‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly


Chapter 15
It has been two weeks since Jorel left, two weeks since I had sex with Jordon. Finally I was boarding a plan to go and see my baby again.
Johnny grabs my hand as we walk on to the plane, “Ready for this buttercup?”
“I can’t believe I have to fly with just you.”
“You have Blakey too” he says smiling down at the car seat in my hand.
I smile down at my son, “Yes I do.”
He was getting so big that it scared me, he was 5 months old. I was scared to see him grow up I wanted him to stay my little baby forever. As I strap him into the seat he smiles up at me and giggles. I lean down and kiss his forehead, “Mommy’s boy.”
I sit down in my seat and look at Johnny, who smiles at me, “Ready to meet my parents and Jorel’s parents?”
“Not really…”
He smile widens, “Don’t worry my parents already love you. And I bet Jorel’s will too.”
“Why do your parents already love me?”
“Because of George. You were his world, and they were happy he was finally in love with a girl that wasn’t selling herself for 5 bucks on the streets of LA.”
“But I tortured him. I was never his.”
“But you regret that now. And that matters to my parents. You didn’t need to be his you were everything to him. You kept him from doing stupid shit. He didn’t touch vodka after you asked him not to. He would reach for a bottle then remember his promise to you and he didn’t want you mad at him. You could ask him to do anything and he would do it, which is why he always wanted to be sober. In case you needed him.”
“I never understood why it was me” I tell him as I play with Blake.
“The same reason why Jorel wants you.”
“Jorel doesn’t want me, he has me” I watch as Blake falls asleep then look at Johnny.
“Can I see that picture of you in your dress?”
“Sure” I pull out my phone and bring up the picture Charlotte took of me in my wedding dress. The dress was strapless, sweetheart neckline. It was fitted on my torso then flowed out into layers of white fabric around my feet.
“You look fucking beautiful” Johnny says. “I love how you managed to find the one that had blue crystal beads around the top of the sweetheart.”
“You’re just saying that because you are the one that found it” I say as I put away my phone. I look over at Johnny to see him smiling widely.
When I went to get my dress almost everybody came with me. Charlotte, Johnny, Danny, Mathew, and Jordon came with me along with my grandmother since she was the one buying the dress. My mom and sister met us at the store in New York. Charlotte and my mom were the only ones to pick out dresses for me to try on with help of the staff, but Johnny randomly decided to help and found the perfect dress. It fit me perfectly and it was one they were about to put on sale so we got to take it home that day.
“It fit you so perfectly, George would love it” Johnny says as the plane starts to move. “Don’t worry, I’m right here. And we are leaving to go see your loving fiancé.”
I lay my head on his shoulder, “I hate planes.”
“Yet you are been on like 4 since I met you.”
“Yup. Thanks to the guys I got involved with. Dragging me all over the country.”
“They just want to show you the world” Johnny whispers as the plane takes off into the air. I close my eyes against his shoulder.

A few hours later I open my eyes again, and the plane had landed at LAX, I look up to see Johnny standing up, “You always manage to sleep the whole plane ride.”
“It’s one of my magical abilities” I unbuckle Blake’s seat and push out into the aisle. I wanted to see my fiancé now. I get down the hall way and see a familiar camouflage hat covering dark brown hair. I hand Blake’s car seat and run up behind Jorel. He turns just as I reach him and catches me.
“Hi beautiful” he says as he kisses me.
“Hi babe” I rest my forehead against his. “I missed you.”
“I miss you too” he says, then I feel something tugging on his shirt.
“Uncle Jay, can we go see mommy now?” a little girl asks, looking up at Jorel with big brown eyes.
He bends down and picks her up, “Where’s your brother?”
“Still sitting over there.”
“Like I told you both to do?” Jorel asks.
The little girl buries her face into his shoulder, “Sorry Uncle Jay…”
“It’s okay sweetie, go get your brother and bring him over here” he puts her down and she goes running off. “That’s my niece, Lizzie, and her brother is Michael.”
“She is so cute.”
“Where is my son?” Jorel asks pulling me back into him.
“I gave him to Johnny when I saw you” I turn around expecting to see Johnny standing there but he was gone. “He must have gone to get our bags.”
Jorel kisses me quickly as Lizzie and Michael walk up to us, “Guys, this is Auntie Willow.”
