‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly


Chapter 14
“Why is it we can’t ever manage to get to an airport early?” I ask Jorel as we practically run through the airport doors.
“Because we are the impossible team!” Danny yells from behind me.
Magically enough we all manage to get our bags checked and get on the plane just in time. I crash in my seat after belting Blake in, I smile at Jorel, “If we had missed this plane…I would’ve killed you.”
Jorel stares at the seat in front of him, a grim look across his face. I rest my head on his shoulder, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I never got to take you to dinner in Europe” He answers, in an emotionless voice.
“Babe it’s okay.”
“No it isn’t. I promised you I would. I broke a promise to you.”
“Jorel” I sit up and look at him. “Jorel look at me” he continues to ignore me. “Jorel Michael Decker, look at me.”
He turns his head and looks at me, “What?”
“Jorel, it’s okay that you didn’t take me out to dinner. Wanna know why?”
“Because we spent more time with Blake than we have in a while, it is more important to me to be with him then to go out to a fancy dinner.”
Suddenly, Jorel kisses me, “And this is why I love you.”
“Because you don’t care about material things you just want to be with me.”
I smile and kiss him again, “Of course baby. My favorite kind of fancy dinner is like that one you made me when you came back from LA.”
He frowns at me, “You have to go to LA with Johnny when we get back.”
“Why don’t you come too?”
“And do what?”
I shrug, “Introduce me to your parents before the wedding…”
He smiles, “It’s like you can read my mind.”
“I wish I could some days” I say as I look at the pamphlet for CPR I found on the chair in front of me.
“Well right now I’m thinking about how you take my breath away and you should give me mouth to mouth.”
I put the pamphlet back and smile at him, “You’re so sweet and corny at the same time.”
He kisses me, “You love it though.”
“Yes I do.”
“Please prepare for takeoff” the pilot announces over the intercom.
I lace my fingers with Jorel’s and put my other hand on Blake’s stomach, “I hate this.”
Jorel rubs his thumb along my hand, “Don’t worry. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
I lean my head on his shoulder, “So we are gunna go to LA again?”
“Yeah I guess so” he says as the plane takes off down the run way and into the sky.
I squeeze his hand tightly as I shut my eyes, “Baby I hate this.”
I feel his lips touch my eye lids lightly, “I kiss you make it better.”
I open my eyes and find his right there, “You’re so cute.”
“ME AND FUNNY WANNA FLIP YOU LIKE AN ACROBAT!” Jordon suddenly screams from behind us.
I frown at Jorel, “He ruined our moment.”
“I wouldn’t mind flipping you like an acrobat” Jorel says then winks at me.
“Jorel!” I hear Kasey yell as she walks past us.
“Why aren’t you screaming my name?” Danny asks, following her until he reaches our seats.
“I HAVE!” she yells as she shuts the bathroom door.
Jorel and I both look up at Danny, “Can we help you?”
He sits down on my lap, “Yes, actually you can.”
“What do you need?” Jorel asks ignoring the fact he was crushing his fiancé.
“I want to do something for Kasey, but I don’t know what…”
“Well what kind of something?” I ask as Danny shifts in my lap.
“Like something to let her know she is special.”
“Make her dinner?” Jorel suggests, smiling at me.
“What if I just took her out to dinner?” Danny asks.
“Trust me, it means more to a girl if you make her dinner instead of just taking her out” Jorel replies, his eyes never leaving me. “My baby told me that.”
“BLAKE CAN TALK?!” Danny asks sarcastically as the bathroom door opens. He stands up, “Thanks guys.”
Jorel and I watch as Kasey and Danny walk back to their seats. I wrap my arm through his, “You do listen.”
“Of course I do, beautiful” he kisses the top of my head as I close my eyes. “Just sleep baby.”
“You have a lot of names for me.”
“Yes I do” He whispers as I drift off to sleep. “Always and Forever isn’t enough for us.”

When I open my eyes again I see people streaming past us getting off the plane. Jorel was unbuckling Blake, “Just going to leave me here babe?”
Jorel jumps at the sound of my voice, “No I was going to unbuckle Blake then wake you up.”
I could tell something was wrong, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I’ll tell you after we get off the plane” he picks up Blake’s seat and grabs the bag then ushers me out of the plane.

