‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

The Loss

Chapter 17
I wake up in my own bed. Finally, we are back at our own apartment in Boston. The trip to LA had been fun but I was glad to be back in my own place. I roll over and look at a sleeping Jorel, I kiss him on the cheek then climb out of the bed.
I walk out into the kitchen and find Danny sitting on the counter, “Danny?”
He turns and looks at me, “Hey sunshine.”
Danny jumps down and hugs me, “What are you doing here?”
“Waiting for you to wake up” he smiles.
“Don’t you have work?”
He looks at the clock, “I have 15 minutes until I have to go.”
I look at the clock, “I didn’t know it was this early.”
Danny squeezes me, “Don’t forget that you need to tell everybody today.”
“I know, I don’t want to” I lay my head on his shoulder. “You’re the only one that knows.”
I hear Blake’s door open and Jordon walks down the hall, “Morning sunshine.”
I blink at him, “What are you doing here?”
“Just checking on Blake. We were waiting for you to wake up and he started crying” Jordon wraps his arm around my shoulder.
“Are you staying here while Danny goes to work?”
“Yeah probably” Jordon walks over the couch and lays down.
Danny coughs, “I’m going to head to work now.”
The door closes behind Danny and I walk over to the couch and sit on Jordon’s ass, “Why were you really here?”
“Because I wanted to see the kid that may be my son” He turns his head and looks at the TV.
“Might be.”
Jordon turns over which causes me to fall off the couch, “Get back on the couch.”
I climb back on and purposely hit my knee near his dick as I lay down on top of him, “How did that feel?”
“Much better when you do it with your hands” he winks at me. I lay my head on his shoulder, “Am I comfy?”
He wraps his arms around me, “Then don’t ever move.”
“Jordon, you got your chance, sorry but you lost it.”
He kisses the top of my head, “Do you still love me?”
“I don’t want to answer that.”
I feel his hand drop from my waist, “Why not?”
“Because I don’t know what the honest answer is. I don’t know if I say what I think the truth is, if it would be a lie or not.”
“I know one way we can find out” he lifts my chin towards him and kisses me. I loved his kisses, always have always will. I feel my body react to his kiss as I grip his shirt and tighten my knees on his hips. Jordon stops kissing me and smiles, “Feel anything?”
I loosen my grip on his shirt and release his hips, “No.”
“Liar…” He puts his hand on my ass. “Nice bum where you from?”
“Nantucket wanna fuck it?”
“Is that an offer?”
I think for a second, “No. I can’t.”
“Why not?”
I bury my face into his neck, “I’m pregnant.”
He wraps his arms around me, “Mine?”
“No. Jorel’s.”
“Are you positive?”
“I am too far along for it to be yours.”
I feel his shoulders slump underneath me, “Willow I am sorry I fucked things up. I am in love with you. You are everything I have ever wanted. You gave me so many chances and I ruined every single one of them. Your mom told me if I ever hit you it would only happen once, but it didn’t it happened many times. I left you with bruises because I wanted you to suck my dick, like all my other girlfriends spent so much time doing. You loved me, not my fame.”
I look up at him and watch as tears rolls down his face, I lean up and kiss them away, “Love not loved.”
He looks up at me, “What?”
“As much as I hate it I still love you. My heart skips a beat when you walk through the door. I love kissing you. I wish I could fuck you again, I wish it worked out between us but it didn’t. Doesn’t mean I stopped loving you.”
He kisses the tip of my nose, “I will forever love you. I don’t know how I am going to make it through you wedding. Will you dance with me?”
“Of course Jordon.”
I hear my bedroom door open and then the bathroom door shuts. After a few seconds I hear Jorel call my name, I jump off of Jordon and run down the hall to see Jorel puking into the toilet. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and rub his back. “What happened, baby?”
“I don’t know. My whole body hurts. I swear it’s not a hangover or anything. My head is pounding, my nose is stuffed, my stomach is shit, and now I am puking.”
“Sounds like the flu to me” I stand up and grab a face cloth from the sink and run some cool water over it before pressing it to Jorel’s forehead. “Get back in bed. I am going to call your work and tell them you won’t be in.”
“But babe…”
“No buts. Get back in bed.”
“Fine” he stands up cautiously and slowly walks to the bedroom. I wipe and flush the toilet then rewash the face cloth before walking into our room. Jorel was already half asleep on the bed as I lay the face cloth on his head. “Babe?”
“Yes?” I ask as I sit on the edge of the bed and hold his hand.