I look down at the kids, Lizzie looked me up and down, “Uncle Jay when did you get married?”
“I am marrying her in a few months. You know that silly” he picks her up and puts her on his hip.
Michael comes over to me and puts his arms up, I lean down and pick him up and Johnny comes over with our bags, “Willow you are lucky.”
I smile at him, “Thank you Johnny.”
We all walk over of the airport to Jorel’s Lincoln, I put Michael down and open the back door for him, “You must be happy to have your car back, Jorel.”
Suddenly he was behind me, “Not as happy I am to see you.”
I buckle Michael in then put in Blake’s car seat. I shut the door then open the passenger side and slide into the middle. Jorel climbs in behind the wheel and grabs my hand. I rest my head against his shoulder, “So where are we going?”
“To see mommy” Lizzie answers from the back.
“And where is mommy?” I ask her, but Jorel answers.
“At my parents.”
“Oh so she is out of the hospital?”
“Yeah she got out last week but is staying at my parent’s until she is 100 percent” he answers as he pulls off the main road. “It’s just a little down this road.”
I listen to Lizzie play with Blake in the back seat, “How old are they?”
“Lizzie is 4, Michael is 2” he tells me as he pulls into the driveway of a house. “Ready for this babe?”
“I guess so” I slide out of the car after him. “Think they’ll like me?”
“I know they’ll love you” he kisses me lightly then walks around the car to grab Blake out of the car seat. I smile as I watch his face light up when he gets Blake into his arms. “I missed you buddy.”
Jorel grabs my hand on his way to the door. Since Lizzie and Michael had made their way in before us the door was already open. We walk right in with Johnny behind us, “Jorel is that you?” I hear a woman call.
“Yeah ma” he calls to her. “Come on she’s in the kitchen.”
I walk with him to the back of the house where the kitchen was. His mom was wearing an apron and making dinner, “You’re just in time. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”
Suddenly Blake starts giggling and Jorel’s mom turns around to look at us. Jorel smiles, “Mom this is my fiancé Willow and my son Blake.”
She wipes her hands on her apron and walks over, “Hi I’m Lydia.”
I shake her hand, “I’m assuming you know who I am…”
She smiles, “I sure hope so since you are marrying my son.”
The room is soon filled with an awkward silence. Jorel breaks it, “Let’s go find Jenna.”
I grab his hand again and walk down the hallway with him, “Your sister?”
“Yup” we walked into the living room and see a girl that looked exactly like Jorel sitting on the couch with Lizzie and Michael on either side of her. “Jenna, this is Willow.”
She stands up and walk over to me, I stretch out my hand to her, “Nope I am going to hug you.”
I smile as she wraps her arms around me, “Well at least one member of the family likes me.”
She pulls away and smiles at me, “Oh don’t worry about mom. She tries to scare off all of Jay’s girlfriends. Doesn’t want to lose her baby boy.” She jokingly pinches his cheeks, “My baby brother is growing up.”
“I ain’t no baby no more” Jorel says and sticks his tongue out at her.
“When you can speak proper English, come and speak to me” she says seriously then walks over and sits back down on the couch. “Oh and way to introduce your kid. I would play with him but I need to get off my feet.”
“He’ll be here for a few weeks so it’s okay” Jorel says then turns to leave the room. “Dad out in garage?”
“Isn’t he always?” Jenna asks sarcastically.
Jorel pulls me out of the room, “Wanna go meet dad or sit down?”
“Meet Dad” I answer and smile at him. “Let’s go.”

He smiles back down at me, “I love you.”
“I love you more” I say then tug his hand. “Let’s go see your dad.”
He leads me out the front door to the garage door we parked in front of earlier, “Dad?”
“What, Jay?”
“Willow and Blake are here.”
I hear clanking from the garage and after a few seconds, a man resembling Jorel appears. “You must be Willow, hello I am John.”
I smile, “Hello.”
“You’re more beautiful in real life than the pictures Jorel sent us” he says as he hugs me. He lets go and sees Blake, “And this little man must be Blake.”
Jorel smiles and hands him over to his dad. I didn’t care that he was getting oil all over Blake’s clothes, it made me smile that somebody was happy about Blake. Jorel takes out his phone and snaps a picture of Blake and Grandpa.
Blake looks over at Jorel and reaches for him. Jorel moves closer, “Hey mister, this is your grandpa.”