After getting our bags, we all file out the doors and back to our familiar cars. I smile when I see my mustang , “MY BABY!”
Jorel shoots me a look, “Your 3rd baby.”
I kiss his cheek, “That’s right.”
Danny puts Blake’s car seat into the mustang then turns and smiles at Kasey, “You’ll have to sit on my lap because there isn’t enough room.”
She smirks, “I am perfectly fine with that.”
“Who is driving?” I ask, looking at Jorel but he shakes his head. “Jordon?”
“Yeah I’ll drive” Jordon opens the driver’s side door as I fish out the keys from the diaper bag.
I open the door and throw him the keys, “Is Johnny coming with us?”
“No he is going with Charlotte” Kasey answers as she climbs over the seat and settles in Danny’s lap.
“Oh alright” I slide in next to Jordon with one leg on each side of the shift stick. Jorel gets in after me and shuts the door.
Jordon starts the mustang as I grab Jorel’s hand, I lean up to his ear and whisper, “We are going home baby.”
“I won’t be home for long” he says so lowly I was the only one that heard him.
I stare straight ahead until we pull in the parking lot of the apartment. After Jorel climbs out I get out and walk straight into the building. I ignore everybody as walk away, I just wanted to get into my apartment and scream my head off.
I run up the stairs and finally reach my door, quickly I unlock it and run to my bedroom without even shutting the door behind me. After being gone for so long it felt amazing just to crash onto my own bed. As I bury my head into the pillows I hear footsteps coming down the hall way.
“Baby” Jorel says softly as he walks into the room. I feel the bed sink as he sits down. “Baby, look at me.”
“Please” He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “Please baby.”
I look up at him, through my mess of hair I see him crying. I reach up and pull him down into the pillows with me, “What’s wrong?”
“I have to fly out to LA.”
“I thought we had already planned to…” I say as I bury myself into him.
He wraps his arms around me, “I have to go out a little early.”
I feel him kiss my head as we listen to the sounds of people bringing in our bags and our son, “Because my sister is in the hospital and she needs somebody to watch the kids plus I’d be worrying about her too much if I stay this far away from her.”
“Go baby.”
The front door closes, “But I don’t want to leave you again.”
“It won’t be for long. Let’s try and find you a flight for tomorrow” I try to sit up to find my laptop but he keeps me down next to him.
“Stay here with me for a little bit” He pulls me back into his chest. “You’re mine.”
“Yes I am baby” I stretch and kiss him. “Always and forever.”
“We need to finish planning out our wedding.”
“You sure you still want to marry me?”
He hits my shoulder, “Don’t even dare thinking that I don’t want to.”
“We are going to have to rush things a little…”
“Before you fly out to LA you are going to go get your dress” he pulls away and looks into my eyes.
“I will” I kiss the tip of his nose. “We should finish planning tonight before you leave.”
“Can we get Chinese?”
I smile up at him, “Yes.”
I shove him off the bed, then peek over the side to look at him laying on the floor. “You love me!”
“You shoved me off the bed.”
“Yeah I did” I smile down at him. Suddenly he grabs my wrists and pulls me down on top of him. “Baby you pulled me off the bed.”
“Yes, yes I did” he kisses me. “You still love me.”
“Come on, it’s 2. Let’s unpack everything then order out for Chinese.”
“Good plan babe. Oh and nice ass” He comments as I stand up. “Can you help me up?”
I grab his hands and pull him up, “Kiss me.”
He smiles and kisses me, “You never have to ask.”
I wrap my hand around his and we walk out into our living room to see out stuff all over the place, “I’m guessing it was mainly Jordon who brought our stuff in…”
Jorel grabs a piece of paper and reads it, “To Whipped Boy and Screamer Bitch, I brought all your stuff in and then stole your child, we will be at Charlotte’s . Love one of you, Jordon.”
“Aw Jordon loves you!” I say jokingly as I grab the first suitcase and unzip it. “I found my laptop!”
Jorel grabs it and puts it on the table, then grabs my hands before I could go to the next suitcase. Suddenly, he had my hands clasped behind his neck and his hands were on my lower back and we were dancing around the living room.
“Just got the sudden urge to dance with me?” I ask him as we slowly dance in circles.
“Yes” I bury my head into his shoulder and enjoy the moment with him.
“Okay you can finish unpacking now” He says as he lets go of me.
I don’t let go, “Most of it is laundry. I’ll just dump in all into the washers tomorrow. After you leave…”
Jorel squeezes me into him, “Don’t think about that now. Let’s get the living room picked up a little, order food, then finish planning our wedding.”
I kiss his neck, “Is that all we will be doing tonight?”
I smile into his neck and kiss it again, this time not letting go. I hear a moan escape his lips as I let go and smile as I look at my work.
“Did you just give me a hickey?”
“Yes yes I did.”
“You know what this means right…”
“I have to give you one…”
I smile, “Tonight.”
He frowns a little, since his bottom lip is bigger than his top it was the most adorable puppy dog look ever, “But baby…”
I close my eyes, “Puppy dog look can’t work if my eyes are closed.”
“But this can” he whispers then bites lightly on my neck.
“We got work to do” he pulls away and looks at me. “Save it for tonight. I promise I’ll be all yours.”
“Nope, I’m a truther” I smile sweetly.
“Hey that’s my line” he says as he pretends to be upset.
“I stole it, just like I stole you.”
He brings his face close to mine, his lips hovering close to mine, “Just like you stole my heart.”
I look up into his eyes, “I didn’t steal it, you gave it to me.”
“Did I steal yours or did you give it to me?”
“You definitely stole it” I smile and kiss him. “But I would happily have given it to you.”
He rests his forehead against mine, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
I watch as he smiles at my words, “Let’s clean up the living room.”
We let go of each other to grab the suitcases and stack them neatly close to the door. I move one of them then sit on the couch and open my laptop. After Jorel finishes with the other 3 he sits down next to me.
“What do we have left?” He asks as he grabs the folder we have designated just for the wedding.
“Well since we are kind of late on everything we will probably have to pay a lot to get the tuxes and dresses fitted perfectly” I press my face into my palm. “I wish I could’ve done this perfectly.”
Jorel pulls my face towards him, “Baby it will be perfect, wanna know why? Because we are getting married.”
“But everything is going to have to be rushed.”
“We were rushed Willow. But I don’t regret a single minute of it.”
I smile and kiss him, “I will manage to make this wedding perfect. Even if I have to start right after you leave tomorrow.”
“Let’s order Chinese and finish planning our wedding” he stands up and grabs the menu out of the kitchen. Without asking me what I want I hear him order.
I look through our wedding folder. We had already reserved our location for the wedding and the reception. The invitations went out last week. We needed to pick out our rings, get measurements for the bridesmaid’s dresses and the groomsmen tuxes, and get my wedding dress. Everything else was covered thanks to my amazing grandmother.
“We will have to get your tux either in LA or RIGHT when we get back” I shout to Jorel.
“Don’t forget you need to get your dress before you come out. Or else.”
“Or else?!”
He walks over to me and pins me to the couch, “Yes or else.”
He smiles and kisses me, “You’re lucky I love you.”