“I love you.”
“I love you more” I kiss his hand. “I would kiss you but I don’t want to get the flu. I’m going to send Jordon to the store to get you some medicine.”
“Okay…” he opens his eyes and looks at me. “Can you make me some soup?”
I smile at him, “Of course I can.”
I walk out into the living room, “Jordon can you go to the store and get some flu medicine for Jorel?”
He frowns at me from the couch, “Why?”
“Because he is sick” I watch as he stands up and grabs his wallet off the counter. “Thank you Jordon.”
I blow him a kiss as he walks out the door. Behind the door I hear Jordon cussing as he walks away, I ignore it and put a pot of water on the stove to boil. Down the hall I hear Blake start to cry, “Of course he’s going to cry as I make daddy soup, of course.”
I walk down the hall and into Blake’s room to grab him out of the crib. He squirms in my arms and looks up at me. I push open the door to my bedroom and look in at Jorel, “Baby?”
He looks over at me, “Yeah?”
“Just checking on you” I smile at him. “I am making your soup right now.”
Blake reaches for Jorel and starts to cry when I won’t bring him over to him. Jorel smiles at him, “Morning baby boy.”
Blake starts to freak out in my arms, “Sorry Blake but you can’t see Daddy. He is sick.”
Both boys frown at me as I walk out to the living room. I put Blake down in the play pen and hand him some toys. On the stove the pot starts to boil so I pour in the soup. A few minutes later I pour the soup into a bowl and walk down the hall, “Baby I got your soup.”
“Thank you princess” he smiles at me as I put the bowl on the nightstand.
“You’re welcome” I stand up and turn on the TV. “What do you want to watch?”
“Uh I don’t care. Surprise me” he starts to spoon the soup into his mouth as I put Breakfast Club. “Seriously, babe?”
“Yeah” I blow him a kiss as Blake starts to freak out in his play pen. “Blake James Decker!”
He stops crying and looks up at me as I walk down the hallway. I pick him up and start dancing with him around the living room. Suddenly, the front door opens and Jordon walks in with a white CVS bag in his hand. He smiles at Blake and I, “Having a fun?”
“Yes we are. That medicine for Jorel?”
“Yeah hold on, I have something in the bag too” he reaches in and grabs a box of condoms.
I shake my head, “Think you can stop having sex long enough to hold Blake?”
“Of course” he reaches for Blake and pulls him towards him. “Come here buddy.”
I walk into the kitchen and get a bottle of water from inside the fridge. Before I go down the hallway towards Jorel I look at Jordon and Blake playing on the couch, Blake was giggling nonstop and Jordon was loving every second of it. I walk down the hall and push open the door, “Jorel?”
“Babe you don’t need to check on me every 5 seconds” he smiles at me.
“Jordon just got back with your meds” I sit on the edge of the bed and hand him the water bottle. “And I will check on you as much as I want.”
“Yes baby” he takes the pills from me and throws them into his mouth, chasing them with water. “Thank you Nurse.”
“You’re welcome” I stand up and grab the laundry basket from the floor. “You’re definitely the cutest patient I’ve had.”
Jorel smiles and blows me a kiss as I walk back out the door. When I get back to the living room I hear the Rugrats theme song playing, “Jordon don’t you dare get him hooked on TV.”
“I’ll do what I want” he sticks his tongue out at me. “Don’t forget you have a doctor’s appointment today.”
I put the laundry basket down and look at him, “I do?”
“Yeah at 8:30 to see who is Blake’s father.”
I nod my head, “So you’re obviously coming with me…”
“Yeah” he checks his phone. “We should probably leave soon…”
“Do you know how to get there?”
He nods, “Since I made the appointment, I think I do.”
“Let me get dressed and tell Jorel. Can you get Blake dressed or do you want me to?”
Jordon looks at Blake wide eyed, “Uh…You can do it.”
I shake my head and walk back to my room. I open the door and see Jorel half asleep on the bed, “Sexy?” When he doesn’t answer I walk into the closet and grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I walk back out into the room and change. As I pull my shirt over my head I hear Jorel cough behind me.
I turn around and look at him. He smiles innocently, “I didn’t know I’d be getting a show while I was sick.”
I blow him a kiss, “I didn’t know me getting dressed was a show.”
“Always has been. Especially when you put on your pants” he mimics my pants dance in the bed. I give him the middle finger and he pouts at me, “We can’t you’re pregnant.”
I put my clean shirt on and look at him, “Would you rather me not be having your kid?”