I smile as John’s face lights up, “I’m guessing everybody knows the story…”
John smiles at me, “But we don’t hold it against you. George was like a second son to us.”
“I’m glad you think that…”
“Are you worrying about my wife?” I nod. “Don’t. Lydia just doesn’t like girls trying to take away her little boy.”
“DINNER!” Lydia calls out the front door. John and Jorel walk towards to door but I stay back. Jorel turns to grab my hand but realizes I wasn’t there, he motions for John and Blake to keep going then walks back towards me.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asks as he pushes my hair out of my face.
“I don’t think your mom likes me.”
“Did you hear what my sister and dad said?”
“Yeah but…”
“No buts. Come eat dinner with me. Then we can go to bed early because I know you are tired.”
I look up at him and smile, “I love you.”
He kisses me softly, “I love you more.”
We walk inside and into the kitchen to see everybody gathered around the table, Blake was sitting on John’s lap. Two chairs near his mom were emptied. I take the one closest to Jenna and furthest from Lydia. Jorel sits down next to me. As I fill my plate Lydia starts talking to me.
“So Jorel told us you were picking out your wedding dress before you came?” she asks as I scoop mash potatoes onto my plate.
“Oh yes. I actually found the perfect one. It is hanging up in our closet right now.”
“I would ask what it looks like but I know you don’t want to ruin the surprise for Jorel” Jenna says from next to me.
“Actually I have a picture of it to show you two” I say as I pull out my phone and pull up the picture. I hand my phone to her and watch as she looks at the dress.
“Damn that is beautiful” She says before handing the phone to her mom.
Lydia examines the picture and finally says, “Very nice.”
Jorel nudges me with his shoulder, “Can I pretty please see?”
“Nope” I say as I grab my phone from his mom. “It’s a surprise.”
The rest of dinner passed in silence besides John playing with Blake. I learned little things about Jorel that he would’ve never admitted. Jenna told me stories of when she was starting her first day of her senior year and Jorel was starting his freshmen year, she denied he was her brother all year. Finally, everybody’s plates were cleared and Blake was asleep on my arm.
“Time for bed” Jorel says smiling at me.
“Goodnight” I say to everybody before following Jorel up the stairs to his room. He pushes open the door, “Was this your room when you were younger?”
“Yeah” he says laying down on the twin size bed. “Don’t mind the posters.”
I look around the room and see pictures of girls on motorcycles, “Real nice babe.”
“Hey! I set up Michael’s old crib for Blake though” he tells me, pointing to a crib in the corner of the room.
I walk over and lay Blake down in it, “What a good Daddy.” Suddenly I felt sick, “Jorel where is the bathroom?”
He jumps off the bed, grabs my hand and drags me down the hall. As soon as I sink to the floor next to the toilet he shuts the door. While I rest my head against the wall he holds back my hair, every no and then I would lean forward and throw up.
“Babe, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…”
He shoots me a look, “Are you…?”
I feel my eyes widen as tears start to fall, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Jorel pulls me into his lap, “Baby why are you sorry?”
My eyes drift to the ceiling, “I slept with Jordon.”
“You what?”
“I had sex with Jordon.”
I feel him shake his head, “Willow, why?”
“I don’t know. He knew my weaknesses and used them against me. I was upset about you leaving, I wasn’t sure if you’d still want me after you revisited your old life and he was there…”
“So if you are pregnant, it is his?”
“What the fuck Willow?! Do you enjoy messing with my heart? Or what? Do you want me gone, is that what you want? Are you sure it’s even me you want?!”
Tears stream down my face, “I’m sorry Jorel. I’ll catch a flight home tomorrow and get my stuff out of the apartment.”
“You don’t want a girl like me. You deserve better.”
“No. Willow, shut up. Jordon used you. He knew I was gone, he knows how you get when I leave. He used you.”
I tilt my head back against the wall, “I am a whore.”
“Yes you are” he says seriously. “But you are my whore.”
I fall asleep against the wall in Jorel’s arm with the words ‘I’m sorry’ on my lips.

I wake up squished next to Jorel in his twin bed. The sun fell perfectly onto our heads, why was I awake? Then I know why, as Blake starts to cry. I slide out of the bed and pick him out of the crib, “What’s wrong mister?”
From downstairs I could hear music playing, so I start to dance with Blake around Jorel’s old room before getting him a bottle. I close my eyes and hold my baby close to me, the one boy who would always love me.