The rest of the night was spent going over things, double checking prices, and trying not to get Chinese food in my laptop. We had made everything fit together, we picked out the music, but we decided we were going to put it on shuffle so we wouldn’t know what our song was going to be.
Jorel decided when I started falling asleep that it was time to go to bed so he carried me in the room and laid me down on the bed. He didn’t care that I had broken my promise and was going to sleep instead of having sex, he just pulled me into him and sang me to sleep.

I wake up to complete silence in my house, the sun was barely peaking through my curtains. I roll over to find the other side of the bed empty, besides a piece of paper.
‘Morning Beautiful,
Sorry that you are waking up to a piece of paper instead of me. But I hate saying goodbye to you, I really do. I never want to. I mean I know that I will see you in a few days but still I don’t want to. Don’t forget to go get your wedding dress that you will make beautiful on December 31st. oh and I love you with alllllll my heart. I really do.
Love you more than anything,
I finish the letter and try not to cry, he was gone. I wasn’t going to see him for about a week. But I had work to do. I jump out of bed and walk out into the living room. I grab one of the suitcases and walk out the door to the laundry room. As I open the door I see Jordon sitting on one of the washers.
“Morning” he says with a smile.
“Hi… why are you here?”
“Well that’s a nice greeting. Since I crashed at Charlotte’s last night because I was watching your kid, I decided to wake up before him and get my laundry done.”
“Oh. Thank you for watching Blake last night” I say as I start to put my laundry in the washer next to where he was sitting.
“I never got my lapdance.”
“And you aren’t going to get it” I tell him as I pour the laundry soap in.
“Come on.”
“No. Actually I need you to come with me somewhere. I need you to get measured for your tux for the wedding.”
“But I don’t want to help with your wedding. It’s me you should be marrying.”
I slam the washed shut and look up at him, “You ruined your chance.”
I jump on onto the dryer opposite him. He looks at me with a sad expression, “I know. And I am sorry. I truly am.”
Suddenly Jordon is in front of me kissing me. He pulls away and takes his chance to pull me down off the dryer. Next thing I know I am up against the wall with my hands pinned above me head as he starts to kiss my neck.
“Jordon” I moan out. I hated that he knew how to get me to want him.
“You know I always take a moan as a full invitation.”
“Maybe it is” I whisper, I feel him stop for a second before continuing and lifting me off the floor so I could wrap my legs around him. I didn’t know what I had gotten myself into and I wasn’t sure what I was going to think afterwards…
♠ ♠ ♠
For Kasey and Ally<3