“NO!” he yells instantly then smiles. “Nice shirt.”
I look down at myself and realize I had grabbed his Rep Your Hood shirt, “Do you mind?”
“Do I ever?”
“Nope” I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. “I have to go to the doctor’s and get this whole Blake’s father thing settled.”
I turn around quickly to put my pants on. I feel tears rolling down my face, I was scared that Blake was Jordon’s and not George’s. Blake was my connection to George, I mean I knew I had something special with him while he was alive but Blake kept that alive.
“Baby?” I hear Jorel whisper behind me.
“Yeah?” I answer without turning to look at him.
“Don’t worry. He looks just like George. I doubt it is Jordon’s.”
I nod my head, “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
I smile to myself, “Impossible.”
“We will settle this later” I could hear the smile in his voice as I walked out of the bedroom.
As I walk into the living room I notice that Blake is dressed. “You got him dressed?”
“Yeah…” Jordon says quietly. “I figured I should do something.”
“Thank you” I grab the diaper bag off of the floor near the door. “You ready?”
Jordon stands up and grabs Blake then my phone off the table, “Don’t want to forget this with sick boy in there.”
I take the phone from him, “Thanks.”
We walk out into the hall and he pulls the door shut behind us, “What’s wrong?”
“Just worried” I tell him then walk down the stairs not caring if he follows.
“Why don’t you ever use the elevator?”
“Because I don’t trust it.”
“You still use me and you don’t trust me.”
I pause with one hand on the main door, “How exactly do I use you?”
Jordon pushes past me with Blake in his arms, “Let’s get this over with.”
Silently he puts Blake into his car seat as I climb in next to him. As Jordon pulls out of the parking lot our eyes meet in the rearview mirror, I look away first.
After what seemed like forever we pull into the parking lot. I climb out of the car and walk around to get Blake out but Jordon had already grabbed him. When we get inside I check in at the front desk while Jordon sits with Blake.
The nurse looks up, “Willow Terrell?”
“Resisting the urge to glare at Jordon, I answer, “It’s Willow Decker.”
Quickly she changes my name in the computer, “Okay the doctor will be right out.”
I walk over and sit next to Jordon, “You told them my name was Terrell?”
“No, they assumed and I didn’t feel like correcting them” he tells me while playing with Blake.
I glare ahead at the door until it suddenly opens and a young woman with dark brown hair steps out, “Willow Decker?”
I stand up and take Blake from Jordon, “Right here.”
She walks over and shakes my hand, “Hi I am Doctor Robinson. This handsome boy must be Blake?”
“Yes he is” I bounce Blake on my hip as Jordon introduces himself.
Finally, Dr. Robinson leads the way to room 3. “Sit right here and I’ll be back.”
Jordon and I both sit on the bench with Blake on my lap. After a few seconds Jordon breaks the silence, “What are we going to do if he is mine?”
“Hope he looks like me.”
“Hey! You used to call me sexy.”
“Yup, back when you kept getting me drunk.”
“Willow why are you so-“ The door opens and Dr. Robinson walks in holding some swabs in tubes.
“Now I’m just going to swab each of your mouths. It’ll be about two weeks before we get the results.”
I sit and watch as she swabs Jordon’s and Blake’s mouth. Then she turns to me, I feel the cotton tip against the inside of my cheek. She puts each swab into a tube before turning back to us, “I’ll call you to make an appointment for the results. But by the look of those blues I’d get used to thinking of Blake as both of yours.”
She smiles sweetly at us until we walk out the door. Jordon takes Blake from me, “Do you mind being my kid?”
Blake buries his head into Jordon’s shoulder and is asleep before we reach the car. Carefully Jordon puts him in the car seat while I get in the passenger side. After buckling him in Jordon climbs in behind the driver’s wheel.
“Are you okay?” He asks while starting the engine.
“Yup, fine.”
“What’s your point?” I glare at him. “My one connection to George could really be a connection to you.”
“What’s wrong with a connection to me?”
“You’re alive! I still have a connection with you. George died, Blake is my only remaining part of him.” Tears sting my eyes as we pull out onto the road.
“I’m sorry.”
“Because I’m making you question stuff…”
I look back at him, “Jordon, I’m me I always question stuff. I question why Jorel loves me and waiting for the day that we get into a fight…”
Jordon’s phone goes off in his pocket, I could tell by the ringtone that it was a text message. He reads it quickly then looks at me, “You may have spoken too soon…”