“I like walking up to a cute scene like this” Jorel says, causing me to jump.
“Good morning Jorel” I say as I grab Blake’s bottle out of the bag.
“Jorel? Since when do you call me that?” he asks as he climbs out of bed and grabs the bottle from me.
“Until I am positive about a few things.”
“I’m going to go heat this up. Then when I get back we are going to set a few things straight.”
I sit down on the bed with Blake as Jorel walks out the door. Blake stares up at me, “What mister?”
Suddenly the smell hits me, I jump off the bed and grab the diaper bag. Quickly I change him before Jorel gets back. I wrap the diaper in a plastic bag and put in the floor as Jorel walks through the door.
“Why is my baby naked?” he asks. “Well only wearing a diaper?”
“Because mommy just had to change his diaper and hadn’t gotten he chance to put his clothes back on” I lay Blake on the bed as Jorel puts the bottle in his mouth.
Jorel sits on the bed behind me, “Okay so we are going to the doctor’s today.”
“To find out if I am pregnant?”
“Yes. And see how far along you are.”
I lean back into him, I love how perfectly my body fits into his, “I am sorry.”
“I know you are” he takes a deep breath. “The appointment is in an hour.”
“How did you manage to get one that quick?”
“My mom is a nurse so she has connections.”
I close my eyes, “I bet she thinks I am a whore now.”
“Open those baby blues of yours, she thinks it is mine.”
I open my eyes, “I hope it is.”
He wraps his arms around me and places his hands on my stomach, “Me too.”
We sit for a few minutes in silence until Blake finishes his bottle. I put him over my shoulder and burp him lightly, “Burp baby.”
After a few seconds he finally burps over my shoulder while staring at Jorel. I lay him back down and settle back against Jorel. I close my eyes for what felt like a few seconds but soon enough I feel Jorel shoving me, “Babe it’s time to go to your appointment.”
I lean forwards so he could get up, he climbs off the bed and grabs Blake as I try and wake up. Before I know it he is walking back into the room without Blake, “Where is Blake?”
“Dad is going to watch him while we go to the doctor’s” He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed and into him.
“I love your dad” I tell him as I snuggle into his chest.
“Because that’s where I get my sexy Italian looks from?”
“Oh definitely.”
He smiles down at me and wraps his fingers around mine, “Come on.”
We walk down the stairs and out the door without saying anybody to anything. I was perfectly fine with that because I don’t think I could face anybody. I walk around to the passenger side of the Lincoln as Jorel starts it.
The whole ride to the doctor’s I couldn’t say a word, I was afraid I would break down crying. Silently we walk into the waiting room. I quickly fill out paper work and before I know it the nurse is calling my name.
I stand up as Jorel starts to get up too, “No Jorel. I want to do this on my own.”
I see hurt in his eyes, I bend down and kiss him then walk into the doctor’s office with the nurse.
“Just lay back on the bed and the doctor will be in soon” the nurse instructs then leaves.
I do as she said and take a few deep breathes before the door opens again. “Hello Willow. I am Dr. Noble.”
I look up to see an older gentleman walking in the door. I sit up and shake his hand, “Hello.”
“How are we doing today?”
“Uh we are pretty concerned at the moment…”
“And why is that?”
“Because we are curious as to if I am pregnant and if I am how far along I am.”
“Well we are figure that out in a matter of minutes” he walks to the corner of the room and pulls a machine towards me. I was a little too familiar with the machine thanks to Blake. “Just lay back and relax.”
I do as he says and close my eyes. Soon enough I was completely at ease, but wishing Jorel was in the room with me, “This will be your second child, correct?”
I open my eyes, “So I am pregnant?!”
“Yes you are” Dr. Noble examines the screen. “And you are about 3 weeks pregnant.”
“THANK YOU!” I scream. Dr. Noble just looks at me and quickly shuts down the machines.
“I would give you a bunch of paperwork but it is your second child so I won’t bother. You are free to go” he says then opens the doors.
I jump off the doctor bed and dash out the door. I push open the door to the waiting room. Jorel sees me and stands up. I run over to him and jump onto his torso.
“Well?” he asks as he presses his forehead against mine.
“We are having another baby.”
“Is it mine?” he asks, I could see concern in his voice.
I kiss him, “Yes it is.”