeding him.”
I watch Jorel as he feeds Blake, his eyes never leaving Blake’s blue ones. I could see the happiness in his face as he looked down on the little boy that would always call him daddy. I don’t what I would do without these two little men in my life.
I feel tears rolling down my face as somebody knocks on the door, “Yeah?”
Charlotte walks in holding Ash, “Good morning Deckers.”
“Good Morning St Claires” I reply with a smile.
“We wanted to know if you guys want to go to breakfast with us” she asks as she sits down on the bed.
“Sure, Jorel just needs to finish feeding Blake” I say as I turn and look at my two boys. Jorel had Blake on his shoulder and was burping him, a faint smile across his lips. His eyes meet mine and I smile, he closes his eyes and pulls Blake close to him.
“Yeah, we will be ready as soon as my son burps” Jorel says patting Blake on the back. Finally Blake lets out a weak burp and Jorel climbs off the bed. “We’re ready.”
“Are just going to carry him or do you want me to get the car seat?” I ask Jorel as Charlotte opens the door.
“We are just going around the corner” she says then walks out into the hallway.
“I’ll just carry him” Jorel says, grabbing my hand and walking into the hallway. I close the door behind me and continue down the hall.
“So where are we going?” I ask Charlotte.
“Just this little restaurant on the corner, it’s quiet” Charlotte answers as the elevator doors open.
We all climb into the elevator and go down to the lobby, as soon as we get off the elevator we all basically run out the door trying to avoid fans. As quickly as possible we get to the restaurant and get a table.
Jorel and I slide into one side of the booth and put Blake in between us, Charlotte and Mathew do the same on the other side but put Ash on Mathew’s lap.
The waitress comes over and asks for our drink order, Jorel orders a coffee, I get tea and a glass of milk for Blake.
Charlotte smiles at Blake, “He’s getting so big.”
I look down at him then at her, “I know it’s the scariest part of being his mother.”
“And his father” Jorel puts in smiling at me.
I lean over Blake and Jorel leans towards me, we kiss over Blake’s head just as he looks up and Charlotte takes a picture. My picture perfect family.
♠ ♠ ♠
And Dakota
And Ally!:)